Crownpoodle's 4x4

Someone gonna have to send you some duct tape CP !


Already been to Harbor Freight for the big zip ties. Just had too many appts crammed in too few days. Gets me irritable.


I know that takes up alot of time you could make quality chilling.


Yeah, I hate the dentist. That’s one of the most creepy feelings. Having someone drilling around in your mouth while they tell you just pay attention to the iPad.


Hello @crownpoodle I hope you’re doing well and those zip ties are holding firm!


This woman wants to rebuild my mouth to the tune of $18K. I laughed. Not happening.
In general I’m tolerable. I need to get fresh yard pics up. I’m happy with what they’re doing. Mom’s Mystery Meat is just going off! Weather’s been good in my microclimate. This area’s crazy like that. I feel it walking. All about layers. I’ll feel even better when I go get my pain Meds after lunch.


Good afternoon brotha

Hope your having a great week so far and putting a dent into those big jars of dank! :sunglasses: :vulcan_salute:


Actually having a good day @InTheWoods . Thanks for asking. Had a productive visit with the ear, nose, throat woman today. Sharp gal. Eliminating variables. Imaging ordered. No polyps in the sinuses, which is good. Came home, got an hour nap in. Then I hear “Hi Mimi! Hi PPa!” That always makes my day. Great kids. Always a lot of fun.
I actually had most of the jars out lately. Any strains that are low I save for the missus, if it’s one she’s fond of. Otherwise, I’m a pig. I’ll just smoke it all up. Not like the other jars have anything wrong. I found a jar of @JAWS Cherry Hi-C in the back. Mostly smaller stuff, but real quality smoke.


Good morning brotha :coffee:

Glad to hear that brotha, Hopefully she can get you sorted out and having you feeling 10x better.

"Time to wake up! " :grin: Sounds like you had a great day!
My nephew(archer) is two almost three soon and he always gives me a run for my money trying to keep up with him when he visits.

He is almost at the age to start T ball soon. I’ll dig out the small bat and ball to get him used to swinging/throwing and catching. I wonder if he’ll enjoy it, he may not.

Haha I know what you mean. You’re killing it with his gear, I wish I had more space to run a bunch more but next year I should be back on track with completing the goal of running all I received on here once.

Does the cherry come thru on those Cherry Hi-c’s? Would love a smoke that taste like those cherry Ludens throat drops.


Thanks @InTheWoods . Archer is a great age for fun stuff. Doesn’t take much. Weston always loved throwing rocks in the water. Pond, Creek, ocean. All good.
Yea…got 3 CT scans ordered. Gut, lungs, sinuses. Eliminating variables. They scoped my sinuses with a camera yesterday. Didn’t feel a thing. Before that the “fogged” my sinuses with something. Lidocaine maybe. Driving home I get the nasty coke drop down the back of my throat. Frickin’ nasty!
No hard cherry terps. I had phenos with varying degrees of Orange. Some real strong. There was one plant that was real different. Something sweet. Could be the cherry pushing thru. It’s excellent weed regardless. Smoking some right now. The missus is gone so I swept and mopped the kitchen. Rewarding myself with a fat cone.


A question. Silica. Some use it, some don’t. Not on purpose anyway. Protekt. Armor Si. Which doesn’t matter.
Do you use it until the end, or stop at some point in flower. On my indoor, I stop with about a month left.


For me it depends on soil I will run it till the end, nutes I will run till about the last 3 1/2 weeks. Last two weeks of nutes is plain water.


I’ve had this same question on my mind recently. Looks like a lot of people are cutting it about mid flower for better “smokeability” but seems like just as many run it full term. Seems like its a trade off for better pest/pathogen protection :man_shrugging:

Are you foliar spraying or watering in?


I use Montana Grow Silica. It’s a dry amendment, which is why I mentioned.

I add some to each hole at transplant, once at flip and then once more around the day 21 mark. I haven’t tried adding more beyond that yet.


Good info. I use it in both my foliar and root drench. I don’t use a ton. 4-5 ml in veg. 2-3 in flower. I don’t use it every time in flower. Seems like enough?


i use SI maybe twice per run and only in veg, what i understand about it is once its in your cell walls thats it its there and it does not go away. using it over and over is not needed and its just a waste of that product.

just what i remember about the product …


When our strawberry patch are in flowering he loves to help pick strawberries, he eats most of them haha and maybe 2-3 end up in his cup.

Hope this is settles it whatever it is.

Nice! Orange isnt my favorite terp but I bet its great smoke either way!

The best part of having a couple ladies is those outliers that stand out.

Those joints are better after getting something done. :mechanical_arm:
Hope you have a great weekend! :sunglasses: :vulcan_salute:


OK class. Today’s topic is nutrient deficiency. Veg plants only. All the plants to some degree. Both the 2s and the 5" pots. 4 different strains. They’re all showing the same thing, which makes sense. Same jug. This isn’t normally an issue for me. Not overly concerned. I don’t sweat trying to ID what it is. They’ll get alternating foliars for a couple days. Little feed tweak. Pull the worst leaves and I’m confident they’ll grow out of it.
The twist in new growth just showed up too. Just on the 3 bigger plants.


Good morning brotha :coffee:

I’m thinking since they’re in 2inch and 5 inch pots, it could be rootbound and just needs more room for the roots. I’m not 100% but I’m sure they’ll grow out of it. Hope you have a great weekend! :sunglasses: :vulcan_salute:


2 gallon and 5". Sorry @InTheWoods . Wasn’t clear. Not rootbound.