Comacus Projects

Hey Comacus, awesome grow. Those mango thai look extremely challenging, props for giving them 5 months. That congo haze looks excellent, expecially considering the thrips. Bet shell have a nice soaring high. Id love the chance to test ur uz and iranian x18 s. I dont have much for journnals on og but do have a couple over at breedbay of bodhi testers. I would make a thread just for them here and would germ them as soon as they arrive.


The Heart of Darkness and Congo Haze went into the curing jars this weekend.

Here’s a picture of a couple of the Congo Haze colas.


In the Passage to Bangkok run, I’ve chopped a couple early flowering males. The China Yunnan and one of the Dragon’s Fire were chopped. Happy to see the Royal Chocolate Thai and Black Yeti both showed as female.


A quick update on the Passage to Bangkok run. I moved Balockistan and General Ho males into the isolation chamber. I added more seeds too so am not maxed out!

These are the two Eastern Manipur Burmese. I’m hoping I get a female blue pheno!

Orissa Gold:

The two confirmed males. Balochistan left, and General Ho right.

This is a small tester plant from the Silk Road Run. Mandarin 18 is Mandarin Indica - Golden Coast x X18 Tom Hills,


Added a few other things into the Passage to Bangkok run. A few things from Master Thai, another from Indian Landrace Exchange, M39, and Seraph. I am definitely maxed out now!

Most of the Master Thai gear is heavy on the Indy side so these will probably stay small on this 12/12 cycle but will give me a chance to check them out.

I have a few Turkish Landraces in the collection. They are all described as almost autoflower in their speed of growth and flower. Master Thai’s Turkish Gummy is the shortest flowering of his strains. I like the look of this one!

Tahoe Purple Kush on the left, and Tahoe Gold on the right.

A couple plants are growing super, super slow. Starting to wonder if I am stunting them by planting directly into Ocean Forest. They are healthy enough just growing at a snails pace.

Dago Hog on left, and Seraph on right. Did I mention these are 18 days old!!

Seelawathi from Indian Landrace Exchange. This one is growing fast with some nice unique leaf structure. This one will be fun!


I decided to pop a few of the Master Thai Original Romulan Joe. I’ve never had the chance to grow the Romulan pure so am looking forward to seeing what these hold.


I see these are a hybrid aye?
Only a third rom?

They are supposed to be pure Original Romulan Joe seeds. Master Thai is sometimes short on definition but the following was his listing for the seeds.

He used it in a couple crosses, and also calls it out as Original Romulan Joe.

Hard to say for sure I suppose. Know someone that is going to grow out some of Classic’s Romulan Joe seeds so we can compare the different directions these two breeders took their Romulan.


Romulan Gum


I got some ibl roms if you want them, came from joey a while back.
You may of already got these.
I crossed those with another rom.

Now that I think about it I may of pitched them.
End product not worth a f.

Interesting talked with rom Joe’s family said nobody had anything straight up anymore.
Somebody I know has supposed f4’s available


Thanks @OleReynard. I do have some of Classic’s Romulan Joe IBL too. I was planning to F2 those but then learned Classic is going to work some of his old lines for re-release so I put that project on hold.

Some of the Classic Romulan IBL I have came from The Seed Depot so there is always going to be a question on their authenticity, with all the BS that went down there, until they are run, and compared to Classic’s.


Texas kid still around?
Did you want any of these mamilks before I send them away?

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Time for a quick update on the Passage to Bangkok run. Looks like I have a male and female Eastern Manipur. I pruned back the male to set it’s clock back a couple weeks. The Orissa Gold is also a female. Both the Balochistan are males.

So far on the Master Thai looks like a Turkish Gummy, and a Tahoe Gold are females. Really like the vigor and look of the Tahoe Purple Kush. The Dago Hog, and Tahoe Purple Kush have not shown yet.

Eastern Manipur Male

Orissa Gold. Really like the look of this one. Hope I an finish it indoors!

The Tahoe Purple Kush.


Hope to find some Romulan to take back to these females


These are two of the Master Thai Romulan that I think are probably female. Had a third male that shot up 3-4", and showed sex. These have not yet, and are staying compact so I hope they are females!


You’re always keeping busy @Comacus !!

Great sounding projects as usual :sunglasses:


The Black Yeti from Loompa Farms is supposed to be their most sativa leaning strain.

The one I started does not like the soil I have it in, or the PH but is a very Indy leaning pheno. Getting nice and resiny too.


Hey @Comacus it’s good to see you around :v:t2:

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Hey @lunchpale you too! How have you been?


Doing good


Ran a Cali-O S1 from Seedsman, and one of my Mandarin 18s on 12/12 from seed just to check them out. They started in the Viking run which has morphed into the Burmese run.

Chopped them both this morning. Cali-O on left, and Mandarin 18 on the right.