(complete) Holy Smoke Seeds Peshawar Afghan Coop Seed Run

Whoops, I have myself down as numbers 6 and 64 on the overflow list. I will remove the latter.


That is one awesome plant.

:green_heart: :seedling:


@G-paS It really is. The structure is just perfect :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:
I just planted my 2 cuttings and my headstash jar is almost empty. Hoping the other Peshawar plants are similar as it will be a while before another Joe harvest.


Oh man head stash almost out… not good


This is a screen shot of Joe , I figured she should have post #666 because she’s a Beast! Lol


I thought the whole sativas come from Eqatorial regions was law. But then I looked into White Widow. The South Indian was the short indica, the Brazilian being the jungle sativa.

Anyway, Afghanistan and Pakistan are on a highway of trading - including cannabis - since forever ago.
So I think it may be that the sativas in Affy lines are technically polluted lines, brought in through trade, invigorating the local lines.


Brazil is equatorial, and South India is north of the equator…?

If all cannabis originated in western China/the Tibetan plateau, then narrow leaf varieties and broad leaf varieties all originated in that same area… I don’t know that I’d describe variation in Afghanistan as evidence of outside pollution? Presumably both broad and narrow leaf varieties would have been carried through south Asia on their way to the Indian Ocean and on to Africa and eventually South America.


PS: And that’s putting aside doubts I have about the validity of claimed strain lineages of that era…


Keep in mind who is telling us this lol. Pretty sure that’s a lie. Or it was a hybrid. There are no South Indian indicas. There is a Narcotic sativa however
There are Sativas all over the latitudes. I just received a manchurian sativa from near 50n latitude.
Nuristan Afghanistan has both indica and sativa type plants and it’s proximity to both Pakistan and Afghanistan makes it a good launching point for the area’s genetics. Certainly genetics were brought from China as well.
I am guessing there are both sativa and indica types that originally come from Xinxiang/ Tibet area and it spread from there

By that logic isn’t everything contaminated then? Interesting to think about. Fresh genetics brought to an area are considered contamination, ancient genetics brought to an area are considered a land race or an heirloom. I don’t think anybody would argue that Afghani genetics are ancient ( landrace)and I think some original Sativa genetics are local, some not. . Even down in Kandahar the local lowland wild landrace is a thin leaved sativa and it is mixed with Hindu Kush varieties for the local crops.


Thats a good point - nobody bred in Holland til the 80s and they had to come up with tons of stories to cover that they basically stole genetics from around the world.


Joe leaves. Such pretty leaves!

Peshawar ladies. Tirah Valley in the background
I will be flipping to flower very shortly. Males are beginning to make tiny flowers.


The Brazilian used in that Hybrid was also a hybrid From the seventies


Gorgeous girlies @Upstate


I though they were brought from Tibet by tribes people…:smiley:. I kid, lol.



Looks awesome in your garden. I’ve got to do something long flowering soon.


Holy Smoke Peshawar arent real long flowering. Just 10-11 weeks. I did a lousy job keeping a journal on Joe and Thought it must have flowered in 7 or 8 weeks. That can’t be possible because I Switched a cutting of joe to flower around 3 weeks ago and no flowers yet. I thought the plant had thumb sized buds by week 3. I must have been smoking the good shit early last summer :rofl::joy::rofl: and forgot a month of flowering lol.

Flowering for the remainder of the Peshawar ladies starts tonight. I Keep meaning to get pictures of the male plants…but i forget. Just now starting to get that little miniature flower cluster at the top of the plants. Joe, too is just starting to make flowers. Right at the start of flowering I did pinch all the tips so it’s possible that delayed flower onset. If that’s the case I would imagine the plant will catch up rapidly once it gets going.


Good news! I found Joe in male form😁. The leaves are an EXACT match and the stem rub smell is exactly the same too. Only Joe and this one male have any stem smell to speak of. Nice strong smell too. Pics won’t upload atm…unfortunately.


Very nice


Daddy Joe.


Hell yeah! Score! Lol