(complete) F.B.S.C. 1960 Lambsbread Preservation

Yep I did pick up 10 Honey too. If you were asking me anyways.

I definitely agree with you though… that Lambsbread that Bob Marley smoked on… I want that too. Fortunate to have good material to search through! It will be a fun journey to begin. Sadly I’m going to have to wait until the end of August at least until I have enough room for them.


It was a close call but unfortunately not.

I got Lyric which is said to have piney, herbal, cedar wood notes and a cerebral high that is the closest he’s come to a 70’s Thai. Also got two heirlooms from a farming family he deals with that never share their varieties, he just started to flower his so he couldn’t tell me much but assured me it’s good if the guy he got it from says so. And the C. Red



Is that Hach? He is a local Cambodian contact of his. In jail at the moment unfortunately. The creator of " Honey" I think. I have one labeled Hach’s gift. Sure to be a good one.
Thankyou for the Malawi offer but I’m after the other one.


Yup, that’s the one. Hach’s Gift and the other is PukPok, he had said Hach gave it to him even though his family wouldn’t approve of him handing out their varieties.



Exactly, thats what I mean, the one smoked by them, we’ll see how those double jam go and how much of the vibes collective lambs it has


Any opinions on Steve’s cambodians and other strains? Since I bought the LB from him ive been thinking of doing another order on him for those cambodian and exotic lines


You don’t see many Cambodian lines out there. The fact is, Steve is in a crazy part of the world today, but maybe not tomorrow. I’d scoop up all you can when you can. It’s a really unique genepool and has not been hit by hybrids like much of the rest of Southeast Asia. Couple that with the fact that many Cambo lines seem to have come from further North with migrations of Khmer people and thus have unique growing habits.


Lambsbread are coming along. 3 of 4 females are making flowers now. Not quite pinky nail size, which is where I like them for pollinating. Secondary branches are filling in. Height is over 4 feet, probably 5 feet for the two big ones, 3 1/2 feet and 3 feet for the other 2. I Went ahead and upotted these into 5 gallon containers, which I may regret, but figured with a 4 female plant preservation run, bigger is better.
There is one female that is different from the others. Fatter leaves, stockier build, slightly shorter stature. This one has only pre flowered and this weekend will be the end of week 13 flowering. This will be the longest flowering plant I have grown.
The male plants are in full flower in isolation for now, save one, which is the same pheno as miss forever flower. That one has just started to make mature flowers. Pictures coming…


Right on track homie! Solid update, thanks for sharing the antici…



Yea baby! They are looking great.


I’ll second that, they’re looking marvelous.


This is such a fun grow to check in on once in awhile. Stoked to see how they look in the end, but the ride there has been awesome so far :sunglasses:

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How much light total on those Lambsbread?

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Hooooly!! Nice update!! Those are turning into beautiful plants!! Would you give any advice to someone about to grow them?(nutes, light…) Ive heard sometimes giving 11h of light some sativas perform better, anyway, its amazing to see that by 13 weeks we already are smoking some flowers and this ones are on that state!

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Holy wow, those are awesome. Some serious dedication on your part, kudos for that!
They look like the plants in old school botanical drawings! :+1:
I hope it works out that they smoke as good as they look, cause damn, those are some lookers!

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1,000 watts metal halide when it’s cold. Outdoors when possible. May have to grow them sideways indoors soon lol.
@Ras use real living soil, best advice you will ever get.
Since i put them in my recycled soil they have flourished. I loaded it with chopped leaves and alpaca poo last fall before the cold. I can’t find any trace of either of them now as they are fully integrated into the soil. I began with 50% homemade super soil ala the Rev from skunk magazine and kept adding my garden soil to it until finding the right ratio that Sativas like. All of them. Right around 40% super soil/ 60% garden soil/ compost/ castings mix with lots of added perlite. Threw in rotted wood, , wood ashes, crushed crab shells/ oyster flour and biochar last summer. Lots of good stuff.

Just about pinky nail sized flowers so far. No buds to smoke at week 13. The one plant has not even produced yet. The mature flowers I referred to were on a male that has just produced its first mature flower this week.
As far as 11/13 goes, I would be at 12 and a half on hours if i did not have younger plants in the same room that cannot have such a short light cycle. When they are out I will drop the hours. It isn’t a necessity to do so. I’ve flowered a 22 week Thai under 12 12 and it turned out incredible.


RSC’s Double Jam F4! In this photo she’s about 2 weeks into a flowering cycle. Also note, she does not like veg nutes one bit. Bloom is the only thing that’s kept her happy.

Here’s 2 clones that I took off her. My hope was I could sex the clones before the parents…


May be hard to see but there’s pistils there!


@crunkyeah Coming along nicely. How many weeks in?

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This next picture shows one of the Lambs bread plants that took a while to take off. Many people would have culled this plant, but I believe if you give weak plants some extra love and a proper chance, sometimes they will surprise you. One of the prettiest sativas I’ve ever grown. I thought it was a green phenotype, but the stem has gotten very dark purple. More than any of the others. I’m somewhere around week 14 or 15 and it is just throwing out a few hairs. ! Best structure of any of the plants in my opinion. If this one is potent, I will be using it for breeding.20220524_070926|375x500


It’s beautiful I just love the way they look, and that one especially.