(complete) Holy Smoke Seeds Peshawar Afghan Coop Seed Run

That’s the Taco Bell version of this strain, right?



Yup! That’s the one! I think it’s Texada Timewarp x peshaaawaarr. :bear::rofl::laughing::flushed:



Texada Timewarp is NOT from Texas…but British Columbia! :cowboy_hat_face:


Lol, I figured it wasn’t, but the phonetics worked! :laughing:


Thats not how you say it? Lol.
Upstate NY definitely has their own local pronunciations. I had a gal in Cali tell me i was from upstate just by one word being said by me.
“YUP”. everyone here says it. I never realized it was a rather local Thing. We also say
Motsarella instead of the preferred Italian " "mootzalell "( mozzarella) it drives my wife nuts.
There are no ing’s here either. I lost mine over the last couple decades despite my best efforts.
Watcha doin? Aw nuthin. Where you comin from? Goin t town? Yup.
I like all the different accents in this country. Fun stuff.
@HeadyBearAdventures I’ve had it wrong too then. Perhaps there is more than one way to pronounce it. Even in Pakistan there are different pronunciations for common words such as Pashtun, which is spelled and pronounced multiple ways. Very confusing.


Dusted a couple buds and a couple pods opened on their own too. Gotta nice pile of pollen set aside already too. Maybe its time this weekend for a good dusting. There must be a couple thousand flowers on there already.
So far the vote is 12-6 in favor of using just the stinky heavily serrated male for the Backcross.
@deeez99 you finding anything similar?
@drgreensleeves how’s your plants coming along?
@GREANDAL i know how it goes buddy. If i say I’ll grow something and i dont have seed within a week or 2 the slot is often filled.




This is why i share seeds from my favorites.
If i am to grow good weed, I must help my neighbors grow good weed😁


Joe flashback from summer.

I’m going to grow another just like it this summer. I’m nearly out. Maybe a 1/4 oz left​:astonished::sleepy::sleepy:


Impressive! I hope I can grow one half as nice. :grin:


@Tejas I think people will find something even nicer than that one. I hope so. I’m excited to see what the other ladies flowers look and smoke like. There were some neat expressions. The one plant i have is a tree. Big mistake going to 5 gallon with that one… Its grown half a foot in 2 days. Closing in on 4 feet.
These plants are ALLLLL Sativa. If someone gave me the seeds and said it was South African or Mexican I would not know any different at this point in time. Very vigorous strain.


OMG I fucking lol’d so hard here. :rofl:
I’ll back you on the motsarella. I’m from Oklahoma originally. I think “ehmoohzzarell” sounds so dumb :astonished:


Coming right along :slight_smile: I had some issue with me store bought soil , it smh lol that’s what I get for being lazy lol so I mixed some up and switched it out and everythings humming now ! These things are animals just bounced right back like nothing!

I’ll get you a more recent photo tomorrow but they have vigor :slight_smile:


I went from cheap bag soil pH was like 5 then went to expensive bag soil “sohum” and 30% was 3.5 pH :flushed: that’s when the straw broke the camels back lol so to speak but we are good now everything has recovered nicely they grew a node in 3 days / vigorous! :slight_smile:


I’ve had my run in with that crappy soil. I went with organic miracle grow soil one time and I’ll never go back to it. Seems to be way too much bark in the cheap soils and they rob nitrogen from the plants. You have the plants happy now.

PH of 3.5??? Man. Soil company should be ashamed


pH 3.5 ! Oh yeah I was throwing sh!t cussing spitting and kicking rocks for 2 days lol anytime my ego gets in the way I get put in my place everytime lol # stay humble :slight_smile: ps what made it worse was the bag said " just add water" ! Sh!t ! Lol always a catch lol


Hey @Upstate plants are coming along and there seems to only be three males total with two of them pretty close to start dropping pollen. I’ll have to move them out to the greenhouse probably tomorrow where it’s still pretty cold at night but during the day gets into the 90s.

Tallboy has been the most vigorous and has stretched the most out of them all.

This is the one you’ve commented on a few times which did turn out to be male. Not the greatest photo but just trying to capture some off the leaf structure.

The runtiest (is that a word) of the whole bunch is slow going but is definitely male. I could probably get some better images of their overall structure once I move them out into the greenhouse.

Overall really impressed with how well these bounced back after a somewhat bumpy start. I can’t fully comment on the smells at the moment because I’m battling an aphid infestation and all I’m picking up at the moment is the lingering neem oil smell. I’ll wait till they are in the greenhouse to comment more. The blurred part of the image is just a couple plants that are not peshawar.


Oh sweet timing @deeez99. Two candidates there for sure. If there is a strong stem smell we’ll use them. I’m ashamed to admit my eyesight isnt as good under metal halide as it is outdoors. 2 of the 5 “females” I thought i had are males. Those long stipules got me. Didn’t even notice til a couple minutes ago. Bad for my stash jar but good for the BX. Both males are smelly and both very uniform. The one was one of my favorites.

Maybe 10 days til pollen for that one. I’ll wait for this male and @deeez99 if you have a keeper. If not i have 2 maybe 3.
Another female. Shortest one.


I’ve been reduced to reading glasses myself friend. Time marches on BUT I can still see that those plants are looking pretty damn sweet


@HeadyBearAdventures Thanks buddy. I’m a little bummed i only get to sample 3 females, but I’m sure i have 2 good ones. The tree I’m not sure about yet. It doesn’t look like Joe at all, but has the same stem rub smell. Its an outdoor plant for sure. Close to 4 feet tall now. Very stretchy. Maybe the stinky foot pheno lol.
@deeez99 and @drgreensleeves hope you do better with the fem % @deeez99 did you say you got mostly ladies? The one male you have is a big one. I’ll show Joe a picture😁.