Copa Genetics

I just got word they are drying and should be getting to me in about two ish weeks. So the sign up will stay open for now, or at least until in my hand. Then the I will start to shift through and get folks what they want in the order in which they came. Don’t forget to add the R2 after your name if you sign up. Let’s me know you get privy while choosing what you wanna run.


For the 1000 post in the thread. I feel like you made it a good one!!! Should sign up. May have some exclusive goodies sent to a few folks. 🤷


Congratulations on being post 1000!


i send my thanks and respect to @Enjoi802 and copa genetics and feel honored for letting me be a part of this and sharing with others here on OG. so many great people here. thanks for the 1k note always want to post the copa good stuff.


Did not get to pull Turkish Twist this weekend things popped up going to have to wait till Friday after work long night ahead of me she has been nailed with pounding rain for two days and lower temps getting into the lower 50s and she is still going strong holy shit branches handling it like fishing pole rods They keep swelling up Resin is litteraly oozing off buds there are tricomes stacked in tricomes even after the violent rain I take my hat off to you Sir Copa these Turkish twist are damn near bullet proof they shit that PM out and not on sign of Bud rot or so much as a burnt pistil In these lower temps and wind in fact there is fresh growth all over they keep stretching and shitting out tennis ball buds on the sister Turk

Fucking monster.


That Ancient Project sounds As trippy as a three legged coonhound on a hot tree.That list has some straight up killers that Golden ticket subcool cut has my full attention.Wonderful list lots of heavy hitters in there for sure.


Wow what a list, stuff on there I’ve never heard of too! This is going to be a hard choice, FoMO!! :laughing:


@Enjoi802 I’m going to have to bow out on testing because I’ve just agreed to do a coop run, but these all look fire and I’m looking forward to seeing all the grows here, and the eventual releases from Copa!


I was leaning towards letting him choose what I should test. :joy:


Is your list filled with 8 testers or is there room for more?
After seeing that Turkish twist I’m interested.


Pretty sure you can add numbers to the list


it is open right now sign up!


If you can get your Mitts on That Turkish twistyou won’t be let down on that one I really want to get Copas Maine Event I wish I could do that for a run.So glad that tiny little leaf off that male lived and is now turning into a little tree.I want to Take him to the Serious seeds Jacyln.Could you imagine if he dumps that frame into those Jacylyn Golfball baseball bat buds?Would be a monstrosity for sure.They would find me pinned to death under massive weight of the tree of Buds I could die a happy man.


Gsd x p25 testers.
Took 5 of 7 girls down today. Neem raining crazy in N.Y. 2 inches last night . amazing strain. Only 2 small molsy buds amd 1 spot of mold on the stem of all the plants. The most PM resistant ive seen in like forever. They grew amazing even though being in a undersized pot. Some thiefs stole a lot of some top colas 10 days ago. So ive beem camping out ever night outside the garden ( to protect my babies) cant wait to trim and cure these and try them. The frost and smell is wonderdul


Same here loving this strain so far cant wait to smoke it.


lookin good in your neighborhood! nice work. sucks about the thiefs. karma, it will catch up with them thieve n bastards.


I would like to be able to test the frostitiude x varrigated appy f4 please. I have space to test the whole pack when they arrive( full moon germination) thank you


It’s really all about the smoke report! Whatever smokes the best stays😂
Did you clone yours? Mine all cloned pretty fast.


I didn’t clone anything but i wish I did. I got surprised the best stem rub. The keepers turned out not to be the most stinky during veg 2 of my plants smelled so fantastic and had huge amazing buds…most def a great mix of both strains I wish I kept them all. I had surgery and was unable to tens to an indoor garden. My family helped out but I lost some genetics along the way. Worst case when they come up for sale hopefully. Ill buy a handful of packs to support copa and find that pheno again. I don’t think yourself and I are that far from each other if i remember correctly. We will have to try each other tests of the Gsd x p25. :fire: :fire: :pray: :pray:


The list is still open. Feel free to add your name.