CSI Humboldt Pinks 'N' Purps F2 Micro Seed Run

I really like the look of 4


That’s a killer set up you have there… very nice :+1:


Well shit. I think two of the plants just straight up died. I can only guess what’s going on but I’d love some insight from those that may have a clue.

Temps have been steady around 30C during daylight hours and around 23C at night. 30C is not ideal but the plants have been totally fine up until about a week ago. This situation just got worse and worse as the days went by.

The other plants are looking fine but I just do not think this is normal. Seeds are looking very immature as well. Soft and white or light brown.

Been watering regularly, a bit of extra water soluble nitrogen (amino acids) once a week, kept up with the sprouted seed teas until recently and too dressed the pots about the time when I pollenated. Not sure what gives.

The other two plants are still looking ok but have started their decline. It’s been 5 weeks since pollination and 9 weeks since flip.

Any help or guidance would be appreciated.


Did they get really thirsty and then watered heavily?

ime that can cause a root shock of sorts in which the plant just slowly dies similar to this


5 weeks since pollination, so hopefully most of the seeds are done.
one of my plants started drooping and died. took a closer look, saw some kinda fungus was eating the outer layer of the trunk. :upside_down_face:

I’d be curious about what’s going on in the root zone, maybe let em dry back enough that you could pull em out and inspect?


they got a bit dry but were watered regularly. The soil got a bit hydrophobic… I ended up putting little saucer underneath so that the water would get sucked back up. So maybe what happened is that I was watering but the water just ran straight through the pots. Tent is so crowded that I didn’t really notice exactly how much was coming out then the root zone dried up… hmmm

seeds look very underdeveloped… a definite cause for concern.

I’ve been inspecting everything but didn’t quite notice anything like that but I’ll take a closer look, thanks.

I looked and nothing out of the ordinary caught my eye… only thing I can think of is that I top dressed with craft blend then added a small amount of worm castings on top… maybe the castings choked out the soil…

Hmm learning a lot today.

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is it possible the salt content of the castings was too high? ive never experienced that but ive heard it said that you can get salty batches. i dont know how youd check on that though


Hmm well I didn’t put that much on and I’ve topped other plants with great results. So I’m not sure that’s the cause. Good lookin out though!


damn!! i’ve had plants die right next to 100% healthy ones recelntly and never found the cause, i just moved on :cry: fucking sucks eh


Maybe they aren’t getting fed enough…



I am zooming in on some of the above photos and on some of the fan leaves I see what looks like white dots left from mites.

Is that perlite or dust? It doesn’t look like trichs.

Strange to have one just go belly up like that but overall very pretty laddies

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Outside guess that might be male pollen since he’s doing a seed run

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Looks like Spider mite damage. Looking at some of the green leaves. I see telltale signs of Borg. Never seen anything get that bad without having webs but it does appear you have a case of Spider Mites.


I’m going to bust out the loop and take a closer look at lights on tonight. I’m also going to inspect the root ball. Will report back.

The same thing is starting to happen with the grape bubblegum pheno but #4 is good and the seeds look viable. So I may just get something out of this other than a learning lesson.

Thanks for your input everyone.


Keep at it man. Still very pretty flowers.


Ok, so I got some kind of infestation. Fuck. I feel itchy.

Couldn’t find any mites on the plants or in the root zone but I did find a lot of weird damage on the younger plants, flipped a few leaves and found some little critters on the back of the leaves.

Here’s some shots of the damage on top of the leaves.

Here’s the bottom of the plant that straight up died:

More pics

So disappointed in myself. I like to think of myself as someone who pays close attention but I’ve been on cruise control lately. Truth be told my father passed away recently and I’ve been a bit of a robot.

This issue seems to be contained to the smaller 2x2 tent for now fortunately. I’m going to bag up all the plants and shut down for the summer.

As mentioned earlier it looks like I have some viable seed from #4 so I think I’ll get a few hundred seeds from her to pass around.

I’ll learn from this and move on. I’ll be better next time.


Seems like an excellent reason to lose focus… there’ll be other grows, and at least you seem to be ending up with a couple seeds to carry on the line. :slight_smile:


S’all good @NorthNorthNugs shit happens and spider-mites are better survivors that us in the long haul of the planet lol. Looks like a few soaks of End All will do them some good with stomata washes in between :hugs:


take care of your mental health. we all need time to heal. dont be too hard on yourself. :slightly_smiling_face: :+1: