Comacus Projects

Shit C, you could’ve put up 2 crops to that one.


@OleReynard for sure! At this point I think it is just more of a challenge.


Wow @Comacus, yea that sure looks special. I have not seen it like that on all of the plant. I have seen it on the very top of one plant but I thought it was due to something growing wise and that part was seeded. Looks strange with it throwing only one bladed leafs too. But at least it’s flowering hey hahaha… damn weird but I bet it’s going to be some nice smoke in the end. I always had a hard time keeping very NLD types happy indoors with the few tries I did. Even if I fed them light all the time or rarely or a lot, they were never quite happy. Think that is just one of the things if growing a pure NLD in pots is not always easy. And the time they want to do their thing man, it’s a long season for indoors. Looks like a string of calyxes with a flower on top. Bet you only need like one or two of those calyxes to roll one and get high if you let it go like 19 weeks.


Well I have decided I am going to chop the Mango Thai next weekend. I have never seen a plant like this where the bud structure is just single flowering stems. I was reading about the Chocolate Thai this morning, and did find a similar description.

The buds were incredibly aromatic and resin coated, but very spindly, with strings venturing on their own out of the thin main floral cluster, giving it an overall skimpy braided look. Curious structure, definitely landrace looking, but hardly productive even outdoors.

I started a mix of fem and other seeds on 12/12 while waiting on the Mango Thai. One I started was one of the Mango Thai x X18 seeds. I am excited to say, I think the X18 may have tamed this unruly landrace! Although the single seed I started turned out to be a male, it promptly started to flower at 21 days like a more traditional regular strain. So I think I will be able to explore these genetics again more successfully indoors.

While the Mango Thai won’t really be “finished”, the decline on the older growth and the new growth are balanced so I don’t think I will get much more from them by waiting longer. The buds too, have a nice coating of resin.

Another thing I found a little interesting is the lower buds in lower light seem to do better. I’ve heard that some Thai is “jungle sativa” so wondering if maybe this strain was developed under the jungle canopy in lower light. I would like to see these grown outdoors in a tropical environment to see how they do under those conditions.

Here are a few shots from last week. Also, one of the Mangostani cross. Much more indica looking leave on the cross!



She’s crazy beautiful, in like a, 5AM hair half-in-a-bun kind of way, huh? :heart_eyes:
If BHO or Rosin are an option, you may still get something otherworldly. Lol.
You think you’ll ever grow the purebred again?


Looks real nice though, even if I understand that it’s not productive in weight it looks frosty in the pictures… I went to the mountains the other week and met a real cool stoner guy who I smoked bamboo bongs with and he had a lot of our favorite herb growing along side his fruit trees and other herbs… looked a bit like that Mango in structure. If yours are anything like his you will be in for a treat smoking it. Like meditations with eyes wide open. I smoked and had coffee with the guy and then we went hiking in the jungle and through caves and stuff, really enjoyable. He was a real good cook too and he was impressed that I wouldn’t say no to the bamboo any time so we went all day and when I had to leave for home he was just smiling telling me how high he was. I was too, real happy high… this is how those looked, a bit early yet but it has that same single blade look on the tops.


@DiggySoze I may grow her again pure but I may try something new. One idea would be to take a female plant that was maybe 3 months old before flowering, and cut her up completely into clones. Then I would continue with these clones in a new pot of soil.

I am really looking forward to trying this one. I bet I will maybe get one oz from both plants combined but am hoping it is something special and unique. I think it will be!


Well the Passage to Bankok run has started! I think I need my head examined after running back to back to back landrace/sativa runs!

One of my goals in this run it to start work on a Burmese line. When I saw the Eastern Manipur Burmese I had to grab it, and think it will be a great and unique starting point.

Several things going so far including Snowhigh’s Dragon’s Fire, Royal Chocolate Thai, and General Ho. The General Ho may be the match for the Eastern Manipur. While not pure Burmese it is 50%, and the Abusive OG would help to tame the long flowering satty.

Also in the mix are Ace’s China Yunan, Loompa’s Black Yeti, ILE’s Balochistan, and Orissa Gold.

It’s going to be crazy!

Not much to see yet but these are the two Eastern Manipur Burmese.


looking forward to following along !


Think the African’s have another 3-4 weeks. They are pretty beat up from the soil treatments for thrips. Did a couple treatments with Azamax, and one with Bob’s Dead Bug. Think I got most of them.

Here is a quick update.

First up the Congo Haze from Scott Family Farms.

Snowhigh’s Heart of Darkness is a full on Sativa. I dusted a few buds with some X18 pollen. I think it will shorten its flower time a few weeks, and give the buds some more size and density.


