Crownpoodle's 4x4

Morning @crownpoodle, man I have forgotten to ask you done Full healed from surgery?


Morning, and thanks for asking. All healed from the actual surgery. I’d gotten in pretty rough shape physically from doing less and less over the last couple years. They’ll just take time. Still doing PT. Got a handful of easy at home exercises that are help. Lucky I live in a cool place for walking.


That is definitely true, you have some great pictures. Also do you ever go fishing out there?


Greetings brother @crownpoodle.

I used the same Kashmir male in all the crosses. There were 5 Kashmir males used in the open pollination project. The #5 male was selected to do more work. He was a standout in my perception.

After the males did their business in the room they were brought into the living room in front of the large window. They were left to grow till about 9 weeks. I still had copies of them all. They were over watered, dried out, put in the dark, then back in the light. After the stress tests they were all stable. #5 was selected for his structure, scent (hash, earthy, astringent) and pollen production. He went outside that summer with a bunch of selected females.

The Black Triangle f2 female used had longer spear type flowers. A solid structure with a lemon, hash, fuel sort of scent. More lemon hash then fuel. But a great all around plant. She had a strong full body/heady effect. Which could get a little muddled when over indulged. The Kashmir male helped clear that muddled effect. He also added more oil production in the resin of his crosses. There were photos around. They may have been lost due to server issues on another site. I’ll have to look.


Appreciate the good info buddy. Always a pleasure to grow weed that can be associated back to Classic. I loved hearing our friend talk about him. All those weed genetic family trees.
@Kind024 you’re obviously a good choice to carry the torch here. There’s something special. A feeling I get growing. I’ll make an effort to get good shots of anything Genus I grow and get them to you. Not just post them.


I was as frothy as it gets murdering fish for decades. Got rid of the boat and all the gear I owned about 5 years back. Long story.
Still eat a lot of fresh fish. Lots.


I like the fishing stories, that’s on my bucket list to go fishing in the ocean. Don’t really know what kinda fish to catch but can catch something neat.


There’s so many different kinds. At one point when I fished commercially, we sold them live. Keeps tanks on the boats. Tanks on the dock and in trucks. Refrigerated box trucks would take them to Vegas. You look in the tank, say “that one”. He scoops it and takes it in back to cook right then. Not my thing to eat that way, but good $. There was a hard core group of a handful of guys. It was pure comedy. The best $ fish were in 2-4’ of water. Fishing right in the surf line, but rocks, not sand. Pulling each other off the rocks. Changing props in sketchy conditions.


The ugly plant is my DMT Dream. The tent got warmer than I like, but not for long. All the other plants are fine. I’ll see what happens wasn’t dry or in front of a fan. Not close to the light. Happened fast. Or showed up fast. Some kind of lock out? In the tent are all Grapefruit GORGs. On the deck are l to r, Double Heather, TW fems, and a Rude Dog. Bizarre


I went through something similar, though I’m not sure if it’s exactly the same. I grow in organic soil, and one day my plants were looking perfect, leaves all reaching up towards the light, and then the next day they’d be droopy like they were thirsty, but watering didn’t help at all.
In my case, it seemed to be a fungus and or nematodes in the soil/roots. I lost around 5 plants this way.

Other than that problem, the rest of the plants are looking really great. :star_struck: :star_struck: :star_struck:


Precious OG, the 4 plants in the corners. Really happy with these. There’s another still in Solos. Maui has no shame. .


I think I figured out the DMT Dream. I pulled my stakes out the day before. I remember hearing roots rip. Dang.


About 40 days. Most of these are @JAWS Grapefruit GORG testers. There’s a TW fem, a Dbl Heather fem, and a Rude Dog.

My wife peeked in today. Straight to the TW. “This one’s special.” She’s pretty good.


a tent full of nice looking plant you have there!! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


good morning @crownpoodle. It’s looking really nice in there, man! I bet it smells a delight too!

I wish you a great weekend :v:


Thanks @TrichomesToStun . The GG is overpowering the others with the smells. Sometimes I can smell the exhaust. That’s thru a filter, 25’ of 6" hose, which comes out under a deck.
A great weekend is an understatement. My younger daughter is getting married this evening. My oldest and her girls are driving here as we speak. If I make it thru the day without annoying or pissing off the missus too badly, I’m golden.


Mornin sir. Hope you have a day as good as it looks like your plants are having!




Heck yeah! Congratulations to your Daughter and her family! :clinking_glasses:

I thoroughly enjoy weddings and getting into at least some trouble is part of the fun of ANY family gathering :stuck_out_tongue:


Here’s that TW the missus likes. I see why. Everything is starting to plump up. Just about to start week 7.