(complete) Holy Smoke Seeds Peshawar Afghan Coop Seed Run

Nice find… marrying male jo e and female joe together Should be an awesome combination


Nice find no doubt. Got lucky with only 3 males, but then again kharma is on my side isnt it? The universe has a way.
If you know what you are looking for and you know that you are going to find it you will


That reminds me of this old hippie I was talking to like 15-20 years ago talking about intention you put in is the intention that comes back kinda like the law of attraction, I had no clue what the hell that crazy hippie was talking about at the time :slight_smile: lol but now I got an idea maybe a small understanding lol


The reason its called the LAW of attraction. It exists for sure.

Now you’ve heard it from two crazy hippies lol.:laughing:


Are you gonna call the male Gi-Joe? :smile:


Ooh GiJoe x cobra lips lol that sounds killer


Man , I just love that leaf structure, those serrations are absolutely stunning! I keep going back and looking at them :slight_smile: that first photo is really cool man , thanks @upstate for keeping such good notes it’s really helpful and greatly appreciated, for real, thanks bro


So I know this doesn’t quite run with topic but has any of you tried or mixed and heirloom afghan sativa with afghan indica. So 100% landrace just the sativa/indica cross but 100% sativa with 100% indica from same country. Just learning about landrace and true lines so might ask basic questions.


Nearly or all modern commercially farmed afghan cannabis is already mixed indica/ sativa so nearly everything done breeding wise in this country since afghan hit the scene already has the mixed genetics. The Tirah Valley Pakistani I’m growing are mixed as well, as are Pakistani genetics from Balochistan. All mixed long ago now…50-100 years ago in Afghanistan.


How many seeds did you pop? When you found that male, out of curiosity


Just 8 seeds. The( used to be) runty female also smells and looks similar to Joe.

Joe( I can’t fit the whole plant in a picture) and the other ladies. Flowering started 2 days ago for the small ones.
Joe has just about kicked me out of my own room lol. It’s just a massive indoor plant. Meant to do some organizing over the weekend but didn’t have time to do it. Or the space. Joe is taking up a quarter of a 10×10 room.


Man! A beast. what is the wide leaf to the right of that last pic. It looks totally different.


Tirah valley to the right. Day 2 of flowering.


That was neat history. I remember googling that River Valley and it was magical. I’d love to see more of that one, too. peace

edit: ooooops! you beat me to it!


So, this is the indica that is believed to be brought into Afghan…?? or do I have it backwards…?


Some wide leaves very nice, live the structure of that tirah


This is the
Amalgamated Tirah valley, a Pakistani landrace or heirloom hybrid of the Afridi Sativa and every other area strain, including Peshawar, Chitral, Uzbek, Iranian, Afghan, various Kush.You can find any expression you are looking for in this one. But its been inbred a long time now. Not like a modern Polyhybrid. This one will be true breeding.
It’s probable that Kush type plants have been in the area for ages but were overlooked until the 30’s, when they were used in Mazar-i-sharif. We all know the effects of hybridization and the results speak for themselves. The Afghan farmers experienced hybrid vigor and from then on Indica use spread
Tirah Valley is gorgeous. 150 miles long i think. I want to go.


no, i never heard of a case that somebody outcrossed two landraces and got a better weed than the best ever found “Strain in a Countrysite in the 70s” , or shall i say landrace…



The "best ever found " is good enough for me :slight_smile: lol


On average the farmers see a Bigger yield, more resin with bigger calyxes and resin heads, stronger high. To a poor farmer its a no brainer. Easier to sell a crop. But that’s from a poor farmers perspective, not mine😁
It’s quite possible for any landrace to have a similar background as this Tirah. Mix a bunch of stuff up long, long ago and let it run its course= new landrace or heirloom eventually. No one knows what they were smoking back in the seventies. Any landrace Coming from a region with another landrace could very well have been mixed And nobody would know it, Because nobody was looking to know it. I don’t believe anybody asked if they’re the latest kilo in 1970 was pure or from hybridized plants. They only knew the region it was shipped from, not the breeding practices of the farmer.