Crownpoodle's 4x4

This is my outdoor Wreck. Is that underside color a common TW trait? It’s so dark it’s almost black!


I grew an Antenna seeds Twomp that grew dark purple stems like that it’s whole life. The flower was dark but not really purple on the cure. It is trainweck/ogkush/jackherer I believe.


I’ve had some that went dark purple here. Ma Gooey x RAB. Atonic crosses too. Vanilla Pupil was another. Wish I could get my hands on a pack of that now.


Those GMO crosses :eyes: I’ll be keeping an eye for those!


Right on brother, thank you! It’s good to be here. I was wonder where everyone was hanging out. Looks like it’s jumpin’ at the @crownpoodle castle.

I’m stoked to see everyone. Cheers!


Then I made it just in time. I’ll pull up a chair for this one brother @crownpoodle . Thanks for having me.

Mostly Harmless should do well outside. Those seeds were made outside under full weather. I ran the Noodle Cut, the Boysenberry cut and the Black Triangle outside at 46* north latitude. All of the parents of MH performed well and finished with no mold after a cold and rainy end of season.


had a few purple ones pop up over the years, cant say i have seen one that purple though.

interesting to see how it flowers …


That looks like a happy Rude Dog. Well done my friend. Classic would be proud.

Wedding Cake x Killer Chem holds nice expressions. I hope you find a gem.

What have I been up too…working mostly. Raising some meat chickens in the backyard. Right now I’m cloning…makin’ copies and growing weed! Aka, living the dream.


I’ve run MH indoor. That sounds like a good call. The other seeds are still in the scuffer. Easy fix.
I was looking at your stuff on GLG. Not on sale it’s a great deal! $60 BOGO. $30 a pack is pretty cheap!


Dude, those buds are looking sweet!


That was a week worth of growth?
Holy cow man!


Plants aren’t all in the same spots, so it’s deceptive. But it is noticable. Mixing the non Kaboom product for some foliar. We need a name for the non KB stuff. Just for easier ID. How many weeks in can the non KB be used? I don’t do much after week 7 anyways.
With the next batches of plants I want to keep close track of use and results. Got a bunch coming, so there’s a lot of opportunity to play around.
Brassinolide. Is there something in particular I’m looking for? I imagine you “got a guy”.


Oh, ok, that makes more sense, I can see it now, thanks for the heads up! :wink:

How about Supergrow or Powerplant?
Or do I need to follow the herd and go with Powerplant Professional?

Don’t use any of it 3 weeks before harvest.
So an 8 week strain/cultivar/variety you would stop on week 5 or before.

That would be great if you can swing it.
BTW the effects of the Kaboom should be done after 1 week to 14 days max.
Did you use the Kaboom at full strength or half strength?

Pro tip for Brass:
Use a bit more as much as double for plants that have wide leaves and use less as little as half on narrow leaf varieties/strains/cultivars.

This one is the stretch maker, but remember controlled stretch can be a good thing as you may be seeing about now with these plants.


Awesome! Thanks @shag . Good information, same as always. Right now I’m just trying to figure out what I’m doing.
Next runs I can start fresh.

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The bigger plants are @JAWS Strawberry OGEEs. The others in sq pots are mystery meat for now. I think I can figure it out. Some Alien GORG F1-V2 testers. Just getting going. Bubblehead fems and some other TGTB stuff.
Just remembered the Solos are @SHSC-1 Precious OG.

This shot should address if my technique air prunes roots. It does not.


right on, nice to see those wee little Precious OG seedlings :wink:
and away we go hehehe


They’ll get there. Switching stuff around in a day or two. I was just looking. You have a nice friggin’ selection at @Great_lakes_Genetics right now.


some new freebies will be landing in the near future at GLG too :wink:


Red hot freebies on red hot drops.


I haven’t done it for a long time, but I might have some mystery meat going again. It’s been a long time. Whatever it is, it’s good stuff. But not knowing, I started more.
Having a go at Biker Slush from @Budderton . If I get them to go, I bet it’s good. After I put from @Kind024 I changed to Mostly Harmless. It went well indoors. The 3rd start is out of a big bag one of you sent. Blue Smash fems from Flavor Chef Genetics. Not sure prompted this one. It it turns out good, there’s other choices. Pretty excited to see what’s in all these, but I get excited easy.

Austin Healey’s in town when I was out walking.