Crafting Complex Cookies - What modern cookies crosses are worth growing?

Sinmintz was good cookies smoke. Wedding Cake and Ice Cream Cake are grown by plenty of old heads these days. That hipster/contrarian stuff is so tiring.


Ive grown like 4 cookie Xā€™s. I will have to stand with Holy on this oneā€¦EXCEPT, for my Jbeezy cut of Wedding Cake. After now 8 months of smoking herā€¦ill stack her against pretty much anything and take bets on it. Im running the TK to test against the WC. Im told the TK will stomp my cut, in power and a very deep many facueted flavor profile. I have to see for myself. I also am told she is the QUEEN of Kush, so i intend to test that also. In with her are other stout Kushā€™s, and the WC cut too.

ALL the Cookie Xā€™s i have run had 100% eye appeal, all had COLORS. Had smells too mostly. I agree on the one dimensional short high however. I have no more interest in them, WC will always stay, not running any more Cookie Xā€™s . I SO WANT a blue COOKIE jacketā€¦NOT LMAO!!!
Sorryā€¦stonedā€¦imagine that :see_no_evil:


Iā€™ve liked the stuff with cookies in it that Iā€™ve grown(peanut butter cookies from tastebudz, pisthash from th seeds, all the runtz. Also really like mac1 but havenā€™t grown it.

Cookies swag is at least better than a lot, I won a shirt from spider farmer thatā€™s very ugly lol.

I know from some of our interactions on posts youā€™ve run MAC too, right? I definitely wouldnā€™t describe that as a short-lived one dimensional high, either. My experience when people say they donā€™t like cookies except for X, and Y, and maybe Z, are that there are cookies crosses people like and donā€™t and maybe itā€™s not the cookies that is the problem.

I will say not all cookies Iā€™ve grown were lookers, either, Oreoz was an absolute Instagram model that had the frost but not the flavor, and is the kind of cookies I expect most people to be complaining about. But when I grew do-lato, it was the only one that didnā€™t turn color, finished plain Jane green with spicy buttery cookie terps, like I said, it smelled almost like gmo without the chem.


Couple things to mention. Not all examples are good examples of the strain and also a lot of weed is re named to whatever is currently hot. Not all clones are labeled correctly either


I have tried many GSC hybrids and found I do not like most of them.

Then I came upon Ice Cream Cake (Wedding Cake x Gelato 33). The pheno I have been using for months now has almost no ceiling as I can use it all day with no stopping of effects. It created a really pronounced and vibrant high while still being functional. Wellā€¦ it is sort of adaptogenic to ones situation. The taste is incredible.

Rainbow Beltz is also pretty damn good as it has that true face melt OG type feel. It just doesnā€™t last very long and the ceiling is low.

Panda Face (animal mints x face off OG) has been the best iā€™ve found for medicinal pain relief.


Capā€™s Cutā€¦which I DO NOT consider Cookiesā€¦i just dont.

IF you doā€¦then ā€¦YES ā€¦Capā€™s Cut KICKS MAJOR ASS!!! Looks, taste, flavor, punch.
Still prefer my cut of WC to Mac, but not by much. The two best things i think i have grown in 10 years or so.

So, stating im not a fan of Cookiesā€¦yet BOTH of my favorite plants are ā€¦tells me maybe i ought to put this joint down. It is Lost Capā€¦Mac 1 x Ogha, lol

So let me rephrase my above statementā€¦nawā€¦fuck it, ill let it stand



WC is definitely a fantastic cut. she is a bit washed out in the commercial market but for us old heads that are growing for the love of it she is a keeper for sure. I cant imagine TK is that much more terpyā€¦ WC is terpy as hell. Not the best yielder and those puny little stems need support but the terps are always on point. thanks for reminding me, i need to get her back i rotation!

let us know how the TK comparison goes. ive been told similar, TK is supposed to be wildly gassy but all the cuts of her around here arent legit so i have no reference


My WC grows WAY different than that picā€¦

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really? this is the jbeezy cut (it came with a pcg tag when i bought it). im guessing its just my shitty growing conditions. i grow in a literal closet

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Just a thought for lower yielding strains. Donā€™t start at 12/12 start at like 16/8 and bring the time down to 12/12 over a two week period of time. Gives plants more time to develop bud sites
I also find that if I let the forum cut flower to long the taste is gone. A lot of different harvest windows depending on what your looking for


I think itā€™s fine to be picky and itā€™s fine not to like the cookie fam/Instagram grower/cannabiz scene. You said you ran 4 cookie crosses and apparently 2 of them were pretty damn good! You grew cap junky too, right? Thatā€™s cookie cross x cookie cross too, howā€™d it go?

Actually I think that was gcbudz; my mistake.

Mine is LEGIT JB cutā€¦came to me looking like yours. First 2 runs were sorta like that. NOW, happy, and fed right, she THROWS DOWN major fat buddage. MAJOR!!! Can see in my last thread her at day 70 , no red stems, no hard brittle stems. a stunningly beautiful plant. Terpy as all Hell, powerfull, i dont get tired of her at all. Took me near a year to make her heakthy n happy and figure her out, my run right now will showcase just waht she can do. I expect her to just trounce TKā€¦but i hope not :sunglasses:


Meant 4 OTHER Xā€™s of Cookies besides Mac n WC . So 6 total Cookies, 2 keepers. 33%, but, all were $$$$ cuts, thats not a winning % in my book.

Jesusā€¦spit it out already Holy!!!

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I found Ice Cream Cake to be one of the frostiest, prettiest flowers Iā€™ve ever seen, hands down.
But I also found it to be the closest herb Iā€™ve had to beasters in probably ~18 years or so. What I would call mids at best. Certainly not ~22% THC. Tasty for sure, smells great, looks great, but that one actually is a cookies strain that barely gets me high at all :thinking:


Damn the ICC cut I have gets me higher than anything else iā€™ve tried here in cali.

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That Iā€™m not surprised by, I know people who are/were commercial growers that considered ICC to be pretty much exclusively a commercial strain, similar to Oreoz nowadays, purple punch had the same reputation in the past. I had kind of gone back and forth on Oreoz but I think Iā€™d lump it in there.

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Thereā€™s Jbeezy cut, #5 and #98

#5 is sold the most here in cali. Many people on here have grown it out. I plan to within the year.

I see stuff like this a lotā€¦


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Oh yeah oreoz! That one too! Man that oreoz cut is super loud and tasty and frosty too but also, barely gets me at all. I donā€™t get it.