(complete) F.B.S.C. 1960 Lambsbread Preservation

Wow… Six months of cure… That is a huge amount of patience!!!
I read about some MrNice strains that Shantibaba recomends to cure this long, like a fine “barolo”.

Happy growings!!


Well it’s probably more lack of effect than patience that got me to wait😁 If it isnt up to snuff( doesn’t make the cut) it sits in a jar longer. If it’s still no good after 6 months I usually give it away.
I would like to point out that the closet I cure my weed in is always below 60゚ in the Winter. I think it makes the curing process take longer.


you are right “Temp” do influence curring (look at cheese, wine, ect has a cure temp)
great plants !!!


some nice images in this video


“…yeah, yeah, yeah, YEAH!”

I love that last section of the vid, ha

I like this one, too…


Soooooon. Joe has temporarily overgrown My space. This has delayed the seed sprouting Mostly because I have no room for my tent. But feb 18 will be a year…and i created a new space. Maybe I can have some sprouts for the one year anniversary…


Well, its Feb 18th and one year to the day since i started this seedrun.
Better late than never, Let’s fire this thread back up!
Seeds are from what I made last summer before it was unsafe to continue the repro. So f9 i think. It should be VERY easy for me to time things correctly this time.


very exciting Jam Lambsbread !!!

way to go !!!


Hell yeah!!!
Good luck this time!..



Proceed! :yum: :pray: :sunglasses: :v:


Gonna jam some reggae just for this occasion.


Up to 6 popped seeds now…


Very excited for this one, let’s get this grow show going. Got my spot under the tree ready.

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Good luck brother!


Outta likes OG’s but thanks for the well wishes.:heart: I know a lot of you must have been disappointed at the outcome of round one. In particular my fellow Freakers are counting on me to get this done. I.threw a few extra seeds in there to ease my guilt. Last time there were 8 plants. This time I’m hoping to double plant the same amount of containers​:grin:


If there is anyone that can make it happen, it’s you!
Positive vibes!


Does reveg affect potency? What are the advantages/disadvantages?


@Herrsquidward You know, I’m not liking this reveg. Taking forever.
The advantage is you get a second shot at making seed or bud if you didn’t get a cutting early enough.
That’s it though.
Some claim the smoke is stronger round 2 when dealing with longflowers but cuttings are superior.
Six sprouts planted so far…


Today for lunch I’m having Lambsbread. Man this has gotten tasty. It can hold its own potency wise against any other Sativa I have grown now, save Oaxaca, and I’ve only tried the 3 females. It’s creeper weed for sure. Several nights in a row now, after smoking a bowl, I found my high incomplete so grabbed the jar and my empty pipe and pulled a bud out to pack another bowl. 15 minutes later I look down and I am still holding that Bud in my hand and the bowl is still empty :rofl:. Creeper. Definitely Makes your eyelids droop and your look is a dead giveaway that you’re stoned, yet it’s a clear stone with no fatigue or sleepy comedown.
The taste is fantastic now too. I suck at describing what I am tasting but it is unique and delicious and is somewhat on the floral side of the spectrum. I don’t like that nasty straight up perfume tasting pot and this is much different.
6 sprouts so far. Really crappy germination rate. The moon is getting smaller and is nearly a new moon now ( no moon). This is a poor time for germination, germinating during a waning( shrinking) moon. Typically, I have done so recently with my fresh sativa seeds anyway and my thinking is that the sprout will not stretch so quickly with a shrinking moon as much as they would if germinating a week to 10 days or so ahead of a full moon. I think the results speak for themselves. This time I will germinate with a good moon phase and we will see what happens. I still have 4 seeds left that i made and some of the red lambsbread pheno from @yobigdaddy. I think the universe wants equal numbers of each pheno. We’ll see.


I liked having seed plants as moms. Not as vigorous out the gate as a clone, but as a mom, stays healthier longer.

And, revegging basically supercrops the plant, which also makes it great for making into a mother.