Da Sunshine show! Ongoing grow log from a 10 light medical grow in BKK

@Tuned Yeah the last thing I wanted to see but shit happens…


Looking great bro! Yeah, I tend to forget about mechanical failures when I’m outdoors cursing the bugs or the weather, thinking of how ‘easy’ you indoor growers have it! :joy: but I generally don’t have to worry about the Sun not coming uP on time! Cool to see those seedlings looking so stout! Best of luck! I found the 6 Sherbangers in the E&F tables today! And spotted a bunch of the faux Mac1 x Ashava Valley Cheese seedlings in solos. I was too anxious to try them, putting in a bunch right away and then more weekly since harvesting the beans. Really bad germination at the start but now at 3.5 weeks drier they’re starting to improve. Shout out if you need more!



Wow, now THAT is an update! Great work here @Drsunshinestrains :+1:

Sorry about the flowers that suffered through some equipment issues. I hope that they recover for you.


Love seeing healthy plants thriving like this!


Thank you!!!
Seeds arrived today in great condition :slightly_smiling_face:


Great to see they landed bro!

Sorry for the delay in counting the next round but Ive been swamped.

After today things calm down a little so I will get it posted along with a big update!!!

Cheers everyone!


Okay boys and girls Ladies and Gentleman!!

Welcome back to Da Sunshine show!

Here is the long awaited update that has taken me a while to get up.
Life kinda has its way of taking more time than expected!! :rofl:

It is harvest time for room 2 and room 3 is right behind it.

Here is table 1 London fog #4 full table and some close ups.
Personally I loathe these poly hydrid exotics as the yields are not worth the work IMHO. That said they sell like hotcakes and are very pretty.
They are super strong as well soooooo we will keep on with them mixed in.


Here is table 2 mostly the Grand master sexy #3 with 2 other plants

Girl Crush #2

In room 2 table 1 is Peanut butter crunch #2


In room 2 table 2 is Motorboat #4

Here is the dry room pretty full with room 2 and room 1 will follow them when they finish up

Inside the Nursery we have a lot going on.
all the soaking beans and Starts.

Thanks to a bunch of OG members for trades and most of all @Tlander who has been so generous with sending me beans to pop.

Clones from the pheno room.

The vegging plants for room 1

Plants ready to go to the pheno location.

Also the mom/veg table which is crazy out of control!
The glue sniffers have vegged a Bit to long but we will scrag em and have higher ceilings in room 2.

Finally we have the pheno hunt room.
This table is filled with lots of different strains and they are staggered around the main flip of about 11-12

Plants of Barney’s farm triple cheese, cheese a few GHS exodus cheese and 5 or so bloom sherbanger x purple punch which are the same seeds I have been trading on here.(If you got them pop em cause there are some smoking good phenols in there, So far Ive narrowed it down to 4 that will get a rerun as clones next)

This room will be getting another 2x6 table with two 300 watt spider farmers to hunt down more keepers of @BobbyBudz Beans along with many more from all you fine folks here at OG!
Super excited about the additional space as I have plants ready to flower as we speak.

Black Domina.

Black Domina male just showing. He will be removed after I test out our helpers eye for sexing plants! :joy:

Bog Bubble courtesy of @Tlander

A few Cherry custard from Pure breeding

Exodus Cheese pheno #1

Purple sherbanger #17

Cherry Canolli also Pure breeding.

Power #3 Exotic genetics

Triple cheese and she smells like sweaty feet and well, yeah, Cheesey as advertised.
Ive never grown any Cheese strains but so far the exodus has the best terps, cheese with some fruitiness to it…

Purple sherbanger #12

This is one of the blockhead phenols which has some amazing fruit terps…
She will get run again for sure.

exodus cheese #2
Same with the fruit and cheese terps on her.

purple sherbanger #14
This is one of the fastest and biggest producer.
She is rock hard and has multiple side buds that are good size also.
Rerun is in order for sure.

