Cookies fam base genetics?

it just reminds me of it so much it makes me want it instead. if i never had the tk i might be fine with it :sweat_smile:


Ive had my eye on calebs TK for about 2 years now


Which of the cookies cuts are used to make most of these? Havent really even looked into it a whole lot.

Might throw one in my breeding room for shits and giggles.

I got the S1 and the 5150 x TK at veg day 14
I’ll try to remember to update you about those :muscle:

That’s a difficult question to answer @CARE_giver

But you can get ogkb types from @SHSC-1

Forum cut, you can get this at archive

Thin mint gsc, cloney soprano

Sunset sherbet, not sure who currently.

Cloney also has gelato 33 (larry bird) and gelato 41 (bacio)

I will say that you should look into cloneys recent hlvd positive results before purchasing anything from him. No hate, just full disclosure.

Typically forum, thin mint, ogkb, and sherb are the powerhouses but there’s a lot of fake cuts.

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Archive might also have biscotti

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Could somebody maybe enlighten me about the animal cookies / animal crackers?

Who bred it, when is it from?

Supposed to be half fire og… not sure. I know some people list it as seer’s animal cookies or 08 animal cookies. It could be a bagseed of gsc, or a rename. Seed junky used it a lot.

I never did really study up on cookie fam . I only joined the internet of weed in 2015 so only things I can relate to are forum posts on the history and origins of all these various “cookie” genetics. My knowledge of it all is pretty slim LOL
I never caught onto the cookie hype either… to me a good plant is a good plant. If it tastes awesome and has the effects I desire… I don’t really care what it is called at the end of the day hehe well except for breeding purposes, then I do my due diligence whenever possible.
On the topic of OGKB (by OG Kush Breath) , I can’t say I have ever sampled the original cut… only the OGKB 2.0 clone, found by grower Chunkypigs who’s story is well documented on Icmag. I also hold a cut of GSC but in truth I have no idea which GSC it is. I do know that it smokes real nice so I kept it around and I also used it in some crosses. The ogkb 2.0 is a much more robust plant with stronger medicinal qualities for nerve and muscle pain/fatigue. The aromatics are also very mood appeasing and soothing if that makes sense. LOL
Chunkypigs has given me his blessings to continue working with the OGKB 2.0 and seeing as some of my absolute favorite plants to grow and smoke are coming out of that particular mother… she will be around for as long as I can keep her.


Definitely not gone, I think a lot of people get caught up in the hype and have forgotten about some of the classics but there are a few people that ignore the hype and hold on to the ones like you mentioned so they don’t get lost. :grin:


Do share if you know a solid source for those pleaseee :heart_eyes:

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@DopeKiller are you Canada or the USA?

I’m in Israel :wink:

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Oh lol that might make clone shipping difficult. Joti has a pretty solid PK if it’s beans your after, I might even have some kicking around too. I will check tomorrow for you. I know I have some crosses.

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