Crownpoodle's 4x4

Thanks @TrichomesToStun . Tough couple days as my wife had a spot of Vertigo. I hate that shit. Just debilitating. Most of the plants are pretty happy. Pulled some males out yesterday.


BCG13 x Killer Chem to 12s. Didnā€™t want to flip yet, but at the current growth rate Iā€™ll run out of room quick if I wait. The one I only topped once is noticably taller, than the two I topped twice. Iā€™ll get some decent shots soon. Hey @Kind024 , anyone comment on flower time? Doesnā€™t matter now anyways. Iā€™m real curious about stretch. Nice looking plants!


Ouch! One of my best buds growing up suffered with Vertigo on occasion. It would lay him out for days sometimes.

I hope you wife fells better soon.

Loving the pics again. By the way. Itā€™s probably been a while since you got your camera replacementā€¦ replacement now.


I missed that earlier. Man that sucks. I had my eardrum ruptured years back. For the longest time I got vertigo afterwards. Iā€™ve never been seasick but Iā€™ll almost bet it feels like vertigo. Feeling that pitching unbalance and the nausea that goes with it. I spent a lot of time in bed and still felt like I had the bed spins from drinking too much.
You should have seen my horses reaction when I started riding again and had to re-teach myself how to balance. He was confused for a bit. lol


Sheā€™s better now. Couple things she can do. I broke my eardrum surfing. Almost drowned. I broke the camera, requiring the phone to be replaced. Twice . Broke the screen on the 3rd one, but they fixed that. @TrichomesToStun .
Always thrashed my phoneā€™s. My personal and work phone at the same time once. Bucket of TSP. Oops.


When you do multiple topping what how many nodes you prefer? Also do you remove the very lowest branches to clean up and have some stem clearance?

Also glad to hear the wife is feeling better!


Whats up brother. Im happy to hear you and yours are doing well.

You are the pioneer my friend. Youā€™re the first to get those to flower. I would plan for them to double in height.

I would estimate around 9 weeks depending how you like the trichomes. Personally, I would harvest when they are mostly cloudy or as they start to get cloudy.

If you like a heavier smoke then wait till they start turning amber. The amount of THC decreases and the amount of CBG (the sleep aid) will increase as the trichomes degrade.

The THC starts to decrease as the trichomes turn amber. Amber = trichome degradation. If you want less CBG then harvest when the trichomes are mostly translucent or right when they start turning cloudy. Thatā€™s the peak THC window. Sorry for the redundancy.

The BCG13 #5 x Romulan/Korean Skunk may take a little longer to flower because the Korean Skunk is NLD/Sativa. And depending on the phenotype will probably stretch more.

Keep on keepinā€™ on bro! The plants look great! Thank you for sharing your space and time with that gear. Sending positive vibes to you and yours.


Very good question @Hotrods_and_hounds . Iā€™m working at dialing those answers. Iā€™d been watching @JAWS program for some time. Makes sense as I grew a fair bit of his gear. Itā€™s what I saw and liked. Most plants I just top once. Not sure why I did these twice. Curious guy, maybe?
As far as leaving the lowers, Iā€™m working on that too. My current run, I have some where I left them all, some just a couple. Iā€™m working with a friend on a program of different boosters. Smart guy who has helped me learn a lot! A root boost. A general boost. Plus a 2 part flower booster. The idea is for the lowers to get some additional stretch, pulling up in line with the mains. My gut tells me weā€™re on the right track. The roots on these when I last up-potted said so too.
Iā€™ll get some good shots when I can. Busy weekend. My little buddy is 7 and his party is Sunday. Heā€™s getting a new bike. He knows, but hasnā€™t seen it. I canā€™t wait to get him out to the bike park. Heā€™s going to flip!


I think these might push my height. I hope so. Theyā€™re in the 3x3 now under an HLG 600 Blackbird. My lights are about 6" higher in my 4x4. Once my Alien GORG f1-v2 finish, these will go in there under the HLG 650 r-spec.
Iā€™ll get good shots for you as I go along. Iā€™m pretty excited about these. I get excited about most strains I grow. Who wouldnā€™t be with the genetics available to me!


Good morning @crownpoodle !


Morning buddy. Another grey day. Supposed to be nice and sunny.


The weatherman said this might be the last bout of heat we get this season! I hope the guy is right.
It could happenā€¦ :laughing:


That frigginā€™ weathermanā€¦ Howā€™d you like to go thru college. Get some degree in what? Meteorology and media? Then get a job where thereā€™s really no expectation of you getting it right. Nobody takes them that seriously. Some try really hard too, like they think that will somehow make a difference.


At least that would be more fun than getting a job where the climate is the same day after day after day after day ā€¦
That would drive me mad!


You mean like an ACā€™d office? They ran the AC in the print shop. Didnā€™t do much. Big machines. Lots of pumps and motors running. Hot.


No. I mean having a job as a meteorologist in an area that is between 70-75 and sunny every day 365/year. lol


Got a couple better pictures @Kind024 of those BCG13 x Killer Chemā€™s. The shortest one is 24". Next is 28". Both topped twice. The single topping Iā€™ve got 31" on one branch, 34" on the other. With more room and some minor adjustment to feed, these are already taking off!


Looking good CP! Real good!


Been a bit since I ran some freebies from @Great_lakes_Genetics . I have such good luck with these. Theyā€™ve always been fun to run. Jeff has a real knack for putting pollen in the right spot. Hereā€™s Super Lemon Putang x Run Away Bride. Iā€™ve run SLH, Putang, and RAB. Winner, winner, chicken dinner!

My Van Isle Pink Kush x Long Valley Royal Kush. @SHSC-1 gets me some heavy hitters. Iā€™d imagine Iā€™ll find that again. The LVRK Iā€™ve smoked was great!

Hawaiian Lime OGEE


Morning @crownpoodle ! Have a great one!