White Buffalo seed collective

Hey everyone. Hoping to get some info regarding white Buffalo seed collective. I’m new to the forum and sick and tired of being held back by the genetics I’ve been able to find in canadas legal market. I have heard great things but being the weed nerd I am I’m just looking for more info on the breeder. Looking at a pack of their mountain pilgrim so any info on the lineage is very helpful. Thanks in advance.


Welcome to OG fellow Canadian. I have never heard of them. The info I found on that strain won’t be much help but here it is.
Mountain Pilgrim

(Annapurna Nepalese x Iraqi pilgrim f2)

Flowering Time:

8-11 weeks flower indoor

mid-late Oct outdoors in a drier environment or greenhouse.


White Buffalo interview


From the White Buffalo site


Mountain Pilgrim

(Annapurna Nepalese x Iraqi pilgrim f2)

Annapurna Nepalese meets our Iraqi Pilgrim f2 select males. The Annapurna Nepalese was originally collected by Bodhi and selected by breeder Lee. Fruity, musky, hashy and earthy flavours with a hybrid high. An easy grower, good vigor and lots of buds on branchy plants. An improved flowering time over the Annapurna Nepalese with some unique profiles.

They say long journeys bring great rewards – We think you’ll agree! From the valleys of Iraq to the mountains of Nepal

c-ray holds it down, great selections. I grew the Jamaican Puna last year. Wild stuff, potent high.


Doug thank for the reply and the welcome! Matt from Riot seeds was talking the company up in some of his recent videos but is hard to find much on the company. What I have found sounds very encouraging. Looks like he is currently doing some work with an f2 or an Indian landrace. Can’t believe it’s taken me this long to stumble across OG. Happy to find a place for some real info


Thanks for the info oldtimer. Sounds like a great place to start my hunt.


You’re most welcome :slightly_smiling_face:

And welcome to the site! :grinning:

I thought the same thing when I joined last year :joy: but you’re here now and that’s what matters :+1:

I look forward to seeing your grows @MonasticDank :grin:



Week 7, twisted grapes F2 from Apollo Green.

Plus a bunch of wasted space from Greenhouse seed co. (Supposed to be Jack herer but the 4 one is I have are so wildly different it’s gotta be bulk seed packaged as Jack. Lesson learned.


I like the design on that blunt, got me craving some chocolate wafer sticks :drooling_face: good thing I hid some from my wife and kids :shushing_face: they devour them so fast :rofl:


Cheers. Love me some wafers


I’m here to stay for sure. I’m the only serious grower in my circles so it’s great to find a place to get feedback and constructive criticism. Every run is a chance to learn and improve. Nice to find the community


You definitely stumbled into the right place. I learn something new from the OG community every day. You will also find all sorts of well documented awesome genetics all over the place here. Here are a couple of threads for you to check out.


I’ll check them out for sure. Thanks!


White buffalo do alot of work with their selected seedsman haze and other long flowering sativas you may not normaly be able to find, aswell as other things. White buffalo have been around a few years now and for a Canadian based company for Canadians its probably one of the smaller but better seed makers out in Canada.
There are a couple of guys on here though who are just as good if not better. Og is a good place to guide you on your path.


Thanks nightmare good to meet you and thanks for the reply. Looking forward to swapping stories and genetics. Sounds like this place is the spot.

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Welcome to OG @MonasticDank

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Thanks a lot tejas!

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They also have IG accounts.

C-Ray is a great guy, as is his partner, Scabby.

I ran Jamaican Pineapple Skunk x Willie Nelson, Sasquatch x Malawi, and Angola Red x O. haze #4

JPS was a cut of pineapple skunk that won Jamaican high times cannabis cup. Very uncirculated cut.
I bred it with High Voltage and that was epic.

A.R. x O.Haze was one of the most sativa plants i ever grew. Lost those seeds and progeny, unfortunately.

Very highly recommend company


Fantastic thanks
For the review. I’ve some of their mountain pilgrim on order. Very much looking forward to trying out their gear.