(complete) F.B.S.C. 1960 Lambsbread Preservation

3 males, 2 females sexed batch one. There is one unsexed. The other six are a week or more behind. All are doing well. They are 2 feet tall in half gallon containers for batch one on average, 9 weeks in. In a big container I’d be out of space already lol.
I up potted the 6 into one gallon containers last Monday. They will hit 3 feet within the next week I bet, but shouldn’t get too much bigger until I put them in 2’s or bigger. I figured I’d go with bigger numbers rather than bigger plants this go round. Pics tomorrow.


Batch one. Green and Red phenos mixed last year. The 2 females and a male of the 4.

Batch 2. Red Lambsbread. One week younger and just up potted into 1 gallon today. So far 2 females have sexed. I love the structure of the Reds. So healthy in a half gallon I could have left them in there longer. The greens eat more N.
The one( female)plant has been folded for height, making an appropriate letter “m”, for monster. It wants to be big.
Also there is one photo showing the characteristic red stalk on some of the red phenos. Last year, the red pheno’s stalk turned all purple.


Looking great! I also love that kind of structure.


I did pinch them at the 4th set


Hey @Upstate, I’ve been meaning to ask what kind of feeding do the Oaxaca like?

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50% strength or less. Start with one third strength and go from there.


Awesome. Thanks, they’re looking good I think. About 12” tall 3 weeks of 12/12.


Hope you have lots of room😁. They are looking good! Mine are typically just a few inches tall at week 3. Or less.

You can almost watch them grow, I’ll have more room when some stuff finishes. Do you think I should top them?


Yeah, I’d top them. Week 5 they start to bud.


Really? After flower? Is that a why to kinda tame it? @upstate thanks

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Yes, it helps keep size down if you pinch the top even in flower. If you wait til stigma clumps are pinky nail size, it stops all upward growth and you’ll get a clump of buds at the top. The downside is you can end up with a smaller plant

than what you wanted this way
Malawi gold week 14. 20- 24 inches tall.



Looks like an old one. Pretty.


Did you say 20 weeks for this lambs bread? So that’s what… Jan? In the northern hemisphere I think, sorry I’m a little late to the party :slight_smile:


23 weeks last time 12 12 from seed. I started flowering these Feb 18 and Feb 25.
But yes, January/ February harvest outdoors in Jamaica


This statement just made my day Upstate


What happened with those? Did they come up?
@Sodapop took me almost 25 years to fully believe in the law of attraction and put it into practice. It’s life changing.
Remember that black plant I said I’d find somewhere around that same area of the thread? I found one quicker than i imagined.:grin:

Leaves were jet black when dry.
If you can only pop a few seeds, think of that magic plant long before you order, and that special seed will find its way into your pack. The process for me starts in country, with the farmer grabbing that special seed for me without even knowing it. Then the collector picks those special seeds out of thousands and puts them in the pack that is unknowingly set aside until I can afford to buy it. Then when i sit and contemplate what im going to germinate, the universe again guides me to fill my own vision. That’s how it works. If you don’t believe that, that’s your main problem. :100: whether you like it or not.
This link is worth posting a second time. If any of you feel like life is getting the best of you, do yourself a favor. Buy this book, put its words into practice , and get the best of life. Trust me.The Secret: Rhonda Byrne - Books - Amazon.com https://www.amazon.com/Secret-Rhonda-Byrne/dp/1582701709


Forgot to mention, it’s a pic from the 1980s, shot by Ed Rosenthal.


Holy shit dude! That’s one of the most fun ways to look at something that I’ve ever read!