Crownpoodle's 4x4

Good morning brotha :coffee: :sunglasses: :vulcan_salute:

You and your garden are kickin ass. :mechanical_arm:

Hope you had a great week and that Austin Healey’s meetup is a nice start to the weekend too!

I always thought those were neat little cars, along with the early mini coopers.

@Kind024 Beautiful facility and buds! :sunglasses: :vulcan_salute:

Nice, I want to get some meat birds eventually.
What type of meat birds are you raising, Cornish cross or Red Rangers?


We love them freebies.:fire::fire::fire:


That’s pretty cool way to start the day, they do a lot of cars and coffee out there?


Right on @InTheWoods, it’s a pleasure to meet you.
Thank you for the kind words.

These are the Cornish Cross breed. I’ve raised Red Rangers and Freedom Rangers. They take a little longer to mature and yield a little less meat. They do taste good. A fat, healthy, free range Cornish is always a welcome addition to the freezer.

Have you raised chickens before? What birds do you like to raise?

I split the pasture in half so it can have a rest. Still need to finish fastening the fencing on the other half. The chicken hut will get wrapped in a tarp yet. We’re getting there.

The dog is being trained to protect the chickens. It’s about time he gets a job. He’s currently over paid and under worked. He’s a deterrent for the Mt lions in the neighborhood. Plus the Raccoons, possums and Skunks like the chickens too. Raccoons and Possum are more nocturnal. The Skunks don’t care what time of the day or who’s in the area. They stand their ground.


There’s some local guys hang out Saturday morning in a parking lot by the bay. Real informal, the call the group “Donuts”.
Morro Bay is almost the last decent spot for gas before Big Sur. The sports car enthusiasts love that road, so we see a lot of groups come through. One big car show here. Several more within just a few miles.


Awesome! Thanks, I heard the Rangers take a little bit more time but are less susceptible to dieing early on before going out to pasture.

Have you had losses with the Cornish cross before bringing them out to pasture?

I haven’t yet but I think next year I will try to raise some. I would try the Cornish cross first. I have 22 layers plus a rooster and getting another 10 layers soon as you probably learned about what I can chicken math, get a couple extra because of the predator pressure. With some birds on the 3rd season, they will become stew hens at the end of summer.

Love seeing him in there with the chickens. Not much Mt. lions around here or that ive seen. Mainly Lynx, Bear(rare occurance), Foxes, Fisher cats, Hawks, Owls, etc. are all around. Our only predator deterrent is the rooster in our run or when they free range the yard.

Since we don’t have a dog, I was thinking about getting a guard goose in the future. I hear they are fierce defenders but probably just a bigger meal for the bigger predators.
I swear whenever a predator enters the yard, I feel the rooster trips a hen for him to get away lol.

Thats awesome! I like going to car shows, old motorcycle shows and also swap meets for parts.

Hope you guys a have a great day! :sunglasses: :vulcan_salute:


I seem to be seeing a lot more of them this year. Not like before Covid but I’ve seen a lot more shows and people getting out to them.


Some of those annual, or semi-annual events can make or break small businesses. COVID. Screw that mess. My guess is the same % of $ went for actual people, regardless if they needed it or not, as goes for “helping” homeless folks. The $ all goes to run the shit show. How to fix that?


So I sparked up my 1st cone of DMT Dream today @SHSC-1 . I got friggin’ spanked! Passed out/napped for 2 hours and woke up stoned. Kept nodding off watching TV. Didn’t do a thing all afternoon. The missus thought I’d been eating pain meds. Nope. I didn’t even finish my joint. Heavy expansion to the lungs. Almost tasted like solvent on the exhale.
Testing. Testing. 1,2,3. Count me in.


no feedback on NCN
Emerald Mountain I am familiar with and have a few selections.
I’m still working Long Valley Royal which was from the Emerald Cup releases. I think these were originally F9 that release and mine would now be F11 (?) based on my selections from the F9. I popped the last of those last spring and have my female female of the bunch and the frosty male. I’ll be making more seed between those two as soon as I can veg up a clone big enough and flip it. Might need a tester this winter eh? hehe


DMT Dream. I haven’t had hollow stems for quite a while. I want to grow this again. I have some ideas…


What kinda ideas?


Flutes! He’s gonna make flutes!!! I want a pot flute!!


I’ve actually seen hollow stems used on one hitters. There were brass pieces for both ends. As a kid, that was cool. I used to make all kinds of pipes. Bongs out of the giant Bamboo in Balboa Park in San Diego were popular in the mid 70s.
@Hotrods_and_hounds more training than I normally do, which isn’t much. Plant bondage.


Hell yeah I used to have a wood onie that had a brass tip and stem in it. Loved that dang thing.


Ello’ @crownpoodle hope you’re well today. Wondering how that Cherry Hi-C is tasting? Was that syrup you were guessing at the cherry terps?


Hey buddy. I was half way thru one when I saw this. I was trying to think of how to describe it. I’ve got 6 jars to check out. Some strong orange terps for sure. The exhale on what I’m smoking right now is cough drops. Can’t say it’s Cherry for certain, but it comes to mind. It’s smooth to smoke. I like that in something I smoke a lot of.
Effect is great. Strong, but not overly. What I think of as daytime smoke. I can do stuff, or chill and relax. It has a much stronger effect on others.


That sounds like a good one to have in the stable. Something to puff on throughout the day while still being able to wrench on things. Not to mention the orange cherry combos. I think they play well together. It looks like it was a heavy yielder too.



Make sure that one is dried to perfection and give it a week in the jar/bag the smell and taste should get stronger.
That was my experience.
That one is one of the few I found that is better with a slight cure.
I like my weed fresh.


A couple plants at 32, the rest about 25. They all look healthy. Ones a little hungrier than the others. I’m happy with how much I got @TrichomesToStun . I’m sure if weight was the goal you could tease more out.

The stem was big and holding moisture @shag , so I just stripped the big fans, pop the buds off and call it trimmed. I watch pretty close. With my production I can watch it close. Strange plant to grow. Can’t wait to get it with a light crisp on it.
Got 3 Bubblehead fems. Nice start on the roots.

Trainwreck fem in the yard. The color was there from the start. .