Dankmaster’s Old School Pine Genetics workshop/log

This is a full time job on this forum lmao I don’t think there’s time for other forums
He must already have 500 different emails

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Ah this individual is a known troll…guess it was my turn to be ‘loved’. All I can say is ciest le vie


Mid week update

Sprouts G, H and possibly F replaced…I told ya I’m going to be strict. Sprouts that are slow, stalled, weak or runty will be culled out right from the beginning. G and H wouldn’t open its first leaves and continue upward growth so they got pulled

The rest are showing vigor and strong growth, some already on 2nd set

I’ve decided I’ll add 4-5 more for up to 18


So the CH E did develop about 5 seeds from the TC A nanner. 4 seeds turned out to be duds, however…

I was having doubts about viability, but I will say this that the cultivar doesn’t have germination consistency. Some seeds aren’t going to pop and others will. It’s luck of the draw I guess. I hope this can improve w Xmas.


1 week old


The other is slower growing. I may replace if it
doesn’t get going soon

TC B x Xmas

Most of these are doing well so far. Lots of Xmas traits showing up

The tri-leafer’s growing shoot is so tiny it doesn’t even look like it has any

TC A x Xmas

All 3 showing strong growth. The B has an opposite arrangement showing

Now 3 more TC B x Xmas added, which I think my number of starts is sufficient to select from


lookin good!


Week 2

All the bigger seedlings have been treated w spoon fed @BudBusterPro’s program

One smaller one but the rest look great and strong so far. Starting to grow out of the deformities now


Week 3

I’ve given a 2nd application of @BudBusterPro and I’m a believer. This spoon feed program is a boost to a healthy start. These are now under the bigger light

Most look good so far but there are a few runts. The one circled was one of the first set, so I don’t think it’s going to grow to its full potential. I’ll probably have to cull it

And one oddity. It’s definitely irregular in growth. I’m trying to wait to see if it will grow out of it’s weirdness

Other than that, my timing to get them sexed after the last plant is harvested is right on schedule


30 days from germination…

The 3rd application of @BudBusterPro has been given. I’m noticing cal-mag starting, so I’ve added dolomite lime, along w foliar mixture cal-mag pro, kelp and liquid karma. I also think Ph may be too high, so dropped from 6.6-6.8 to 6.4

Father Xmas has emerged in the bunch…which I may do a brief period of open pollination. Several clones from B and A will be added

Most have been topped, except the smaller PTK. I believe the taller plants are male in PTK. Other than that I am quite satisfied with what I’m seeing here :+1: These should be ready to move in when I harvest the marble Crip

These remain questionable. It’s possible the one in the upper right will join. The tallest is PTK. I’m almost sure it’s male, but it will be sexed when it’s time

And then there’s the last set

These do look better so far. Usually by the first true leaf the size has been determined, but I think these will join the rest at their current clip, and that should be enough to find a few to work.

Any thoughts, or does it appear I know what I’m doing :thinking:


As a group, I’d say they’re looking pretty darn good!
You’ve probably progressed to the 2.5ml/8 oz BBP apps and your growth looks to be at that stage where they really take off!
Sounds like you’re going to be doing some breeding, and you’ll LOVE BBP on your seed producers!!
Tag me in on your updates and don’t hesitate if you have any questions!

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I just wanted to take a moment and talk about your foliars. I believe when utilizing the BBP program, you’d be much better off applying your kelp, cal/mag, liquid karma to your soils!!

These are all fine nutrient additions, but may well mitigate the effects you wish to obtain with BBP!

I would propose to you that you apply these supplements in the soil and leave BBP as the sole foliar!
You may even wish to segregate a few of your plants and treat them only with your foliars (no BBP) and compare to BBP foliar only plants to see the DIFFERENCE!
One of the major benefits of BBP will be seen later as your plants move into flower…they will require a lot more nutrients, without the threat of lockout! This is a result of increased metabolic efficiency, which I believe maybe significantly compromised by combining other foliars!!

I want to see you achieve spectacular results and will help out wherever I can!


