(complete) Holy Smoke Seeds Peshawar Afghan Coop Seed Run

So really what you are saying is you don’t know but assume these seeds came from the big city. Since you don’t know and are only derailing this thread please stop. You have made your point, there is no purpose to messing with the man’s thread repeating the same stuff. Thanks.


I’ve been calling one of my old strains an Afghan for over 20 years. Just recently it occurred to me that it has never molded, which makes me think it’s probably Pakistani, coming from the wetter end of the Hindu Kush. The reason I say this is that many strains we have been calling Afghan are probably not Afghan at all. The fastest indicas I have heard of come from Iran and Kashmir Pakistan, although it’s quite possible it was a fast Afghan.
This Peshawar may also fall under that category of mislabeled strains. It’s quite possible it hails from the Eastern end of the Peshawar Valley, but many genetics in Pakistan hail from Afghanistan originally as it is quite common for Pakistani farmers to import genetics from out of country, so we come full circle… This Afghan might be a Pakistani strain that hails from Afghanistan, LOL. There really is no way to tell so many years later from the collection date. All I know is that it was collected in that little town of Peshawar in Afghanistan.


Seems like latitude and longitudinal coordinates would be the best way to identify where landraces are sourced from, instead of country names, especially in places where the borders change hands and are still being fought over


Yeah, but Afghan Peshawar sounds way cooler than 35.842215,71.363227 :laughing:


hey man I appreciate your dissenting opinion on where these seeds came from. I think you’ve made your point and it keeps overgrow from becoming an echo chamber.

“you can lead a horse to water but you can’t make it drink”
and if that horse dies from dehydration then,
“stop beating a dead horse”

I feel like you’re on the verge of detailing this thread. which would be bad for the whole community.


Hahah very true. Probably easier to fit on a label as well :upside_down_face:


Lol, easier to remember too. Imagine your homies comin over and you go to tell them how crazy the bud is


:rofl: :rofl: too funny


@Upstate looks like another fun one to watch! Best of luck my friend


I think we have a male. Couple more days I’ll get out a loupe if i can’t tell without one. Strange the biggest plant from the new batch of seed ( from @Zanzibar ) is a confirmed female. We are up to 4 of 8 confirmed. 1 female of 1 batch one.
2 females of 2 batch 2
1 female, 3 unknown, 1 suspected male
Zanzibar, thanks again. You likely made a Peshawar seedrun possible.
Meant to get pictures last night. Tonight for sure. Just up potted the plants into 2 gallon plastic containers yesterday. Will leave them in that for a couple weeks or more, then into 5 gallon for a week. Then 12 /12 .
I’m carrying in the big plant, Joe, every night and have just realized how wide it is. Going to have to train the canopy into a rectangle to fit thru my doorway or figure out another space to flower it in.
@LegsMahoney thanks. I haven’t grown anything with real big chunky buds in a while. Hoping the big girl puts on a show.


Ooh. Joe looks like someone fun to hang out with. That’s a nicely shaped plant!


This is from the seed listing when I purchased the seeds:

Peshawar Afghani
From the Peshawar valley in Afghanistan This is a rare authentic look into some real deal strains with electric high this is a good heavy loader strain to punt.


In order…group photo, minus Joe.
Self topping plant from photo one. ( furthest right)
The second batch ( 2 bigger plants)just took off and are turning into bean poles. I’ve been looking for an opportunity to show how to turn a tall lanky plant into a bush. The tall one, a female, is a great candidate.


Bodhi Seeds and Real Seed Company have both sold Peshawar Pakistani in the past too, with Crickets and Cicada those are probably the top 3 seed companies and know the region.
I looked up the town of Peshawar, Afghanistan, it is a tiny village in a majestic canyon in remote Nuristan. Nuristan is unique, even blond hair blue eyed people that are said to have descended from Alexander the Great reside there.
The Peshawar Valley in Pakistan is very large, it has much more agriculture than remote Nuristan.
Wherever the seeds are from, both areas are great, both in proximity to the Hindu Kush mountains.
Angus from RSC has told me that many of the seeds in the area leave from where they originated and are traded throughout the region, often at bazaars.


I was mistaken in believing the info I gave about the Peshawar valley was in this thread. There is some in this thread but the bulk of it It is in the other thread ( may 5 and earlier)(link) where I was looking for these beans. Perhaps someone else can splice that thread into the beginning of this one?Holysmoke seeds peshawar wanted for coop seed run


One of my missions is to discover the ancestor of the Greek strain Kalamata red, if it is indeed a land race. I’ll have to add peshawar to the list of those to check. Malana India also has blue-eyed people that are said to descend from Alexander the Great.


Fuck yes. Thank you buddy.

Bodhi gave me a handful of sativa afghan years ago and it was the best meditative high Ive ever experienced.
Hopefully that will be found in these.

I read above that you had problems with mutations from old seeds.
May i recommend making a sprouted seed tea if you have any more old seeds to pop.
Basically, sprout a bunch of seeds til their tails get about half inch to an inch long, then blend em in a blender with water, bubble for a day, then soak your seeds in that and use it for the first watering. It will deliver the enzymes to the seeds that they lost over time.

You can research which seeds provide which enzymes.
Personally, i use corn (gets loud when blending in a blender), mung, rye grass, and maybe one ir two more that my tbi brain cant remember at the moment


@Wuachuma Great idea! I have thousands of cannabis seeds i can use. Have to try that out next time i germ old seeds.
I have a sneaking suspicion that these Peshawar are going to be some great smoke. I’ll have to make hash from the seed run plants to get a taste of the hash it will make. I bet its epic.


Just to throw in my two cents, I’ve often wondered why a company(Malberry/HolySmokes) of seed sellers who specialize in African genetics is selling AfghaniPeshawar. They’re literally on different continents. How did they come across them? Also, I’ve read a few comments/threads on this strain and people have stated that they flower for 16 weeks or more. Is that reasonable for a strain from Afghanistan or Pakistan? I was hoping to be able to answer that question for myself this year(i live at 35N) but alas, it was not meant to be.

@Upstate -did Nick at HS ever share a backstory of how/when they sourced the seeds? I tried to contact the people at Malberry on another matter, but never received a response.

PS. If this is too off topic, I’m happy to remove it. I was considering starting a Malberry/HolySmokes thread as i plan on growing out their seeds.


Oh my! Hell yes! Sprouted cannabis seed tea! Great thread @Upstate ,as usual, I get to learn way more than ever thought possible! Thank you to all engaged in conv. Excellent stuff!