Da Sunshine show! Ongoing grow log from a 10 light medical grow in BKK

I think there’s no picture for this one, but @Drsunshinestrains mentioned having “a few ounces” to go thru :man_shrugging:

Right now we’re guessing on seeds from the local stuff “Nakon phanom/lao border” so possible landrace.

Posts #44 and #52 have photos for the first two guess contests, those are from similar local cultivars but not exactly the same as the current guessing game.


337 is what I’ve been told by the clouds :purple_heart:


It’s up a few post #67 and it’s the ones on the white round tray. :wink::facepunch::+1::sunglasses::ok_hand::v:


I think those are the seeds @Drsunshinestrains counted earlier for a previous entry. Post #73 has the text for tve current giveaway / guessing game but no picture this time


I think that’s the contest that just ended
So since i have no reference with lightly seeded or heavy or exact number of z my guess is 454!!


747 seeds i suppose


It was the last picture of any beans 🫘 to count. How can you make a guess if you got nothing to go on at all could be any number. :roll_eyes: :laughing::rofl::joy::sweat_smile:

I guess you would call it, Blind wisdom! :crazy_face::joy::joy::joy:


Hey :wave: @Drsunshinestrains what are we really guess on now, seems to be some confusion? Maybe :thinking: you can shed some light :bulb: on this mystery for us all. :crazy_face::sweat_smile::wink::+1::facepunch::ok_hand::sunglasses::v:


I do see how the post could have been interpreted that way. But I wonder why would we have to guess if the beans can be counted in the picture? Maybe that pic was an example of some of the seeds that have already been counted, with “a few ounces” left to go. Or maybe it was a picture of the previous strain’s seed count since that post also tags the winners.

Post 44 has three different “strains” listed.

  1. “Brother-in-law” weed (3 pics - tray, seeds, jars) This one was guessed first
  2. “Da brick” (pic of a brick) also from brother-in-law but it may or may not be the same strain as 1. I don’t think we have guessed on this one because there is no more mention of it after Post 44
  3. “Without borders” from the Laos border (last 2 pics in Post 44), seems the most likely strain that we are guessing seed count right now IMO
    Da Sunshine show! Ongoing grow log from a 10 light medical grow in BKK - #44 by Drsunshinestrains

Then in post 72 drsunshine says:

So I think we are guessing on the 3rd strain from Post 44 with “a few ounces” of seeded buds. It depends if “pic above” means the closest picture above this post or if it means pictured somewhere further up in the thread. :man_shrugging:


Its the without borders weed pic guys, sorry for the confusion.

Have fun take a guess and ill pick all the seeds out and the closest number wins.



Excellent, thank you for clearing that up!

So now it’s confirmed, we are guessing the seed count that will be from the last two pics of Post 44 (plus “a few ounces” not pictured!)


Really nice set up and strain collection. I’ve been sitting on a pack of Girl Crush and Cocoa Nibbles for a while now. Glad to hear GC is worth running.

Can you give us an overview of the local strains and their effects? Racy, white knuckled types or hybrid type high? I see you have brick there, I’m curious about that as well.


Hey @Coda if you want a chance to win a pack of seeds from the “Without Borders” Nakon phanom / Laos strain all you have to do is simply guess how many seeds Drsunshine will get from “a few ounces.”

Pics below, looks very similar to the brick.

@Drsunshinestrains sorry to keep replying so much here. Trying to put the info for this current giveaway / guessing game all in one post.


@Coda Yes bro run those GC I have 2 keeper phenos…
One turns very nice purple and the other yields a bit more, Very gassy and tasty

Sorry for the confusion everyone and thank you for clearing up the info @emeraldbullfrog

It looks similar but from a different source and smells a bit different.

Thanks for the guesses and for stop[ping by here!!!

Im off to the grow. Just harvested most of the phenos yesterday so time to clean and reset today.
Some really nice plants going in there and a good variety.

here is a pic of the veggers that will be flowered.

Cheers everyone!


I’m guessing 170 seeds…thank you :slightly_smiling_face:


Incredible work!


Well that was a long day… finally got everything set to flip tonight.
Clean and cozy in the pheno room.
Plants got a little beat up on the move in boxes but are already staring to perk back up.

They will be fine by morning time. Ive changed the medium as Im out of the peat moss I put the last ones in. These new plants are in 4x4x4 rock wool cubes and will live the rest of their lives in them. Ive never really flowered plants in that small of a block but Im sure they will do just fine.

Still have a few plants that need to go a bit longer.

The skunk, a key lime cheesecake, a small London fog #3, a grand master sexy #4 and three New England hazy kush

The skunk

Hazy kush

Group shot.

That’s all for today folks!

I am knackered…

cheers and OGTW!!


Thanks buddy…your seeds arrived to Australia today. Thanks again and good luck with what you scored the other day!


Okay folks!

Where do I begin.

well, firstly had a mechanical malfunction on a timer…

Bad news for one of the large plants in flower, she took a real beating and she probably won’t recover very well.
These plants are on a feed schedule of 4 times per day and it must have stopped working after I checked them in the morning then came back next afternoon to top tanks and I see this.

Next issue was a light was tweaking out so had to change it out.

I finished harvesting the phenos that were left to cook for another 10 days

The skunk looked great and smelled well, pretty skunky

This is her sister that is about 4 weeks into 12-12

the hazy kush were very nice as well

Uploading: IMG_1409.JPG…

the ugly one I didn’t get a pic of was the key lime cheesecake.
she turned out with some nice terps though.

so the pheno table is fully loaded again and we have a bunch of seedlings vegging ready to take their places when they finish up.

There are a few ex mothers, @Tlander’s BOG Bubble, Black domina, freaky buddha, Mac x AVC, Pure Breeding’s cherry cannoli, cherry custard, Barneys cheese, triple cheese, Green houses exodus cheese, and a few of @Budderton LA Affie 11 x Afghan hash plant as well as a few freebies… a pink pantie and a runts strain.


I have already cloned most of the flipped ones as well.

the flower rooms are trucking along and room 2 has about 3-4 weeks left…

We have changed rooms for the babies and its now all back to being settled in.
Here are a few shots of the nursery… the new plants for room 3 are on the table.

Moms getting huge but about to get haircuts.


Smaller bonsai moms hanging around.


Sorry for the slow draw on the next giveaway but Its been a slog this week with all the moving around, harvest and moving the phenos over to the other spot…
I am planning on doing the count on Monday for those who have guessed. It’s still open too if you want to tag someone to guess.

I have been waiting for traded beans for a long time and was beginning to wonder if they were snagged at the border.
Low and behold Christmas came early and the mailman dropped a load at one time.

I also sexed the phenos that went over before I left town and had 4 males out of 12 seeds of the Sherbanger x purple punch. I am currently trying to collect a little pollen to seed out a few lower branches in the next week or so.

Here are some photos of the boys club.


Well that’s my update!!


Cheers OG!!


Everything looks amazing! Well except for the one plant. Bummer.
Giant fan leaves :astonished: