Crownpoodle's 4x4

I’ve got 3 different Nine Fold Collective strains. Can’t remember what and I’m not home. Anything of mine that interests you I’m sure we can figure something else out. One is Black Lazer Trip which there’s zero info on. For some reason I bet it’s not boring to smoke.

I’ve got a pretty good selection of stuff released under the Ninefold label. Wonder what Limos and the other Seedpac folks are up to these days. One that I really need to pop soon is the Nasa Bruce by our friend @TheMan13 . I was so excited when i got those a few years ago but still haven’t managed to fit them in. Might do a glue run this winter and get those, the GG4 RIL, Cat’s Eye and some Darlin’s Net going to see what rises to the top for my headstash :wink:


I spoke with Ninefold recently and believe he is just working on personal projects for the time being. He may make the Family Reunion campout this year as well.

As for SeedPAC, he finished a huge project last fall that I expect is currently beginning to rollout this summer. @SmokinJoeMGF may know a bit more. I believe he was calling it the “Final Project” looking for some funds to civilly fight back against our Michigan criminal justice system. Not sure of the details, but I do not believe he is either at the moment ;-)~ You can find him on Facebook (Noah Boday) and Instagram these days:

As for the NASA Bruce (Bruce Banner #3 x Apollo 13 F4) I am excited to finally see you getting around to her. It has been nearly a decade since I had completed that project though, so take care to treat them like old beans. Good luck and keep me posted brother.


While the phone is down, thought I’d play with the tablet camera. I’ve got 3 @JAWS Strawberry OGEEs looking swell. Topped one. Got 2. Distinct response. One vertical. 2 throw lots of laterals. They’ll be yard plants pretty soon. I have lots of options in what I keep for me. What i run indoors and in the yard.What I set a my young friend Derek up with who’s interested. I should keep one of each. I’m thinking
the 2 on the left in the last photo

The next ones are some fems from Tony Green’s Tortured Beans. Bubblehead x GB BX5 fems. I “think”. Almost positive. At some point I sent some TGTB seeds in the breeder packs to one of you guys. Ring a bell anyone? My writing smudged a little. I’ll keep a couple of these. Derek gets the rest.

The Solos are a bunch of goodness. Some @SHSC-1 , something from @Kind024 , 3 Bubblehead fems, and a different version Alien Gorg tester. Those all stay, but Derek will be blessed with not the AGs,but some of the others. He’s got a real nice climate for outdoor. Much better than mine. He also has a wife and 4 little kids. The oldest might be 7. Love this family like my own. The little boys Wyatt Dean, and Colt are so sweet to my wife and I. Derek rides bulls. The boys “compete” mutton bustin’. I’m excited to see how the same strains go for him. He asked for seeds. He’s going to get nice, all female plants in 7s for easy transport.


You’re a good man brother @crownpoodle! Sharing the goodness!

Keep on keepin’ in my friend.

Hey brother @InTheWoods. Sorry for the late response.
I started with 15 Cornish. I lost one early while they were in the brooder. Cornish are a little more susceptible to premature expiration. They were bred to metabolize protein into muscle. So basically the rest of their body can’t keep up with the muscle production. I usually don’t see the issues till they are ready for harvest. If you let them get big, 8+lbs. Their frame has a hard time supporting the rest of their biomass. They weren’t ment to be kept as pets…raise and harvest. If they have room to stretch and roam they do pretty well till the end. If kept in a smaller chicken tractor with restricted space to move. Then the issues are exacerbated.

These guys and gals are active foraging most of the day. Also, if you over feed them with grain they won’t forage as much as the Red Rangers or other meat birds. I turn them loose in the morning and don’t introduce the feed till a few hours later. This keeps them in the habit of scratching and pecking.

With 22 layers and being familiar with harvesting you already know the way of the chicken. You won’t have any problems raising meat birds.

I need to get the other pasture finished. As you can see they can be a bit rough with the land when foraging all day. It’s good to finish them on fresh pasture. More forage usually helps with flavor. I like to give them watermelon over the last couple weeks too. Seems to add to the flavor of the meat as well.

I don’t know how this happened. My post doubled over this one. Oh well it stll works.


@SHSC-1 , that DMT Dream should come with a warning label. Honest. Not for novices or someone that doesn’t like a hard hitter.
I’m curious what strain carries the hollow stems? I’ve got one going now that topped itself or something about 10 nodes up. Not much to do with that. I could see anything beyond light LST being a challenge. Maybe multiple toppings with a longer veg time? I could do that easier when I get a window. I’m super happy with the weed as is. Odd plant, but not demanding. I’d like to see if I could get this dialed. Save cuts. I keep saying that. Wouldn’t take but running a plant or 2 now and then. I don’t see it being one I smoke a ton of.
You sent me quite a few gems. This was just a random choice. I get the distinct feeling that you don’t bother much with weak weed. Just doesn’t seem like your circle of friends would tolerate it. 37 days now. I’ll see if I can get some decent photos on the tablet. Gotta address the phone.


I’m just passing along some of what was so generously given to me. I’m not a collector. Far from it. I’m a curious guy. Love to try different things, but for me personally to not share wouldn’t feel right. Besides, it gives me the opportunity to see more strains. That’s the bonus.
Exceptin’ the missus. When she brought me home on 4th of July, 1979. In the morning when she was there I knew one aspect of my life was over. Made a lot of the next 45 years simpler.


Somewhere I have a stash with those crosses. No way I sent them all out

Btw brother costal popped into ig the other day. Waiting to hear back from him


DMT Dream @ 39 or 40 days. Frosty.

Genus RD about 34. She’s really started to fill in the last few days. @Kind024 these seeds are from the 1st ones GLG dropped, whenever that was. 2nd time growing her, which for me says a lot. Smell is ripe, berries maybe. Not much on the stem. Can’t remember the 1st time, but remember liking it enough to by more seeds. I’ve got Urban Menace too. The thrips had their way with mine. Haven’t gotten back.


This is a special one. Frostberry. Classic Seeds. Oh yeah.


Is that the same frostberry as genus seeds?


Greetings brother @Hotrods_and_hounds.

Yes, that’s the same Frostberry seed stock. Classic made those. They are sold under the Genus Seed Company label.


Just a heads up for anyone interested in Genus Seed Company’s Frostberry. It’s listed at $65 on GLG. It should be $60. So please wait till the price is adjusted.



BOGO going on too, so $30 a pack? Really? Can’t hardly go wrong. I’ve got a bunch of Genus gear, but have been thinking of snagging something I don’t have. Maybe Columbine #9 x Azad Kashmir or Black Triangle f2 x Kashmir Azad. Did you use 2 different Azad’s?


So you getting ready to grow out the frostberry? Also the black triangle x Kashmir does sound pretty neat. @crownpoodle


Not yet @Hotrods_and_hounds , but it makes me happy just to have. They were a gift from a member on Z-labs. His generosity got me hooked up. That got me hooked up with.
Morning folks.


Good morning to @crownpoodle and all OG!


Mornin’ @crownpoodle

I’m a sucker for GMO crosses and I thought I seen Genus had two on GGG. They still have Matriarch which sounds pretty awesome! Definitely some cool crosses on there @Kind024


Morning bro.


I haven’t ever run GMO, or any crosses using it. I don’t think I’ve even smoked any I know of. I have a couple different ones. Right now I have Mostly Harmless started. That’s a good one too. Might have some in the tent and outside.