(complete) Holy Smoke Seeds Peshawar Afghan Coop Seed Run

They really started to bounce back after getting the RH up into the 50-60% range (was mid 20’s to 35% at one point) and getting them into that flushed soil. Won’t make that mistake again…well at least try not to anyway.

lol sicko, just kidding I’m obviously looking forward to trying my first cat pee flavored bud

Agreed, very nice looking. Everything looking great in there.

Wow that’s rough. Give me the scorching heat of the desert all day. Stay warm buddy!


Pretty sure its flavor is unlike cats pee😁 but i never did taste any pee to be sure lol. . Just smells like it. Smokes Sour.

-16…but the wind is easily 25-35 mph.
-45 with 25 mph wind. -49 with a 35 mph wind.


Just to see how long it takes a Joe seed to form i dusted a small bud 2 days ago. Getting closer. Buds are pinky nail sized. Maybe next weekend i can start to pollinate.


Curious what you all think about this backcross.
Would you all like me to use the one male only Or do you want me to use as many as I can?


Me personally use 2 males one stud and one for diversity :slight_smile:

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Did you find a smelly male with those deeply serrated leaves? Good idea to at least use your favorite male with the one i found, regardless of smell/ looks.
But should we use them all? :thinking: I’ll set up a vote.


Hit the like button if you like the idea of using all males…


Hit the like button if you think only smelly males with deeply serrated leaves should be used.


Ohh, your talking about ALL the males between us 3 so that’s deeez upstate and me :slight_smile: see that’s a good question which brings up another would you want all the pollen I gather mixed?

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I vote for deep stinky deeply serrated leaf male’s.


From a preservation standpoint, it might make sense to be certain the full range of phenos is represented in the males rather than thinking just in terms of how many are used. In addition to the stud male of course.

Have you named Joe’s stud mate yet? How about “Bazooka”?


Ummm difficult question… So I vote the two to be yes.
For preservation, there could be recessive genes in the non smelly males that could show on f2.

If it is for breeding and select heirloom… Then only smelly.

Happy growings…


When one of the two options hits 15 likes that will be it. So far smelly joe “bazooka” jr is in the lead😁
@drgreensleeves at least between the male plants @deeez99 and I have. Joe is so big i have to pollinate soon or heat my apartment for her to live in, lol. I’m anxious to pollinate.

I mean you might be too far behind us. If i pollinate next couple weeks I'll be done in 8. I need to be done in 8.


Joe is going need s its own bedroom to flower in …:hushed::hushed::hushed::hushed:, that thing is crazy huge.


The other Females. The stinkiest one is still the runt, picture erased I think. Its my favorite and just so happens to be the double saw tooth plant if I haven’t mentioned it. If you show a plant some extra love it’ll often give that love back to you😍. !

Plants are very uniform. One is a third bigger than the others. I bet it would be a tree outdoors.
Peshawar are pretty resistant to spider mites. They will get them but they will be the last to get them. I have had one of the peshawar plants intermingled with a revegitated Oaxaca plant that is difficult to get all spider mites off of. The mites have stayed off the Peshawar.
I up potted to 5 gallon containers after visiting @GREANDAL’ s Menagerie thread lol. I want plants like that! Hope i dont regret it😁 they are rather tall already. May have to bend them a bit. I think they are trying to compete with momma for light sometimes. Joe is so wide lol. Overgrowing everything. Adding a 430 tomorrow for Joe to have all to herself. She’ll still catch a bunch of light from the main one too.
Joe’s buds are around a pinky nail in size.
Oooops. Just erased the double sawtooth plant photo.


If you are not trying to preserve anything and if you really like your male, I say just one.
You don’t really have to worry about a bottleneck now, you have plenty of seeds to look through if you get jammed.
Just restart/reset.

I say pick some traits you like best and select for those.
If you want, use the second male to go in a totally different direction.
You will then have 2 distinct lines you really like.

Then combine the 2 and see what you get.
Or even at that point cross those each one of those lines back to joe to see what ya get.
If all goes bad you can start back fresh with some fresh seeds from the original pollination.

My 2 cents anyway. :slightly_smiling_face:

Good luck


This one is just for you OG’s to give you all a good chance at finding your own Joe. Whatever you guys feel is your best shot
@shag for sure I’ll use all the males on their own tagged bud for me to go thru later. I like parallel lines. Good to keep vigor strong. Plus you never know. The best male could be a sleeper.


I sure like the look of this. I have ordered strips for another veg area. And should be able to start some of these and other longtimers soon.

My indoor had to be about stash this winter but first week of march it’ll be all about outdoors. I have a Manipuri mother that needs about a 2’ trim.

Sooooo many things to grow. I wish they could all be huge but I’m going to have to harden my heart and sharpen the shears.

Kicking myself for not being able to do this with you guys.


I was listening to NPR yesterday, and I learned how to pronounce this region’s name! I’ve been saying PESH-ah-war, but apparently it’s more like pesh-OW-er, and they can tell if you’re a westerner of you say it the first way.
Basically, I’ve been saying “kay-sa-dill-uh” ever since this thread began.