I would like to give a shout out to @avr1, @froggys_pharms, and @Daytripr69 for offering to test my Mandana, Old World Paki, and Malawi Gold x X18! Thank you!

I am looking for two more testers to run my Mongolian Sunset (Uzbeckistani from USC aka Pink Malabar x X18 IBL from Tom Hills), and the Iranian x X18. The Iranian is from the Real Seed Co.

Mainly looking for people that can start them in the next few weeks, run at least 1/2 pack, be at least an average grower, and have logs posted here.


I am down to run your crosses of X18 anything…
I have been growing for a several years outdoors and a year indoor.


These crosses are on auction over at soaknbeans at the moment


They sound very interesting. I have run a few of USC’s items over the years. Always great plants, fun to grow out.


Hi Comacus
I hope you dont mind, I would like to ask you what version of Mango Thai is this one, when did you source it?
How is the smoke of it?
Thank you very much and have a nice day


This one is from the Real Seed Company, and I got it towards the end of 2019, The high is very clean, trippy, and promotes vivid dreams. I also found it to be creeper which is a trait I have noticed in the Thai and some Asian strains. One pheno smelled fruity, and one more like tobacco.

Here is the description from RSC.

This is a classic Thai-Lao ganja cultigen. In other words, this is one that’s been domesticated for production of (ganja) as opposed to hashish (resin). Along the middle Mekong, the ethnically Lao region of Isan (Northeast Thailand) and Central Laos is the historic heartland of what Westerners regard as Thai ganja. This region has two seasons: one involves planting in June/July and harvesting in December/January. The other is from September to around March, enabling plants to flower without risk of rain. This yields the best . The Mango Thai landrace can exhibit plants with high potency, comparable to modern hybrids. Buds are resinous and range from soft light-green to purple-brown when cured. Trichomes can extend from bracts to leaflets. Aromas range from mango and smoky spice to chocolate and musk. The ‘no ceiling’ quality many Westerners prize in Thai can be found in this strain. These seeds were produced in Europe. They’ve been generously shared by a collector who found a pure male. A limited number of packs are available


Thank you very much, this is the first time I see pictures of this version of Mango Thai(there are 3 different batches apparently carrying the same strain name), I only read descriptions, it is very helpful.
I have 2 plants in veg of the same batch and just sprouted 3 more, I also have wide leaf on veg
According to Angus/Ngakpa TRSC owner the version of Mango Thai we have is this, I particularly call this version Mango Thai Jack Sparrow:
"Hi, to be clear for anyone reading, it’s the Purple Highland Lao and pre-Dec 2019 Mango Thai accession that resemble each other. The other accessions are markedly different from them and each other.

The strain description for the previous Mango Thai accession explained the situation re. ganja cultivation in the far north of Laos, but I’ve taken it down since the new Vientiane accession went up.

The far north esp. highlands is mostly minority groups who are non-Lao."

I agree with Angus about all he says on the stories told about this strain and I also doubt it is from Laos. Bodhi story is not reliable if you travelled around the area and I better refrain from commenting about the ethics and morals going on in the cannabis world which I certainly disagree with

What is the stretch in flowering? How many days did you flower the plants? The high description sounds like 20th century sativa
In how many liters/gallons you flowered the plants and how many grams you obtained of finnished product?
Thank you very much for your grow log, it is very helpful
Have a nice day everyone


@funkyhorse I think this is definitely a different version than the one I tried to get from RSC about a year ago. The pictures from that strain seemed to show a more full bud than these. I think they kept the photo the same but that the seeds are different. The one from a year ago was a preservation done by someone but I forget the name.

Stretch is hard to define since I ran the plants start to finish on 12/12, I did shorten it to 11/13 once they started flowering. They ran about 5 months start to finish. I had them both in a 10 liter pot, and they finished about 3-1/2’ tall with a topping, and a fair amount of LST.

I rarely weigh things. The fruity pheno was the larger producer, and would estimate 3 oz. The Tobacco smelling pheno maybe 2 oz. It was so fluffy, it looked like 3/4 of a lb!

I probably would not run it pure inside again but the cross to the X18 should make it more manageable for indoors, and shorten the flower time. I’ll probably reach out to a couple friends in Hawaii to see if they want to run it pure outdoors!


These are the pictures from the first release of Mango Thai and these are different

I honestly dont know how many different releases are done under the same name for strains. I guess it would be easier to track seed batches if there was some kind of traceability like year of production and location where it was produced like wine makers do.

What I have are dark seeds big sized very different from other seeds and they seem to be the Purple Highland Lao by the date of release and Angus words.

Are the seeds you sprouted and posted also those big dark with stripes seeds?
Thank you very much


They are very large and dark seeds. Good luck with yours. They were challenging.