(complete) F.B.S.C. 1960 Lambsbread Preservation

I think you would want to up pot into fresh soil if you were going To make seed with a revegetated plant But as long as your plant is healthy I don’t see that it could cause an issue. Maybe the seeds would be smaller if there was less nutrition available to the plant. I am growing an old silverside’s s2 this summer and the seeds come from a revegetated plant. We will see.


Do you do the root pruning when you re-veg? I did that once a good while back and it works well.


Really @GMan ? Does it help bounce back faster? Damn, its like going to college in here sometimes the stuff I soak up


Yeah, google it and you can see.

You literally take a serrated knife and saw off an inch or so (depending on size of the rootball) from each side of the root ball. It rejuvenates the new reveg grow.


Wait this makes sense cuz sometimes you have to do this with fruit trees before you plant them because the edges of the root ball can be stagnant root growth if they’ve been potted for a while.


No. I should have. I didn’t want to cut the fabric container. Next time, I certainly will.
@HumblePie420 root pruning gives the plant fresh soil, too. It’s like cutting your lawn. Comes back stronger. It’s a good way to keep mother plants in the same container.


Well, all 13 plants survived the light falling. I’m sure the plant with no taproot will recover and at least hold pace with the later planted seedlings.


I asked Chat GPT blabla and this is what he says:

The Jamaican Lambsbread cannabis strain’s name is said to be derived from its close association with the Rastafarian religion. “Lamb’s Bread” is a biblical reference that refers to the unleavened bread that is eaten during the Jewish holiday of Passover. Rastafarians believe that cannabis is a sacred herb, and they often use it in their religious ceremonies. They also believe that cannabis can bring about a sense of enlightenment and spiritual awareness, which is why they often refer to it as their “bread of life”. Therefore, the term “Lambsbread” is thought to be a name applied to cannabis that is particularly potent and spiritually uplifting, and which is grown and consumed by Rastafarians in Jamaica.


well it was only 1 day and not 3 but I’ll take it :joy:


The Law of Attraction= Thoughts become reality.
One dead Red seedling from round 2, leaving 6 green pheno and 6 red pheno plants.
Once you figure out how to use your thoughts to make your own reality, it’s life changing. Takes discipline but it works.

[quote=“Upstate, post:513, topic:76013”]
mentioned a couple Days ago that the universe wanted 6 Plants of each phenotype And decided to throw down 7 Of the red lambs bread seed In case one didn’t sprout. Well they all sprouted with that nearly full moon So I ended up with the unlucky number 13.


I don’t care how many seeds you sprout. 1 or 100. If you KNOW what you’ll find, you’ll find it. The universe will make sure that 1 seed you picked to buy/sprout will be that magic one. BUT you have to think it all the time and be sure of yourself. Allow only positive visions of success and you’ll find what you seek.


The basic premise is that the universe is a positive place. It does not understand negatives as they do not exist. If you arise in the morning hoping you will NOT have a bad day, you are going to have a bad day. The universe does not understand negatives. You have to arise knowing you’ll have a good day.
A carpenter only hits his/ her thumb with a hammer Only after thinking about hitting his or her thumb with a hammer in many cases. The universe responds. It has to.
Ever get out of bed and stub your toe and say to yourself that you’re going to have a shitty day? Then you get stuck behind the slow poke on the way to work and hit every red light…etc etc…This is you doing this to yourself. Sucks but it’s the way it works.


I need some really focused and intentive thinking… I put 5 of the 10 KD Koh Tao Thai seeds in the dirt a few days ago from @Tlander and not seeing anything yet… :confused: :slightly_frowning_face:. I sent the other five seeds to another member. I didn’t do the paper towel thing, I just soak them for around 10-12 hours in water and humic acid and then put them in soil and into the humidity dome.

Maybe today! I remember reading somewhere a long time ago to “trust the seed”. :innocent: :face_with_raised_eyebrow:


Sending the Positive stuff @GMan
Throw a little Ohmm in there too


Some seeds need wet/dry cycles to pop. Cambodian ( could be what you have or could be from the same monsoon climate)is notoriously hard to germinate and this is why. It takes multiple wet dry cycles To wear off the protective coating on the surface of the seed so it can sprout.
I don’t let the seeds get dry But almost dry and then I re wet them.
Good luck! The moon phase is on your side for sure


Thanks. I know it’s an okay method cause I’ve already sprouted around a dozen different seeds of different strains and times and using the same soil mix. Just gotta be patient. And positive! peace


Yeah, that’s exactly what I’m doing.


I soaked mine until I saw the hull split open and the put 'em in dirt. Can’t remember, off the top of my head, how long it was? It’s the worst part of the growing experience for me! The waiting sucks! :joy:
Good luck bro!



Me too. Trying to crack some old 70’s se asian mix atm. Part Cambodian.


I need unlimited likes. Can I donate and get that option?
I think if you’ve done a Co-Op seedrun you should get unlimited likes even if you are not trust level three @LemonadeJoe . Pleeeease?