Comacus Projects

The Puck HP BC3 have a very unique leaf structure. There are four little ones packed into that top row. Very early preflowers lead me to believe I have two males and two females. I’m already starting to see some resin glands on the early female preflowers which is always a good sign!

I have so so many in the grouping this run I think I will probably flip them to 12/12 next weekend. This will be more of a sea of green run keeping plants to a single main cola. At least that is the plan at this point. :grinning:


I’ve got some of your Mongolian Sunset seeds. Freebies from GLG I think. How do you think those would go outside in a less than ideal environment? Close to the ocean.
I’d like to give these a go but no room for a bit inside.


I’m not 100% sure. Is it more like the Pacific NW or Southern CA? I think in the Pacific NW it would probably be too wet at the end of the season but would probably do OK in an emvironment more like Southern CA.

Neither the X18 or the Uzbekistani had huge dense buds so I think that would help too.

MaineCannaMomma grew one of the Iranian x X18 outdoors in Maine, and it did outstanding so I say give it a try!

She grew some from the Purple Mayhem series this summer but got hit pretty good with powdery mildew.


Good info. Thank you. Central Coast. Morro Bay. We often get a nice fall here. The lack of density is appealing. I like plants in the yard for company and the one above looks like great company. I’ll look and see what my other 8th Ave pack is too.


This run I had many older seeds where the seedlings did not want to grow. I nursed them in the seedling infirmary, and got several to grow beyond their damaged and deformed states. The Lime Kush S1, Tuna Kush, Love Sic #1, and Red Rum all needed extreme care.

There is one in a normal run I would have killed off long ago. The Oaxacan S1 from Escobar. I have other seeds but no more room so have just let this one stick around. It is 6 weeks old! I am starting to see a little more green. It is amazing the desire to live on some of these seedlings. Part of the plant is dying while part is fighting to survive! I’ll let it sit in a corner now to see if it gets a normal growing tip at some point.

The first picture is the Lime Kush S1. While it is the slowest plant in the group it made it through the infirmary stage and is growing normally now. It has the biggest leaves in the group.


Well it looks like the Puck BC3 project may be a bust. My selected male started getting female flowers after dropping pollen for a week so I gave him the chop.

I did hang on to the second male. It also has a few female flowers but only 3-5 scattered around the plant. There are those that think this sort of plant does not necessarily lead to intersex issues in the seeds so I plan to pollenate a few of the late flowering strains in the project for some seed stock to possibly explore later.

It does add a level of caution to the seeds and many would not want the risk of running something that has the potential of intersex issues during flower! I am anxious to see if the two female Puck BC3 are solid or if they also show any issues.


Ugh…I hate to see this


Heybro pinch that tip on the lime, it straightens things out quite often, I would have crazy whorled phylotaxy on my old Dj short stuff and pinching would seem to reset, just something I noticed


I feel intersex traits are intersex traits.
I think it could pass on the traits, but does not have to.

I think the idea behind the distaste for theses plants comes from the thought that the plant is a female expressing predominantly male tendencies.
I am not convinced this is so cut and dry.
I have also heard some folks say these type of males can make awesome plants.
That would seem to make sense with all the bagseed and things like Girl Scout cookies and GG4 ect. that tend to have minor intersex traits.

This is interesting too, it changes auxin distribution in favor of the lower branches.
The lower branches look mostly male.
With less auxin, spread out to all branches you will have less auxin per branch.
Less auxin = less feminine.
So, it seems to make good scientific sense that this should quite often work.
Now will the plant be stable after doing that?
Hard to tell, but I believe it could become stable much like cookies, GG4 ect maybe more so.

I have found anecdotal evidence that cannabis seed can be influenced to be more female, AKA a better than average of female to male ratio.

My buddy @Cactus is doing a bit of work on this sorta thing.
It seems to be quite the rabbit hole figuring out exactly what makes a cannabis seed become male and female.


Too late this go around. I chopped him the same day.

Will give it a try though when I see again.


