Crownpoodle's 4x4

I’m trying to formulate a plan here. Flower is at 41 days. I’ve got a solid 3 weeks to go. In the flower tent I “could” mash some small plants in, but I’m just not feeling it being the right move. The 5 Alien GORG F1-V2 testers look so nice. I DO NOT want to cause any issues now.

In the 3x3 I’ve got 3 female BCG13 x Killer Chem. Plus 11 plants in 5 that aren’t showing sex yet. A couple, but not enough.
I’m thinking of putting the 5" pots in my 2x2 under my HLG 100 in the 2x2. Then the 3x3 looks like this.

I think those 3 will like it there under the HLG 600r-spec Blackbird. How stretchy you think these will be @Kind024 ? I’ve got plenty of room now, but I don’t want to wait too long. They sure look nice right now.


Those ladies do look really nice! Good play brother.
Is that all the ladies you found. Did you start with 8 plants? 3 of 8… not bad.
Niether of the parents were very tall plants. They might double in height from where they are now. Those plants are going to dig it in that tent under your supervision. I don’t think you will have any issues with the stretch.


Yes they do!

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There actually ended up being 4 girls. We’re not talking about that. Doh. But they are happy. I’ll give them a week in the new shoes before the get 12s. The missus always asks “Does 12s mean a smaller electric bill?” Well…in theory.


Haha! I hear that. That’s the law of impermanence. Nothing is in it’s final form. Even the electric bill…

I’m stoked brother! You’re putting on a great show with all your plants.

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Thanks @Kind024 . Always appreciate a nod from the breeders. With everything available for me to grow, I’m finding just a handful of breeders I get excited about growing their stuff. You know who I’m talking about. The same guys keep coming to the party. It’s not all about the genetics either. There’s a number of breeders I’d consider, but I don’t care for how they come across. I just don’t need the aggravation.


Growing is supposed to be a calming influence on our lives. Or am I wrong? Life’s too short to grow every strain anyway. lol


Oh I agree friend. I only smoke a occasional bong or 2 inside if I can’t sleep. My wife’s nice vaporizer, which I should use more. My 1st smoke isn’t always with my 1st cup. It is always with the cats outside. Rain or shine. I’ve got a nice covered awning on my side yard if necessary. I’m outside a lot of my day. I love when my weather gets to the point I can put a couple plants out and not kill them in a couple days. I’m not into moving plants in and out lately. But I like them for company. I have no real expectations. I only keep girls. Don’t want to accidentally pollinate something.
I spend a lot of time just looking. Different time of day. Light. Temp. Humidity. I don’t log anything, just curious.
I remember going to this nursery in San Diego with my Mom. She’d buy barefoot roses, every year getting maybe a half dozen. I’d get to pick one. When my folks went to assisted living, the roses all got thrashing by the renters my brother found. I was bummed not to get one e.


Got a couple @Tonygreen Bubblehead x GB BX5 in the yard. These were destined to go elsewhere when they were small, but here they be. Dealing with some mold here and there. Mold, not PM. These 2 plants are doing pretty good dealing with it so far. 2 distinct phenos. These plants took their time getting going flowering. That’s fine. Long range weather is usually good now.
One plant is darker overall. Both are starting to fade a bit, random leaf here and there going dark purple. Might be some pretty plants.


There roots are very hardy. Dig some up and give it a try. You might just be happy with the outcome.

I’m confused @MoBilly . Dig what up?

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A root ball of the roses. As long as there’s any greenness to it you have a shot of it coming up from that root.


Once they died back, by brother tore it all out. Pavers now.

What a shame. I wish you had a start from that plant.
We have plants that are kinda sentimental to us. A cherry bush… even two pine trees that Dad and Mom planted with my children when they were just walking.

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Mom’s Mystery Meat. Solid plant. Wish I knew what. I’m getting berry smells. Especially strong in the morning when it’s still and cool. I’m not going to guess what this is. Maybe one of you recognizes it. Not a lot of choices. The stems on those Jurassic leaves are stout! This was the first plant to start solidly flowering. .


I removed some leaf on all the outdoor plants. Not what I call defoliation. Just the leaf that had been chewed on. Gone. Discolored or other nute issues.Gone. No fades. You get the idea. Any mold spots too. Very little of that thankfully. I’m pretty happy so far. They haven’t required a lot of energy. I haven’t got much


Compost tea. Cost is next to nothing. Benefits are huge!


Good morning brotha :coffee: :sunglasses: :vulcan_salute:

Another beautiful round of plants. Hope you and your family are doing well!


Thank you @InTheWoods . Going pretty smooth right now.


The garden is looking great @crownpoodle.

I hope you’re doing well