Or even just one or two who insert politics into shit themselves and have the power to shut shit down. I’ve literally seen political stuff seem to be perfectly ok with and even participated in by such folks as long as it supported their view. Then the second someone says something in the opposite direction it’s suddenly warnings and flags.
Thankfully we have a pretty good user base on here which makes up for such things. Basically whether it’s political or not be prepared to drop it if someone else makes it political because no good will come of it.
you cant change peoples minds (for the most part), only change the way they present themselves to you. arguing is the hardest way to influence someone, people are much more easily tricked into saying or thinking things than convinced.
Sigh…this is why we can’t have nice things. To be honest I participated for a brief while on the “far out” stuff thread because it was in fun at first. Then it became clear some folks were really invested in weirdness.
Apparently, we are only here to discuss cannabis so I guess no more pet pictures or music or threads about anything you do that is not growing, as someone might get offended.
If that’s truly the case, there should not be a single thread allowed that is not cannabis related.
Upstate did not attack insult or cause an argument intentionally. Actually, multiple people whining that they don’t agree with him are the ones causing the issue.
@Upstate We will miss your work buddy, I hope we cross paths in the future and can possibly share some great genetics with each other if you decide to leave.
Try to find a way to stay if you can, so many people appreciate your work and knowledge!
Happy growing to everyone, and even if I can’t speak my mind 100% on here and truly be myself, I’ll be around a bit, just not as active, going to stick with a few folks that I know I know are genuine and good folks on here and won’t judge me even if we disagree, I mean we are grown ass men we should be able to not read a post if it bothers us so much our panties are tangled for life…
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