Crownpoodle's 4x4

Yup, I guess I will always be an HLG rep. Been on the team since Steven was building kits in his garage


Moro Rock. Nice place.

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I love my HLGs @SmokinJoeMGF . Got 3 of them.


Intersection I go thru more than any other. A block from my house. Crap. I’m OK. Less than thrilled to deal with this. Regardless of it being someone else’s fault. Woman ran a stop sign.


damn brother… close one eh? Good thing she didn’t hit you harder and only the vehicle is damaged.
How’s your body feeling?
It always hits you the day after.
Glad you are okay man.


Glad your ok, so then is it new truck time?


Tomorrow will tell the story. Not real convenient. I was already thinking about a different rig @Hotrods_and_hounds . I called insurance. Wait a few days, see what they say.


frick man! I’m glad to hear your okay. Sorry bout the truck :frowning:


Whoa! Glad you’re good Poodle! Did you happen to poop or pee yourself? I hear you get extra money when that happens. Like not an insignificant amount either.

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Glad to hear youre ok brotha!


Wouldn’t have surprised me. Watching a car go thru the stop sign coming right at me. If I was in the Buick which sits low instead of the truck, it might have been different. I’ll walk down and get a copy of the police report tomorrow. Not everyone is as honest as they come off. Woman might get home and have her husband tell her the accident occurred differently than she first thought. Look at her Honda. That’s wild. Driver side bumper. Nothing!

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Holy smokes. I might look into buying a Honda.

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Dang that sucks CP. :face_with_head_bandage: You feel alright today? Hopefully you can scare up a bud or two to help with things :wink:…your plants always look so good…your vehicle - not as much now. Hopefully she doesn’t try and pull some BS with her story. Have a great day! :green_heart:


Thanks @Jpaul . I’ll go down and get a copy of the police report in a bit. See what she said happened. She wasn’t disputing it was her fault. She might sound different after speaking with her husband. Had that happen before.
Some recent events I’ve been involved in or exposed to… people will look right at you, smile, lying while throwing you under the bus. Not nice. Hope things go smoothly. Right…
I’m a little bit sore, but I always am in the morning.


for real brother glad your ok.

peace …


Best wishes and light speed to homeostasis brother @crownpoodle.

You have a solid and humble demeanor. It suits you well. Im grateful to know you bro!


Those are kind words @Kind024 . Thank you. Words can be so powerful.
I got more sore as the day went on yesterday, but just sore. Nothing’s damaged on my body. Amazing how fast thoughts go thru your mind. In the flash between seeing her going thru the stop sign :stop_sign:, and impact. My brain goes off!
-Doesn’t she know I’m still recovering from surgery?
-“I better not miss soccer :soccer: games Saturday”
-Insurance is gonna try and screw me. They don’t give a shit my truck runs unreal. Just an old truck to them.
I’ll be OK. Just inconvenient as it gets. On a good note. Got the police report. Clearly states the other driver was at fault. She hadn’t properly made sure intersection was clear. I feel pretty fortunate today.,


Good morning bro! Just catching up and read about the truck. That sucks big time. And you are 100% right. I was in an accident in a dang parking lot. This young woman backs out of her spot just as I was driving by. She hits the side of my Jeep and freaks out and floors the car instead of stopping. She actually PUSHED my Jeep 3’ sideways before letting off! She apologized profusely while giving me her insurance info. Of course the college parking lot was a place the city cops wouldn’t go and the report from the campus security was worthless. She got home and her dad must have said something like “Oh no dear, you obviously were not at fault.” Wink wink. “Wasn’t he going so fast through the parking lot that you didn’t have time to see him?”. That’s how she played it.
We used the same insurance company and she was from a wealthy family, driving a high dollar sports car…
My rates went up for a long time over that.

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Again. Someone who could afford an insurance ding on their record vs someone like most of us. Some folks think that premium they pay, removes them from being a decent person. That kid just learned to lie.
I knew the woman at the local PD. She said give her 30 minutes. The police report had way more information than normal. She said the rarely place blame, but it’s clear as day in the report.
Thanks Cristy.