Comacus Projects

Orissa Gold got pollinated 48 hours ago with X18, Eastern Manipur Burmese, and Balochistan #3. Here she is doing her thing.

The Snowhigh Royal Chocolate Thai went into the curing jar.

The Snowhigh Dragon’s Fire also went into the curing jar. Really like this one. Bigger, more dense flowers than I was expecting. Made a few beans to explore using his General Ho to keep the Burmese theme going.


Some super cool breedings there Coma


A quick update on a couple of the Master Thai strains.

At first I was not too excited about the Tahoe Gold. The buds seemed small, and there was not much frost in early flower. I thought to myself; “what’s all the excitement around this strain?” Then my opinion started to change as it went through flower, added bulk, and got super frosty! Now it’s one of my favorites from the testers I ran on 12/12 from seed.

I used the Balochistan Red male to make a few “Tahoe Red” beans for further exploration.

The Romulans are moving along too. Nice and frosty. I’m looking forward to trying this one!


The little Master Thai tester plants I ran on 12/12 from seed with the landraces from ILE have all been harvested.

Really like his Turkish Gummy, and look forward to running this one with a little veg time. I made a few personal F2s to explore this line further. Smells I am getting off of it today are primarily turpentine with a little ammonia in the background.


mmm good bro !!


Never a doubt which thread to check if you crave exotics… :sunglasses:. Tahoe Gold looks delicious, what are the smells/taste like?


That one just started drying so the smells haven’t not fully matured yet. I’m having a hard time describing it but it is more flowery fruity but still strong. Smells really nice.

I love running different stuff, and have always enjoyed the Master Thai creations.

I hit her pretty heavy with Balochistan Red from ILE so hope to have some nice Tahoe Red seeds!


Experimenting with this plant’s expressions is something I wish to do more of. It’s one of the goals I set for myself this year. I’ve been smoking for close to 20 years now and always get bummed about how little variety I actually tried. Just european hybrids really, as it’s all you can get here.

Untill then, I get inspired by threads like yours :grinning: :clap: .


Master Thai’s Tahoe Gold is heading into the curing jar. I ended up really liking this one.

Made a few Tahoe Red seeds to explore. Tahoe Red is Tahoe Gold x Balochistan Red.

I made a few other things with the Balochistan Red male to explore further:

Red Eye - Shut Eye F3 from Calyx Bros x Balochistan Red
R39 - M39 F2 from Meduser x Balochistan Red
Red Boar - Dago Hog - Master Thai x Balochistan Red




Got the plants out for a quick photo update this morning. The Orissa Gold has been going 5 months on 12/12 from seed! Probably has a 4-6 more weeks!

I struggle to keep any plant happy through flower, and the long flowering sativas are especially challenging for me. The pictures make the buds look fuller than they are, and they are quite fluffy.

Only time will tell if it was worth the length of time required. Crossing it to the Balochistan #3, Eastern Manipur, and X18 should all help shorten the flowering time while coming up with a few hybrids with a lot of new genetic diversity.

The flowers look horrible but wanted to post so everyone could see the structure close up.

Orissa Gold:


The Sheelawathi is only 4 months old on 12/12 ha ha…


you would just bury them :slight_smile:


:flushed: well over my head to run something like dat


:sob: better change my name to Undertaker :smile:


This thread is amazing much respect to your projects and the strains you’re working with, think we have similar taste in that regard!


Really like the look of the small tester Master Thai Romulan plants.

I got two phenos. One was light green, and one started to show some purple. Both are very frosty!

I look forward to running these again when I can give them some veg time.

Green Pheno

Purple Pheno


What do they smell like @Comacus ?

I can’t quite put my finger on it yet. A little piney. Still moist, and curing so will know more as they dry and cure a little bit.


The pine is definitely part of her , can’t wait to hear how it cures out

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I’m trying to cob some of the Orissa Gold and Sheelawathi. I’m using the small popcorn buds for this experiment.

Here are a couple pictures. So far, it went 24 hours at 120 degrees F, and then at 75 degrees for 7 days. Then out to let the surface dry (took photo). Next it is sealed again for 3 weeks with a weekly check. After that into a cure jar for 5-6 months!