(complete) Holy Smoke Seeds Peshawar Afghan Coop Seed Run

I am late to get in but as broke as I am I am always down to spend 20 for seeds especially if there’s a bigger goal in mind than my own selfish desires. Seeing how I can’t pitch in I would to to help by growing and making seeds.


Yes. a PM group buy thread. I still can’t do it.
@HeadyBearAdventures, sorry you were overlooked, buddy. 50 other people have told me the same thing. Whenever I set up a group buy, I try to do it asap, always worried the beans will be gone before we can act. I grab whoever is closest, lol. You can count on some seeds from me if successful in our repro, which we will be :grin:


All good, and I don’t feel overlooked, but thank you for the acknowledgement. In hindsight that sounds like “Upstate, tag me anytime you do a group buy!” But that’s not reasonable or fair, just a “I wanna hang out with the cool kids (aka weirdos)!” response.
I’m also content with the fact that, of this mini collective, I’m definitely the noob!
I’m honored to be a part of the current group project, even in a small way.


I really appreciate the offer to grow one of these, but we typically pick somebody that’s been on Overgrow for at least 6 months, due to some flighty folks taking off with seeds in the past. If you know somebody that’s been here a long time that can vouch for you I’d reconsider…
I have some Arghandhab Black seed I’d give you if you are willing to make some seeds to spread around. It’s the same province the Daman selection #8 is from…they are closely related. That would give you a chance to show us what you can do growing landraces. It would give you some seeds to gift and trade to other people. I would be looking to get a few seeds back myself and would like at least 500 seeds spread around overgrow. If you are interested let me know😁


Great project guys. Sending great vibes your way awesome dudes.


@Upstate literally announced it as an idea and took the first 10 people to volunteer, lol. It didn’ take 15 minutes, lol. Even before I realized I could afford this one, it was full and I got the last overflow spot, once I realized I could actually afford it. Because it was $220 instead of $200, lol. I’ll be happy to share anytime when the time is right.


That’s why I’m not sweating it at all. Thank you friend.


I would be excited for that opportunity. I am not very educated about landrace strains so one is as good as another to me as long as I am furthering my own education and giving back in the process. Just let me know what I need to do. Thank you!


I can run on of them, but I’m committed until June. Let me know if that works.


Send me a pm.
@Tejas it sure does! Which one?

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I moved them all back into the garage so I snapped a pic of each to show structure.


The Black Tiger.


Ever wake up with a song in your head? Lol
@deeez99 hard to believe these are Afghan plants isnt it? See any good resin yet?


Joe is still kicking. Seeds are done or nearly so. I hardly ever find a green one now. I could take the plant down now…BUT Joe has decided on another round of flowering, just for me this time. I can’t believe this plant has anything left in it, but it’s looking like 2 more weeks, and I can salvage some hash or maybe even a little bud out of her. Incredible. That pictured bud had over 50 seeds in it. I’ve never had a plant keep going after producing a total pollination seed crop. I’ve pulled close to 1500 seeds from her and there are at least as many still on the plant.
@deeez99 the pollinations were far enough apart that I’ll be able to give you seeds that were surely from your pollen alone😁
Someone said earlier in the thread that this Peshawar will flower and flower if you let it. ( sounds like Bubba Kush in that regard)Now I’m in agreement, at least for the Joe pheno. Outdoors this could mean a bumper crop with good flowering conditions. If you have the time and weather, let her keep producing.if not, chop.
EDIT. Bad info. Ilaqai Nasal ( tirah valley regional landrace) will apparently flower forever if you let it. Not Peshawar


@Tejas sweet! Sounds great! Now we need a Daman grower.


lol guess i’m not familiar with that song. And yes, had someone sent me this pack I would have assumed the seeds had been mislabeled or hybridized. Resin is there but slowly building, I believe their time outdoors slowed them down quite a bit but I do see some new pistils forming. I also pollinated late so that also probably slowed things down. It’s ok though, no rush here.


Oh man that is awesome :raised_hands:

I LOVE the incense/floral taste and smell. It is one of my absolute favorite terps in cannabis. I don’t know why but it just sticks out to me as different then “normal” when I smoke it. I also had a strain in early 2000s that was insanely church/incense when I smoked her. That strain made me trip out. Literally having open eyes visuals everytime I smoked.
I used it for meditation and tried to work on my spiritual side of myself with her. Then sadly after a few years she disappeared.
Nothing’s ever had me trip like that church terp bud back then, so I love when I find something that smells that way. It brings me back, and gives me hope that it might trigger those OEV this time.


@HappyTrees23s it sounds to me like you should talk to @MAHAKALA he’s got the trippy church weed and has been working with these special plants for years and I can’t wait to grow some! From what I’ve seen here you can definitely find what you’re looking for here , good luck on your quest :slight_smile:


Oh thank you ! Ill send him a message and see what he says.
I really appreciate that ! :raised_hands:



Mujahideen with his Afghani 1990