(complete) F.B.S.C. 1960 Lambsbread Preservation

Funny some people hate frosty leaves. Calyxes are in fact nothing more than modified leaves themselves,
Resin is resin regardless of location.

Damn! That’s awesome!


Jamaica long flower reveg in soil


Lambsbread reveg still going. Plants have still not switched to flower outdoors.( not visibly anyway)They are being brought in for the next 2 nights. 37 and 39 forecast then back up above 5o at night.


Nice longflower! Do you see any similarities between LF and Redstem??

With the DJ im falling in love with jamaicans lol, also got one little guy(seems) of redstem. The smell is heavenly and the plants itself, well, wonderful. To me it seems like they are more leaned towards the red stem, but comments are appreciated! It also seems that 2 of them are going at the rate of flowering of the redstem.




(Lambsbread red stem)



They are either different lines of Vibes Lambsbread or different strains entirely. Flowering time was quicker for tlt long flower by 5 weeks. Haven’t sampled either very much as they are still curing.
Lambsbread plants are still growing. Turning into little bushes. They should be going into flower anytime now but since I apparently have the time I’m going to squeeze in a couple seed increases for other strains.
@Ras hard to say which way this one is leaning. I haven’t really grown enough of these yet to know. Monkey puzzle Lambsbread has a much slower onset with flowering


I got some chinese yunan on the way, ill use it to cross to sativas to not bring the narcotic effect into them, but still get the benefits of a hybrid. Ive used it before and its the perfect cross for sativas.

Pz :v:t2:


Nice pheno you found, sköl

Sativas are tricky.
They don’t like NPK to be higher than say 7, and even thats kinda high.
10-30-30 or whatever is gonna be a semi-synthetic that chelates too much and disrupts the hormones of sensitive sativas. Id recomend something like an Espoma product next time as you check out custom blending soils and foods. Garden Tone is going to be something along the lines of 4-6-4 and provide micronutrients along with macronutrients while supplying a long flowering sativa with a low and steady dose instead of a supercharged chelated dose.

Though your plant didn’t necessarily go into reveg, it shot out fresh shoots to process the high NPK late in flower.
If you can keep all the leaves on the plant and healthy through veg, you dont need to feed a sativa after the flowering stretch period (usually week 5). That way, the plant cannibalizes its own leaves to feed it through the 2nd half of flowering. And that will result in a superior product that ripens uniformly.
Some plants will ripen asymmetrically, but bud formation will be within a couple weeks throughout the whole plant.

Growing sativas is a delicate balance and its quite a ride to learn how to give these plants what they want and how they want it.

Do you have a clone of that DJ to try again?


grew that once from Ace - just remember the long flower time and huge yields, also had an auto in the mix and the two made seeds, interesting off-springs

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Wow Nice! Was the offspring dominant towards one side or another? I remember that chine yunan was not very dominant but it might just been in the crosses i made.

Pz :v:t2:

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@Wuachuma -
Thanks for the info! I have used that Garden Tone before with good results. Typically I use a 50/50 mix of Promix#4 and Vermiculite. Would I be ok with this mix amended with the Espoma throughout the duration of flowering? I think my pheno is a 15-16 week pheno.

I did notice the explosion of new growth when I used the 10-30-20 nutrients. I’m glad I switched to the 2-20-10 nutrients when I did but it was still too little too late. I would say this pheno seemed to ripen uniformly.

I do indeed. I actually intend on hitting it with Drunken Bastard pollen. The DB smells like blueberries and the DJ is the most wonderful tropical smell. I will let the P1 and P2 go, opting to hunt through the F1 progeny for specimen to continue to F2.


might have some seeds - if you want - being the 1st “set” of seeds , they are unstable.

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Thank you for the offer. But i got my hand full atm… I was more curious how your cross turned out.

Pz :v:t2:

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To be honest - out come was poor - very unstable — Peace ( that’s my extend of breeding auto to fem photo’s)

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Yeah, you have to cross a couple of generations before they become auto :pray:t2:

Pz :v:t2:


learn something new everyday !! Thanks

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To get back on topic hehe

4 phenotypes of RSC Double Jam

Here is my favourite one, it got spicy smells, when you smell it its like if you were in an indian kitchen:

This is the one that got the longest flowering onset:

These one its an intermediate between the two on top:

This one its the one that seems more different, its smaller, also the smell its way different, this one its more like sweet tropical, very fresh:

The first three phenos I talk about seem to have a common terp profile with a common structure. Still some weeks left lol.


Long time since I posted. If it was good news it would have been sooner.
Less than a couple weeks before pollination time All 3 ladies began producing male flowers At the tip of each Bud. We had a power outage that I was unaware of until enquiring with my wife…and I don’t know what light cycle they may have seen to react the way they did… It’s quite possible it was just the result of being in the same 5 gallon container for 10/11 months.
One plant was tossed. It was pretty badly hermied and was my least favorite anyway. I kept two females. The Purple one and the other tall green one. Neither one grew very much when they revegged. Now I know what to do differently this time. Cuttings. Grow them from cuttings instead.
The males weren’t vigorous at all round 2. Nor should they have been. They continued their existence in the same one gallon containers since march or april. A group of 4 or 5’ tall plants in a window. The same thing happened as happened the 1st time. The males kick off much faster than the ladies.
So the new plan is to reveg again the 2 remaining female plants And to flower cuttings this time. I made 25 seeds the 1st round So I will plan on popping some to find new males and likely some new ladies too. I’ll pop 5 seeds and then a month later 5 more to ensure there is pollen when I need it.
Sorry to everyone that was planning on popping some lambsbread seed months ago. I’m down…but not out.
Round 3 begins mid January. Have Faith!


Purple plant is on the right. It’s incredible how much shorter the plants are grown from a reveg


Here’s the dead soldier( original female #3) Too many male flowers to deal with so i put it outside to die a while back… i haven’t chucked it yet. A silent reminder…to do better. The other two ladies are revegging nicely. Making lots of small new leaves. Another 2-4 weeks and I will start more seed. I have to figure out my pollination timing better this time.
I think there are a couple other Thai in the photo. They are bunched together


The reveg plants are starting to make some 3 leaf blades. I’ll be Taking cuttings as soon as possible and it will be starting more seeds very shortly.
A little update and a smoke report after more than a 6 month cure. I’ve been smoking on this consistently now, which means it’s good. The high has evolved into a great head buzz … An actual buzzing in the head. I had read of this effect before but never experienced it. It’s a nice energetic high but not overwhelming. I haven’t tried to test if there is a ceiling or not.
The flavor has really evolved as well. Super tasty now. I’m looking forward to seeing what type of plants pop out of this round.