Yes I understand what you’re saying , but this particular strain has very high cal-mag intake. Higher than normal. I’ve added the lime, but until it breaks down at the root level, the only way to stave off rapid cal-mag deficiency is by 2-3 foliar sprays direct to the leaf. Regular top feeding isn’t sufficient, and I’ve been watering w cal-mag in anticipation. I’ve only used BBP top watering, and I think the 3 applications are enough until sexing. I use about 0.63 ml of what’s called Easy Weed, Cal-mag pro and the Liquid Karma in 32 oz bottle. I think once the lime breaks down I won’t feel like I have to spray like a mad man to keep it from ravaging older leaves too fast, but it seems to be the only to slow it until lime does the job. I do love how BBP unveils a seeds potential quickly. It brings out which seeds are going to grow to their best and weeds out the plants that don’t perform. Very helpful is selections. And yes I want to save BBP for the sexed females and buds :wink:


Great! Thanks for the explanation!
I think your comments and clarification were important to put on the thread!
All BBP users are more than welcome to put all their experiences in their journals.
My only concern is if something can be misconstrued, I may comment on it simply to inform the audience!!
Thanks again @OriginalDankmaster96 !

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Mid week update

Growing like crazy now. 9 have been moved to 1/2 gall bags. 2-3 foliar sprays has enhanced the growth rate. I also believe my water Ph was too high still, so I’m watering 6.0-6.1. About another week then I’ll think they’ll be ready to flip and see who’s what


Week 5

It’s gangbuster growth now. Every plant but 2 are in 1/2 gall bags. Every plant but one smaller that hasn’t grown it’s 5th set has been topped… I’m nearly ready to find out, just as soon as the open pollination CG BX is done. I’ll start the flipping part in the Tampa Crippy run diary, which will change titles over

Foliar - 550 ppm

Spray n Grow
Liquid Karma
Easy weed
Cal-mag pro



Some notable growers

Son of father Xmas

It pre-sexed it’s self but this plant is clearly a dominant expression of its parent. I wonder if this will be reoccurring in the successive generations ?

And the tallest PTK which I suspect is a male, but I could be wrong. Even if it is, the nodes really stretched long, so makes me want to rule it out, but not until after flip stretch

Well as you can see I’m at max capacity now


Well I was right about the runt, turns out to be female too. Going back it was the tri-leafer I first showed. In this particular strain tinnier than normal leaf and growth is almost sure to indicate a runt. I’ve seen this twice now. There is no hoping w a runt as I’ve shown what you get. I’m adding full grown pics so it can be identified before I cull it out. I’ll probably cull successive seedlings early that show the growth characteristics this one did. Definitely the stalk girth begins to tell the tale of each plant here. Anyway one out, may be a few more to go

38 days

TC B x Xmas J

image image image

These 2 are questionable

Left more than right. Still I’ll sex them for total female to male ratio, which I think I’ll do these next.


You can see the best are ready and waiting to go, which I’ll be doing in 3 sets of 5 each week



Better news

PTK B has pre-sexed it’s self

I just put it in a bag. I’m going to top all 6 shoots and take the 2 lowest for cuts. Meanwhile I’ll let it bush out while the cut roots. Since I don’t need to sex and get it confused I can shuffle towards the last set and have a rooted clone for insurance once it goes full flower


Week 6

And the pre-sexing continues….

TC B group females







K L M possible males

M sexing

TC A group females


Xmas male

The thickness and the knots tell me how sturdy it’s structure is, also a rub of the stem is sticky and has that deep forest odor. It obviously seems like a no brainer, and Xmas is making this easier than I thought. If it keeps reappearing all I have to do is just use it…

All 3 PTK female

Total pre-sexed/sexed




First set ready to begin… as noted w stretching, this is what I’m watching for as the transition happens. The leggiest plant will be eliminated from the running in each set

A looks leggier and B looks a bit weaker than C D and E, w C being my overall best so far and I think could be the hybrid expression

11-13” starting height


Looking good. Was away awhile and not too active now, but I just caught up. Glad you’re running into what you’re looking for! Some really nice looking plants going now.