(complete) Holy Smoke Seeds Peshawar Afghan Coop Seed Run

So far y’all have found cat piss and dirty/sour feet phenos? right? I kinda got a feeling that there’s more in there :slight_smile: , I don’t know, but we are going to find out! :slight_smile: @Upstate , am I missing any? Or are any of them just hard to describe? Or am I just reaching? Lol :slight_smile:


There’s other smells but i suck at describing them. I’d love to hang with a professional sniffer or take a college course if offered. I have a good nose but don’t know what I’m smelling… I don’t have a well travelled nose these days and though a smell will be familiar I can’t place it. If it smells earthy or like sawdust, I’m your man.


Here’s the tall female. In a 5 gallon she looks me in the eye now. Much taller and I’ll be bending it. If i had the room I’d have done so already.

Here’s the other new male I found.


If you happen to find how to train the nose keep me informed please!!..
I must train taste and odors… My senses are fool.

Happy growings!!


I’ve never had what you would call a trained nose. I know some that are amazing at it though. I think you could fart around my brother and he could tell you what you had for lunch.
Not so much with me. lol


I consider myself blessed that my sense of smell is terrible for many reasons including the one you mentioned.


Sorry @CanuckistanPete . PWS … Posting While Stoned.


I don’t think anyone on here needs to apologize for that!


True words. :slight_smile:


I smelled this conversation 30 minutes later. Geezus guys… :laughing:


I thought it was pretty cool. I never heard that simple stuff. But then, you have to know what is what. Lots of smells out there. I always know when I know that I’m smelled a smell before, but can’t put a name to it.

But, the “bury your nose right in it” advice reminds me of times when I wished I hadn’t done that… lol


I wish my apparatus still functioned at that level. I know I miss or misinterpret things. When you’re very young you almost think you can smell clouds.


Now in that regard my father-in-law has turned me into an expert at identification :rofl::joy::rofl::rofl:


Ever since I quit smoking cigarettes my sense of smell changed, even campfire smoke doesn’t smell the same. I can barely smell weed. I have to be careful to air out good before going into work. :joy:


Looking back a week in the thread i see we are 14-6 in favor of using smelly males with heavily serrated leaves only for the Joe Bx. One more vote and that seals the deal. If you haven’t voted please do so.
Looks like I have 3 nice males out of 5. One has skimpy flowers and one has no smell. They are getting the chop.
The first male has done his job. I see plenty of seeds forming and stigmas turning. A couple days ago i opened 3 or 4 " pods" and dusted some buds. I’ll wait a week and add pollen from these other two males and any from @deeez99. I saw a really warm day in the forecast and I’m going to try to take advantage and pollinate outdoors. In February lol. @drgreensleeves you’re definately off the hook😁. Realistically I’ll be at mid flower in two weeks or less. Grow us some nice buds to look at.

Both new males are really nice, with hollow stems, good smell and jagged leaves. These two were put into 5 gallon grow bags so are more fully expressing themselves. They look like the females. The original male is still the smelliest and was also symmetrical like these other two. It will be warm this week. Will try to get pics outdoors.
To keep better track of flowering progress, for the record Joe is just now developing smell and resin the past couple days. It starts as a lemon smell. Not pissy yet. I’ll have to see when flowering began.


Pretty good idea. It was 60º here today. 0º two mornings ago.


Alright! Some sensi :grin: lol , and when the box gets here I’ll make more seed with them, right? Am I understanding the boxes correctly and when that’s done I gotta send em back ? Just trying to figure it out ahead of time and please I’ve read the box thread like 4 or 5 times lol @Upstate , thank you ps see I think I understand half the process, lol so start is preservation pack gets selected then a breeder is picked then pack is sent the open pollination then said breeder sends back to distribution then (for us in the US) @G-paS packs and sends tl3 and tl2 packs (after packaging donations) then we open pollination again then we send back to @G-paS ? That’s the part I have yet to understand lol sorry I have just a we bit of anxiety and this has been driving me for 4 almost 5 months lol


Once you get your box, do as you please with them. You have no obligation to do anything, especially not a seed run.


Oh !? Cool , so the only one “required” to op is the one selected to “fill” the box. I was wondering why I couldn’t find no more info on the subject lol it’s because there is no more info to give lol It makes sense now :slight_smile: hold on I’ll smoke another :slight_smile: lol @Tripl3fastaction thanks bro for the clarity