Purple sherbanger #22
This girl is similar to the phenols last run… medium terps and more sativa like structure than the others, nice yielder too…

Cheese #3
This one has a rotting fruit terp I quite like…Cant wait to smoke some of her.

Purple sherbanger #18
great terps fruity fruity and pretty structure.
Getting some nice color on her as well.

Well that’s all for now folks!
Its getting late and I need some rest.

Seed count will be on Monday Thai time!

Thank you all for stopping by here and seeing our work and all the love with the beans.
I will start tagging people who sent me beans when they get a bit bigger…

Cheers everyone!!




@Drsunshinestrains is back with the update of all updates! This is amazing stuff going on here. In the previous updates I don’t think I realized how many rooms you are working with. I can’t imagine how much work it must take to manage all of this. Hopefully your helper learns how to tell the male plants from the females :joy:

Best of luck to your continued success DrSunshine :pray: :seedling: :sun_with_face:


Yeeeeaaahhh bro! It’s all looking great up there! You’ve got us all drooling with those setups. I just love my Ebb & Flow tables and wish I had room for more. Great to see that things are all popping for you, especially the BOG beans! I’m really liking the look of the Sherbangers so far. They and the Soul Mates are keeping pace with each other. Thanks!

Well, Sunday morning and my foreman is gone for 4 days, so I have my work cut out for me today! Hope things cool down up there…we’re finally getting so rains again, yahoooo!



@emeraldbullfrog @Tlander

Thank you both for the kind words!!

Things are going well and your encouragement really is what’s keeps my head in the game!

We are getting some rain finally as well and the sweltering heat has diminished a bit so that helps with the electric bills too!!

@Tlander I signed you up for a drawing with me and if we win I’ll send ya more beans!! hahaha I know you love em!

Cheers for now!


They all look great! Awesome growing.


Hello OG!!!

Sorry for the delay in posting but I was on a month long trip to the states and have finally returned, moved houses uhhhggg!!! I finally got around to taking some pics.

So Og here is a big update:

I had my apprentices taking care of everything and they did a stellar job albeit on plant that died.

I also came home to a load of beans that my girl stored in the fridge for me.
So thank you all for being so kind and generous.
I will try to tag you all but if I miss some one Sorry in advance!

I am also gonna gonna break up the thai brick and send all of you who guessed a pack so send those deets please!

Here we go!

Lets start with the seedlings Im popping right now.

We have mostly OG beans already soaked, most with tails and they should be popped up by now.
I will go and check on them this morning and keep ya posted on the progress…

next up some autos from the veg room.
these are toof decay x chem candy from a member (trying to find the handle) here and they smell amazing.
Not sure how many days they went but happy with the smells and structure.

Then we have the pheno hunt plants that were taken down about a week ago.
Faux Mac x ashen valley cheese from @Tlander

Cherry custard from Pure breeding

cherry canolli from pure breeding

BOG bubble from @Tlander


Black domina from @Tlander

Freaky buddha from @Tlander

Lots of really nice smells coming off this one, smells of strait juicy fruit gum…

Next up will move into the other flower rooms

Room 2.
Here we have 2 moms flowering out at about 5 weeks.
One purple thunder and one grand master sexy 4.

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next up a full table of glue sniffer from Mendocino twenty 20

Behind the moms is a half table of Popsicles 4

Then a bit behind these are in room 1 which was just flipped to flower.
One table of motorboat 4
One table of purple thunder.
Some upstart shots as well…

Then we have the phenos hanging up in the dry room.

again apologies for the late posting on the giveaway but if you guessed please pm your deets…

Will be back soon this time!!

Cheers OG!! OGTW!!


Great pictures @Drsunshinestrains . I am always amazed at how clean and orderly your grow rooms are. I only grow outside in the dirt and sunshine. The Universe gives me pot for free. Ha ha ha. :grin: :rainbow:



Oh how I wish I had an outdoor space.

