(complete) Holy Smoke Seeds Peshawar Afghan Coop Seed Run

@upstate , are they (joe) like a typical sativa or do they prefer to be on the dry side? Referring to how wet the pot should be thanks


They can handle some more moisture But I always let pots dry out in between watering.


Okay! Cool I’ve been worried about that, because the typical afghan likes a dry por but a sativa on the other hand well you know, thanks that takes some stress off me :slight_smile:


Plants want some extra nitrogen and magnesium before you switch to flower


Other than that keep the feeds on the light side, right? My plan is to only give them the bare minimum, I put some soy bean meal in there and just a little stone flour (just enough to get the pH right on my cheap bag soil, which I’m kinda regreting lol) I’m hoping thats a good base line that will last most of veg but if not I got a nettle JLF if I see she wants more :slight_smile:


They Can handle full strength commercial potting soil like ocean forest Once they get going. I haven’t tried it when they are young. I have the same recycled soil at this point so I have no idea what’s in it as far as nutrition. Lots of good stuff and always tossing in whatever I think might be needed but I never use any measuring, just a hunch. At least half of my mix is garden soil, perlite, compost and castings.


No , not yet anyways lol but I plan to and as far as I know none or very few has even had access to this afghan sativa so not many has due to the fact that a afghan sativa is as rare as frogs hair :slight_smile: and very few even know it exists


Cool that’s a grow id like to watch. Afghan sativa doesn’t even sound right when I hear it.lol I sure it smokes right though.:stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


All ten of Joe’s progeny still going. They were potted up to 3 gallon containers mid January, topped 1/18, and flipped to 12/12 on 1/25. I had to move several other plants in the flower room to bring the humidity up and I blurred them out only so they are not confused with the Peshawar.

The new growth is all looking pretty good for the most part. The stretch has really kicked in and each of the plants are showing some nice side branching which I personally enjoy.

I mentioned to Upstate that when I was potting them up I got a strong smack in the face of kitty litter scents. I actually thought it was my cat’s litter box in the garage where I was working until I realized it was from the plants. This is my first time working with kitty litter plants so I’m really curious how that evolves with the flowering. I’m pretty sure you cat pee lovers will enjoy this one!


She looks real happy. Leaves are all perked up. Nice work. peace


Seems you are a perfect partner for this endeavour high-five, they look gorgeous :heart_eyes:, great job done … beer3|nullxnull


Good grief where have I been? LOL Nice job @deeez99 , beautiful plants!

I’m so ready to get my tents empty. lol


Hey @deeez99 did you top that?


Haha I bet. I kept thinking those plants of yours were going burst out from the tents. A real jungle.

Yes all plants were topped two weeks ago. A few are showing sex and some are still hiding their identity as of yet.


Derp! Sorry I must have read too fast.


@deeez99 Heck yeah buddy! Good job. They are quite content now💥What’s your final verdict? What fixed them?
To me those Peshawar stick right out. Hard to miss those Sattie leaves😁

Call me gross…but​:drooling_face::drooling_face::drooling_face::drooling_face::drooling_face::drooling_face::drooling_face::drooling_face::drooling_face::drooling_face::drooling_face::drooling_face::drooling_face::drooling_face::drooling_face::drooling_face::drooling_face::drooling_face::drooling_face: ( Hendrix plays in the Background…“Heey Joe”)


Some Joe pics

Some pics of the chosen male flowers. Grabbed 6 that were ready to open. Will keep collecting just before they spill pollen another couple weeks. If a couple pollen grains escape, thats fine, but i don’t want Joe making babies right now. I want her making lots of flowers. Tomorrow morning there will be a few more " pods" to collect. Notice the Joe type leaf. overlays a younger Joe leaf exactly.
Some JJ plants ( Joe Jr)
A beautiful double sawtooth fan
And a couple more ladies.
2nd pic up. Leaves got cooked walking in the cold for 15 seconds. I won’t be doing that again this week. Supposed to be 25 below the next couple days


Wow :flushed: bro that double serration is killer looking :slight_smile:


Man, I’ve only seen snow 3 times and it was nowhere near 25 below!! Damn, my nips hurt just thinking about that


Super pretty. Had the plant continued to veg all the leaves would look like that. I love it.
@HumblePie420 I’ll take -25 lol. At least there was sun and low humidity and my body didn’t hurt. I’d rather freeze in a High pressure weather system. Feels so good. Its been a month since I’ve seen the sun. Lucky to have at least the lights for “sun”.