Coming out of retirement and first time with autos.

Thanks, when I got the the end of my thought I realized how long my reply was, lol. I see people argue about Autos all the time but I am of the opinion that seeds need to be planted and will take advantage of that auto flower gene when I need to. I don’t think they finish any faster really, I think it’s just that people just veg photos longer. You will likely fit 4 auto’s into a 3x3 easy. 3 gallon pots will give you a decent size plant, if you put them in 5 gallon I find they get much bigger with more root ball to feed from. I see your exploring Mephisto which is a great idea as they have a wonderful reputation for solid genetics as far as I have heard. It’s nice to see, to many out there just think a seed is a seed so it’s great so see you looking deeper. That will surely pay off in the end.


Yeah, I started using seeds I picked out of bud I was smoking. So I’ve seen how a seed isn’t just a seed. I’m honestly eyeballing that Mephisto Double Grape. I got a weak spot for purple flowers. Best flower I ever smoked with insanely purple and sticky from Canada. So I’ve been chasing that unicorn for a long time.

I really do appreciate all the input it’s going to ensure my first grow isn’t absolute crap.

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Go Rocbudinc if you want purple. Hands down, no questions. @Tokabowl

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How is platinum seed bank for getting the Rocbudinc stuff? I can’t seem to find a website that’s their own like I can with Mephisto.

Thanks for the help also.

Neptune seed bank is who I use the most when it comes to getting Roc stuff.

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There are a few good auctions on Instagram too.

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rocbud does have a website, you can find it from the reddit page .They just had a drop a few days ago though and usually sell out pretty quickly . Mephisto , night owl and rocbud have a style of marketing that means if you want to buy direct from them and get the extras then you have to be fast and buy within hours of the stores opening or you might miss out and need to look around seedbanks for the leftovers


Really? He is local to me also.

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Roger that. I’ll check out neptune. Thanks.

Yeah I’m sorta banned from Reddit, because of my political views, apparently I’m a nazi. Who knew?

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Last time I dealt with Aridbud via ICMAG, had the beans in my mailbox the next day. I’ve tests for him once before as well.

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I can testify to what @theomegajedi is saying. If you want Night Owl seeds you can buy them directly from Daz himself. The next drop is on 2/12/21.

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Thank you for the info. I think at this point I may start with Mephisto beans just to use them to dial in my grow. Then I’ll branch out. I figure starting with one will remove some of the variables and make it easier to get my set up where I need it.


You can’t go wrong with Mephesto. They are top quality autos. I look forward to seeing your grow and hearing the thoughts from an old school grower growing new school autos. The link below is their strain description. Just in case you haven’t seen it yet.

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I’ve had a tent of autos, and a tent of photoperiod plants going side by side for the last year, maybe?
They don’t get as big as photoperiod plants, and the yield is smaller. But, it’s still worth it. The turnaround time from sprout to harvest is so much shorter.

Plus, the part I like about it is, you can have several plants in a small tent in different phases of growth (The lights stay at 18-on/6-off all the time)

Like a perpetual harvest in a tiny area!
I’d put 3 plants in a 2x2 tent… and space their planting out by 4 weeks each, and you’ll have a small fresh harvest every month.


Again… Mephisto, Night Owl and Rocbud.

Get a tent you can grow into… and considering where you are… invest in good odor control. Keep a low profile as well.

Again… RocBud for purp’s. I just finished this RocBud plant from a pack of mystery auto beans. These were gifted to me and are my first RB beans, so far so good. Mephisto is my go to however, but as stated they can be tough to acquire right now.

Night Owl is Daz from Mephisto, so alot of familiar genetics.


I know your photos yield a lot more, so I’m curious what your yields average on the autos? It sounds like you’ve been doing them long enough to have a pretty consistent return, and the range of yields from autos is, well a surprising big span.


You can download the mephisto strains pdf and it will tell you the avg yields.

On there the average seems to be about 90g to 120g. However some are smaller, while some are also larger. The same thing goes for the Night Owl as there is a direct link between Mephisto and Night Owl.

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@GCBudz That looks alot like the pictures of purple lemonade I have from them that I’ve seen pictures of.

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Yeah? I’ll have to go look at that, i’v no clue what that plant was. Purp’s smell awful floral or perfumey to me… just weirds me out. The lady’s in my life love it…

I ran a Mephisto tester along side that plant, CDLCx3BOG x Sour Stomper… that plant surprised me and i’v been enjoying that personally.

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