I actually just moved to a new condo with a balcony so I will put a few out there soon.

Honestly Im always saying how it should be cleaner! :rofl:

Thans for stopping by!


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Okay OG here we go with a little update.

First we will go in the mom room.

Seedling starting to move…
Almost all of these beans are from OG.

These are existing moms and new mothers from the phenos, will take cuts from the favorites and rerun 4 or so that have looked to have some potential initially. The rest are gonna go bye bye…

These are the bonsai moms and the cuts for room 2 which will be harvested soon.

This is the pheno room. with plants ranging from 10 to 45 days in flower.
Its been a chore between all the males and intersex plants.
I have chopped 13 males and 3 hermies in the last 2 weeks.
That said the table is still full and we have some really nice plants in here.

Skunk pheno 3

Chopped males.

Some hermie plants shots. This one was a blueberry diesel… shame as it smelled very unique and had great structure also. Two flowers popped open too before I Found it.
Shitty as it was way up underneath of the canopy.

Here is room 1. just flipped to flower around 10 days ago.
The taller table is purple thunder, the other one is Motorboat both from Exotic genetics.
We have run these quite a few times now and they are both very nice.
Motorboat is a great sativa buzz and is resiliant and sturdy.
We just upgraded to 1000 watt lamps in this room so we should see a bit of an increase in yield (fingers crossed).

Then we have room 3.
There are some beasts in this room. We flowered out 2 moms this run under one 1000 one Grand master sexy and a purple thunder. big stalks on these girls but these are small bud plants. These exotics usually have the smallest nugs…Uhgg

We have a full table of Glue sniffer from Mendocino twenty 20.
love this strain, she is a yielder also. super gassy and delicious. she is just starting her fade and will get chopped next week sometime.


Here is the light behind the big girls, These are popsicles #4 Pheno, kept these shorter to compare the yield on the big girls we usually run. I like the smaller plants better as It less time defoliating and less chance of something getting screwed up. LOL

Well that’s all I have today folks.
I will be doing some parting shots this week for room 3 and will post up the progress of the phenos also.

Cheers OG!!


Well Og,

I said parting shots right!

Here they are

Glue sniffer.

This is the Grand master sexy.

Purple thunder

Some popsicles with with a few weeks to go.

Will do a better update soon!

Cheers for now!


Chop day is always bit sad, saying goodbye to the gals. But with beautiful flowers like that, I bet you get cheered back up real quick.

Phenomenal work dude.



Thank you sir!

Yes the other tables are in about week 3 of flower so it won’t be long! hahahah



Amazing work !!! Love the set up… I will follow along !!! :grinning:


Okay folks,

Time for a quick one…

we will start with the pheno table.
We have all different strains on this table so we keep the pumps on the low side as not to offend the picky ones. Hahaha
A few in the back are nearing harvest.Which is good cause the dry room is almost finished from the last harvest.

Which is good cause the dry room is almost finished from the last harvest.
Here is a dry room shot.

Here is the mom room.
Lots going on in here.
Bosai moms, regular moms, clones from the phenos and all cuts for room 2 are rooted and ready.
Clones vegging for room 3 which is almost clear. Ohhhh and about 80 seedlings from OG members. We will run another table in the pheno room as the temps have been nice and we found a 2x6 table we can fit in there. It will be like a jungle up in there.

Next we have room 3 with just one light running with Popsicles 4 with about a week left.

Then we have room 2 hitting full blast.
One full table of purple thunder.
One full table of Motor boat.
These are both about 3 weeks into flower.

Well I decided to bring one of the babies home from work to my new balcony spot.
She is enjoying the weather so far. She is getting hand fed 3 times a day and soon she will get a small reservoir to keep her happy. Hopefully she will start to flower but the city lights are actually pretty bright out there. It will be a good experiment if nothing less.
I gave her a little BDSM treatment and trim under the skirt and ill show the before and after.

Well OG that’s all I have for today!