I put a Talk of Kabul and a Blue Bonic F2 in this run as small fill in plants. The Blue Bonic just showed as male and got the chop. I was hoping it was a female. It had a different and interesting leaf structure, and I was hoping it might hold some Blueberry goodness. Will definitely need to get back to that one sometime in a “blueberry” run!


I think the second Puck HP BC3 male may be sterile. It isn’t dropping any pollen and very few flowers are opening. Many of the flowers are just dropping off. May let it dry out a bit to see if that stimulates some pollen!


@lunchpale really like the look of the Wedding Cake F5 x Thin Mints Banana Pudding! For those following along that is (Triangle Kush x Animal Mints) x ((Thin Mints x (Thin Mints x Banana OG)).

This one came to be when a friend here donated a bit of Thin Mints Banana Pudding pollen. The plant was late when it got dusted and only made (15) seeds. I started two light colored seeds, they both germinated, and were both females.

It is the fastest, biggest, and most frosty in the group this run. Here is a picture at only 4.5 weeks!


The Trainwreck Fem from HSO is starting to get frosty.

The Master Thai Love Sic #1 definitely have more indy traits that 76 Columbian. The male had a much more sativa leaf structure.

@LouDog420 both of the Casey Jones have a nice sour fruity smell.

The Petrolia Headstash has a very unique structure. The plant is growing short and stocky like an indica but the leaf structure is definitely more sativa looking.

Have a couple small OG Kush18 Fem plants from Reserva Privada. They are also starting to get nice and frosty.

The Tuna Kush was sitting right under the Puck HP BC3 male that started showing female flowers and is fully seeded with that one. So, if/when I ever get to exploring those seeds will need to keep a close eye to see if the intersex trait is recessive or dominant.


I have heard if you put your seeds in with ripening bananas the Ethylene gas produced will influence the seeds to be a higher percentage of female. I don’t recall the protocol but tried it loosely once. It is something I plan to try again with a more structured approach one of these days.

It seems the gas may also help with dormant seeds. Maybe something to add to our seed germination protocol.

"What is the effect of ethylene on seed?

Ethylene plays a key role in dormancy release in numerous species, the effective concentrations allowing the germination of dormant seeds ranging between 0.1 and 200 μL L"

"What is the role of ethylene in sex expression?

By using different approaches the present work demonstrates that ethylene regulates differentially two sex-related developmental processes: sexual expression, i.e. the earliness and the number of female flowers per plant, and the development of individual floral buds."


Looks like I have to start some of them and maybe some of our Romulan crosses , keep up the good work :fire:


Well this was one of my most ambitious projects to date. The plan was to make several old school crosses with the Puck HP BC3.

Having the selected Puck male start to throw female flowers after pollinating for several days was disappointing. The trait may not pass to the hybrids but any testers will need to watch closely and be on the look out.

I think I had sixteen small seed plants. Here are a few shots. Things just finishing drying.

Petrolia Headstash. Sort of a sativa leaning plant. Should be nice crossed with Puck.

The HSO Trainwreck was one of my favorites. Easy to grow and super frosty. If you have not already check out my friends over at @Great_lakes_Genetics. Lots of great things over there.

Master Thai’s Love Sic #1 was also a great plant.

Greenthumbs ECSD S1

OG Kush #18

@lunchpale the Wedding Cake x Thin Mints Banana Pudding was probably my favorite this run. Fast to flower, biggest producer, trouble free, super frosty…

Reeferman’s Tuna Kush

I’ll load a few more later.


Here are a few more.

Puck HP BC3 #2 Both of the Puck females were very similar.

Puck HP BC3

Greenhouse Seeds The Doctor.

Red Rum

The NL2/NL5 F2 was more sativa leaning. It turned almost black. The Puck should make a nice cross with this one too bringing bigger and more chucky buds.


Some very nice pics. :sunglasses:

Is the Puck giving you any skunky notes?


Not getting any skunky smells from either of them. They smell unique and nice but not skunky.