Dankmaster’s Old School Pine Genetics workshop/log

@HeadyBearAdventures Yeah I didn’t expect that to be the case. I actually expected to say similar from that time era, but not exact… being exact proves it is a strain, otherwise this would be impossible to get.

It is great that it’s found, however the first flowering has shown me the issues that must be re-worked to be even better. Namely, the Internode stretch. In many respects it’s like AB G13. The looser internode stretch prevents tight full colas from forming. It forms spaced bract nuggets, followed by larger top nugget. The tops remind me of Blueberry. I am carefully observing these last few weeks to see how much more they swell up. As a result yield doesn’t appear to be good. In addition to compact structure improvement at stretching, it needs a yield boost. This is a nugget strain to say the least and not full buds. It definitely needs to some compacting and bulking up to be a higher producer than currently. Low yields aren’t really worth that 60-70 day cycle, especially heavy consumption needs. So while it’s great in other aspects, it needs improvements to be top notch. I believe a Xmas re-worked version can get there.


Nice place to be, to have that roadmap in one hand and a shining success in the other!
I’ve got this set to watch, so I’m along for the ride… However long it lasts! :bear::+1:

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@SensiBowl Yeah, it takes patience from the point of popping the seeds to get to fruits of labor, but eventually the time is here before you know it. I look back at Sept of last year to now and think how far I’ve already come, and have yet to go to complete my goal.


Well, I’ve decided to experiment. TC A smaller plants sprouted singular bunch of anthers in various spots. I picked off those off w tweezers to dry, but I noticed a minuscule grains of pollen on the foil, so I took the 2 lateral tops of CH E that weren’t treated and touched the pistils. I will do it again in another week. While I have concerns about hermies, I’ve read the later occurrences are less of a problem than earlier. Anyway, whoever wants to test these when ready just let me know


Well would ya look at that…it’s taken :eyes: That was the very tiny bit from Crippy A that’s intersex. I wonder if the hermaphroditism would carry over or be recessive later stage, but I’m guessing this would make mostly female results, since I didn’t have to reverse the sex.


Pinetree haze :

Almost 4 months

Center shoot regrown

Well this plant started promising, but now it’s slowed, weak and spindly, and has mutations regrowing center shoot. It’s only one plant, however not hardy, which leads me to question if it’s good stock. Remains to be seen…was only a trial balloon (pine haze is gone - maybe another seed will be better)

Moving on

3 of 4 PTK ready and needed planting tonight

18 TC B x Xmas started, of 10 have popped. 4 needed planting tonight

Now comes the next stage of this process. I’ll be looking for vigorous candidates that start strong and have no issues. These 4 popped first and fastest, so they have my eye. Stay tuned


Awesome project @OriginalDankmaster96, I’ve been chasing that pine smell myself!


Thanks @PineScented , I know many want this terp, really defined and strong. My TC A is piney but may have issues fully maturing seed. I have a clone I just triggered and waiting for enough clusters to dust to see if it makes fully mature seeds, although I’ve found some seeds there in my first crop, consistency of development is in question. I may try 2 or 3 to see if I get a few to the mix, but I have concerns of defects. Uniform consistency is important. TC B is pine-menthol-gas-funk and really the classic Crip terp many would recall smoking it. When I was testing my male Xmas bud I really enjoyed its nuances of pine-funk-old spice deodorant, and that was before I could test TC to know if it has the signature terps. Now I know it does I’m very confident about the blend, which should add even more complexity which I’m looking for pine-menthol w spice-funk notes. Stay tuned and perhaps you’ll end up testing the F2’s. Really engaging members get my attention :eyes:


Awesome, that sure would be a treat! I’m an aspie too and have suspected that our fixations would be to key to preserving some ‘lost’ traits/cultivars. I’m used to getting ‘that look’ if I start nerding out about weed lineages lmao

Excited to see how the cross turns out for you, will be following along

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@PineScented Yes, we have observational skills to differentiate traits and characteristic details from great ones to flaws, trying to improve those flaws. I think it’s a unique perspective from neurotypical :smirk:

Well I am happy to report TC A is viable, but it appears many beans deformed in development, hooked point and uneven shell along seam, so it’s a smaller number that made viability to end up in the jar. Even B is about 50% from number started to what actually popped so germination rate needs improvement as well, but at least I have a few to add to the mix of B’s and PTK


Here’s a nice a nug of TC A


Looks really nice. What was the total flowering time on her?

Went 9 weeks exactly on both, however I think 8 is better based on testing. Earlier had less knock out drag come down, but it needs 60-62 for mature seed. Longer than 63 to me seems like sleep city. They’re nice looking, however I’d like to get a fuller structured bud than just nugs, which equals more volume when broken up. I mean my CG has twice the size top bud. Even tops are like medium size buds for other heavier strains. I think I’ll do a side by side so everyone can get an idea of what I’m talking about


Good info to know for when I do my TC seed run. If I see the same thing about how the bud is structured it might be a trait in this cultivar.

Here are the 3 PTK

The 2 open are showing strong vigor already

The one in the middle had to have its shell cracked and split while stuck on. A very gradual delicate process and finally w tweezers to pry it off. I thought for sure I would injure, but it’s opening now. I’m not sure exactly what happens to a seedling that can’t completely get out or split it’s shell…death eventually ?

And here we have 10 TC B x Xmas

Strong vigorous sprouts

B, C, D and J

Weird twisting cotyledon

Close up of J

Possible tri leafer ??

3 TC A x Xmas

All 3 showing strong vigor here

Seedling feed

Liquid Karma
GH rapid start

100-200 umol
400-500 ppm
Ph 6.6.- 6.8


Removed by Carty


@Loveboobs Did you forget to take your meds?


What a hoot your post is @Loveboobs. I guess you missed the ‘old school’ tag…guess what it means, you already had to be an established member w lots of growing experience. I really wish people like yourself would think before typing. FYI I took about 4-5 individuals from ICQ in the late 90’s and TAUGHT them how to grow seed to harvest. Have you taught anyone new how to do it ? Enough said!


Do you think boron-and-now-autism-and-calcium guy does this on other forums or are we just special?


He doesn’t just love us. He’s in love with us.

Not sure I get the autistic seedbank part but he’s not known for making sense.