Comacus Projects

ooh, that’s nice, mate …
all the best for this one.

the possible combos are … woah ! :slight_smile:


Well the Puck BC3 run is moving into its Veg stage. I always like the first transplant out of Solo cups when they start to take off. The Pucks are in the top right. Also in this shot are Petrolia Headstash, Love Sic #1, Trainwreck S1, OG18 S1, Lime Kush S1, and a few others.

It doesn’t look like I am going to be able to get the Oaxacan S1 from Escobar going :tired_face: The growing tip just won’t start growing.

I am already way over crowded in my small growing area but am considering filling it in with another. The challenge like with every seed run is what to pick. My new list of possible candidates is:

Black Tiger
Zipolite Oaxacan
Agent Orange
Lemon Skunk
Highland Guerrero
Michoacan 2017
POG x Hindu Kush
Green Manalishi
Black Yeti

Too many seed choices!!


Good luck on your Puck Bc3 run! I need to get my packs germinated.

I ran Green Manalishi from Motarebel like 13 years ago and loved it, but if you actually have legit Talk Of Kabul, uh yeah I would choose that all day, any day over that entire list. I wish you well, whatever you choose. Positive vibes…



Nice lineup! following along with your puck-exploits. It definitely has great potential as a male - pure indica line for taming sativas!


I will follow closely, because we are going down similar paths
I have here an ECSD x Neville Haze cross made by Chaco, And kosher kush cut DNA.

ECSD x Neviille Haze

Kosher Kush

looking forward to all this work to come :pray:
A great cycle for all of us


hey folks… are there currently any Puck seeds availlable out there at seed banks?
It is one that is high on my list to aquire.

@Comacus cool to find your thread here, gonna pull up a seat on the couch :wink:

SHSC-1 (aka tynehead tom :wink: )


I’m pretty sure they all sold out immediately at every bank. There might be some crosses available but no pure Puck unless you can find someone who’s already F2’d them.


they are all very beautiful, I hope you find a cool father and a mother too :partying_face::partying_face:


found some actually but too broke to do anything about it right now so… they may as well be sold out LOL


I think I will start one. These should be the real deal and are an old rarity from Classic Seeds. If it germinates, I’ll hope for a female!

Started getting some preflowers on the Petrolia Headstash F2 from Nierika. As hoped one female and one male. They are pretty plants. The male will be chopped today.


Do you have any more info on the TOK? I’m not finding much other than a few references to some guy named Mark Castle and that this is a “landrace afghani brought back by a US soldier from a raid on a tribal warlords compound near kabul in 2006”. Couldn’t find any correlation of Mark and Classic Seeds so I wasn’t sure if these were two different lines?

Thanks to anyone with any additional info. I’m looking forward to your grow!

Edit: I did find this regarding Mark Castle


The write up sort of sounds like it was written by Mark Castle. He definitely had some gems. A group of us were trying to get some things from him a few years back but his seed stock was old and he was not happy with germination rates. He was going to rework his stock but then ventured off into commercial growing. If my memory serves me correctly rippers got their crop and never heard much more from him after that He did post fairly regularly at one of the boards but can’t remember which one Maybe THCFarmer?

I’ll ask a couple buddies who knew Classic and some of the back ground on this one to see what I can find out. With Classic being passed now we may never know for sure but I do know it caused a big controversery when a few of these made it out to a few people.

I have a couple other remakes of the TOK with one being an F9, One day I’ll maybe run some of each to compare.


@JAWS the Lime Kush S1 is a beautiful little plant with huge, uniquely shaped, lime colored leaves. She is growing very very slow. Is that typical of the Lime Kush? It may be too, I saved a runt seed, and she just needs some more time to catch up to the others.

The (NL2xNL5) F2 also has a very unique leaf structure. Very short and stocky Indica plant so far. When I plant (2) seeds my hope is always to get a female and a male. It worked this time. This is a leaf off the male.

Looking forward to seeing both of these in flower when I flip to 12/12 in a few weeks!


I am not seeing any activity with the TOK seed I started 3 days ago. I cracked the seam this morning to see if that helps. It was a very hard seed casing.

When I was looking though the pack of seeds grabbing the TOK, I saw a Blue Bonic F2 made by a friend. These are some of the biggest seeds I have seen. With the picture you can not really tell how big they are but I put a matchstick in to give some perspective.

I went ahead and started one this morning. I have way to many little ones already but it is hard for me not to start more seeds when I have them in my hands! :grinning:


I think I am going to start adding the seed cracking to my normal protocol at 3-4 days especially with older seeds.

I woke up this morning to a nice strong 1/2" long tap root on the TOK.


Nice work.
Thanks for sharing!
I think you have your proof that it works. :slightly_smiling_face:

Have you heard of the toenail clippers to the point of the seed trick.
I have yet to try it as of yet, but it seemed safer to me than trying not to crack em too much.
When I crack em I always wonder, was it enough?


I have not heard of that one yet but bet it would work. May have to give it a try too!

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I sometimes swish them around in a matchbox with some sandpaper in it, always scared to try cracking them with my teeth


I just heard of it myself, figured I would share the love.
I can’t remember who or where it came from but, to the person who originally shared it…if you read this, “Thanks for the tip!”:rofl:

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I’ve never tried using my teeth but think I have pretty good control between my fingernails. Sometimes when the seed husk is soft, I feel like I may have crushed the embryo. I always stop when I feel the movement. I have never documented whether those seeds later germinate. My recollection is if they are soft or mushy they don’t typically germinate.