Comacus Projects

Time for a quick update on the plants.

Here is the final remaining Candy Mayhem. We’ll see if she can finish without any intersex issues. I really like her look and structure so I hope so.

Here is one of the Tahoe Purple Kush.

The IBG S1 was the last to start flowering so not as far along as the others.

Finally the Thunderbud is a little shorty! It has super long pistils. I really liked the last time I grew the Thunderbud.


I am using Jack’s 3-2-1 again this run. Just switching to their Finish to reduce the Nitrogen. It’s the first time using the Finish.

Master Thai’s Tahoe Purple Kush is coming along great. Have two this run, and they are among my favorites. I’ve always gotten nice things from all his strains. Yes, he can be a bit quirky but nice work.

Thunderbud is a great strain by Holy Smoke. Looking forward to this one.

I’m starting to smell some Bubblegum in Mosca’s IBG S1. It may just be in my head but will know more when this one gets chopped and cured.


I started with Jacks Finish a week ago, and starting to get some fade. It is the first time I’ve used the Finish, and I think it is working nice. Last time I ran Jack’s 3-2-1 start to finish, I started to get some bud regrowth, and they stayed super green.

After another week I will finish with pure water for two weeks.

Tahoe Purple Kush:


Time to harvest! Decided it was time yesterday. Here are a few final shots from the Candy Mayhem run.


Candy Mayhem

Tahoe Purple Kush #1

Tahoe Purple Kush #2



pretty Ladies…mouthwatering buds!!


Hey C, what’s the difference between a dedicated Finish product and just reducing the ammount of CalNit in the regular 3-2-1 ratio?

Awesome looking plants!


I have not worked out the full comparison but I did also try to reduce the cal nit last run. I think it gets it close but maybe reduces the Cal too much. Figured for the price, I would just try the Finish this time, and I liked it.


I understand, need Cal till the very end.

It’s nice to have options like that for sure if you’re not into mixing your own salts (I’m not :slight_smile:). Wish Jack’s was available in Europe, not that Masterblend is bad, but Jacks really kicked it up a notch with canna products lately.


hey hey i missed out on this thread so far, hope i am not too late.
wow, it’s been a while since the connoiseur community-days :wink:
your projects look really beautiful, mate. hope you are well and


The Candy Mayhem makes some beautiful Purple Hash. Next to it is some Blonde made from some Tahoe Purple Kush.


Would anyone like to test any of the following? Please only for those that can and will start at least 5-6 right away. I’ve had a few folks offer to test, and not follow through.

Being open there is some risk with these. Two of Three Candy Mayhem females had bananas at 4-5 weeks so if someone is interested they will need to be watched closely. The testers will need to determine if it is worth the risk.

The keeper Candy Mayhem was very stable. We of course will not know what the male used brings, or the other two strains until they are tested.

Tahoe Purple Kush-Master Thai x Candy Mayhem
Thunder Bud x Candy Mayhem
Candy Mayhem F2

Tahoe Purple Kush

Candy Mayhem

Thunder Bud


Wow man, I’ve never seen hash like this! :drooling_face:


i was told, that purple hash is not possible, lol …
anyhoo, that’s some beautiful purple hash, coma.

my ghost/lemon larry also shows purple trichs.
i will try to make some hash with that ladxy too.
maybe it turns out same as beautiful as yours :slight_smile:


Send up a tube of that and let’s see how she squishes :grin::grin::grin:, looking great bro


Now that I finally grabbed one of the Puck HP BX3 I already started dreaming of what I want to work with it. Picking runs gets harder and harder the larger the collection grows! I could pick 100 things that I think would be nice.

Landraces, my own work, classic old strains, modern current strains makes it tough to select. I like some of Cricket and Cicada crossings like the NL and the Sensi Star but don’t want to follow the same path.

My first pass though the seed list, I came up with the following short list :slight_smile: My current ordering has the top ones listed as 1s. I am sure this list will change many times before I actually do the run!

Rating Puck BC3 (Hashplant)
1 Black Tiger
1 Blues Bx2 F2
1 Burmese
1 Morocan HP
1 NL1/NL5
1 Petrolia Headstash
1 Tuna Kush
1 Turkish Gummy
1 UFS18
2 Bubba Kush
2 Chem Special Reserve F3
2 Dago Hog
2 Deep Chunk
2 GG4 S1
2 Gooey
2 OG Kush
2 Sandstorm
2 Sensi Star
2 Sinai
3 Ace of Spades
3 Afghan 90
3 BluFu S1
3 Bubba S1
3 Cali O S1
3 Cherry Bomb Gooey
3 Cherry Hashplant
3 Cherry Queen
3 Frozen Tangerines
3 Green Crack S1
3 Jamacian Bush HP
3 Mandana
3 Monkey Balls x Blowfish
3 Pineapple Express S1
3 Rugburn
3 Sour D
4 Jamaican Blue
4 Malawi
4 Purple Satillite
4 Viet Black

These are what I have settled on for this run. Some I expected to germinate did not and others I did not expect to germinate did. So, I’ll need to wait to update what will ultimately be the finals for this one.

Strain Breeder
Puck BC3 Crickets & Cicada
ECSC S1 Dr Greenthumb
(NL2/NL5) F2 Cannarado
Petrolia Headstash Bodhi (Niereka)
Tuna Kush Reeferman
UKEM Connoisseur
Lime Kush S1 Jaws
W.C. F5 x TMBP 8th Ave. Genetics
Red Rum Cult Classics
Trainwreck F HSO Humboldt Seed Org.
Oaxacan IBL Fem Escobar
Love Sic #1 Master Thai
The OG 18 Reserva Privada

Did you get good germination on the Puck?

1 Like

Yes so far. I germinated (4) one was very small. 3 of 4 germinated. I started a 5th to make up for the one that did not germinate, and will know if a couple days on it but think it will.


Several of the seeds I included in this run were probably older seeds. I’ve had them in cold storage since I acquired them but several are in what I am calling the seedling intensive care.

I am seeing the typical weak root tip and no or deformed first leaf set. The Love Sic #1, Red Rum, Tuna Kush, Lime Kush S1, Oaxacan S1, and ECSD S1 are all being nurtured out of the seedling ICU.

The Oaxacan and ECSD I am not sure will make it but all of the others have outgrown their first set of deformed leaves and are starting to grow normally. I’m very excited that I was able to rescue some of these old, hard to get, and rare strains!

Here is one of the strangest ones I have ever had. It is one of the Love Sic #1 that actually produced two female flowers before a growing tip! I did not think this one was going to make it but the main tip split into two, and it is starting to outgrow it’s initial leaf deformities.

I am hoping I can also rescue the Oaxacan and ECSD. I think both will make nice crosses with the Puck BC3 if I can.


Hell yeah ! Nice work,very exciting ! Sending good vibes your way brother !