Dankmaster’s Old School Pine Genetics workshop/log

How does the A2 BX2 rank on the pine scale, or are all of these quite similar in that trait?


I was just about to post a running poll for the 5 different BX2 hybrids :+1::ok_hand:


The jar is just about to empty on A2 so I’ve told ya all this how I know what’s winning. I will say it lasted longer than I expected :grin:


Oh I just got a response from LJ. I hate to shake things up at times, does me no pleasure to do this but I’m happy with the details about sponsorship. It’s ALL A GO! :tada::partying_face::star_struck::+1::pray:


Excellent, congrats! :green_heart:


I’m glad its all smoothing out my friend. Now you can concentrate more on to happier and more bountiful horizons :pray: :fire:


So. I chopped my Island crippy on Friday. That put her at 7 weeks, 3 days from flower to finish.
Next time maybe I’ll go to the full 8. A few buds looked not quite done enough during wet trim.

Speaking of trim… that is now all dried. So I just ground some up, and did 2 hits from my Dynavap.
It’s just dried leaf, so it doesn’t have much smell. But… the pine taste from this uncured leaf is impressive. The terps and taste on this definitely has a noticeable vibe/unique identity.

It’s also very potent. I’m glad I only took 2 hits and not 3. I think I’d be wrecked for the rest of the afternoon.


That’s awesome to hear! Yeah, terps do change on the opposite side of peak but definitely don’t get too amber or you’ll be passing out, it’s a heavier knockout. Much to be desired on earlier side instead :exploding_head::yawning_face:

That is very positive to hear! I’ve felt this B Corn is the most accurate representation, slight variance to TC but definitely stable. Glad it lived up to standards of what pine terps ‘should’ be. So I take it you’re running the CripXmas A2 too when I have those done :grin: Now I definitely need to take cuts and get ready to really produce this one

Oh yeah she’s definitely got a :boxing_glove: to feel. I’ve always told ya I don’t smoke much in a days period but I’m happy to hear no disappointment in potency. Sounds like Maui didn’t diminish it. Funny how the runt became a keeper :fire::star_struck::seedling::evergreen_tree:


@OhNo555 I had to delete the entire post. Please don’t monkey with the poll :pray:

This will be a running poll for testers to rank most favorite to least after COMPLETING the grow and consumption of buds. Again starting with my ranking

PLEASE DONT VOTE here until you’re done

Most fav
  • TC A x BX2
  • A2 x BX2
  • CX A x BX2
  • Maui A x BX2
  • CX B x BX2

0 voters

  • TC A x BX2
  • A2 x BX2
  • CX A x BX2
  • Maui A x BX2
  • CX B x BX2

0 voters

  • TC A x BX2
  • A2 x BX2
  • CX A x BX2
  • Maui A x BX2
  • CX B x BX2

0 voters

4th or least fav
  • TC A x BX2
  • A2 x BX2
  • CX A x BX2
  • Maui A x BX2
  • CX B x BX2

0 voters


Ouch, Sorry man, miss read the post. Very stoned today. :ok_hand::wink::sunglasses::peace_symbol:


I’ve been waiting for this one to mellow out. She’s the real odoriferous one at first, but now smells lighter gassy funk like. Probably the best bag appeal of all 3 TC A BX2 pheno :ice_cube:


7 hrs from the time I showed it is how long it’s lasted before needing a refresh…


Next step forward


I’m out of likes already this morning. @OriginalDankmaster96 I’m glad it worked out! I look forward to being able to get my hands on your work through here. I’ve never used x and don’t really have a desire to so I’m especially glad you didn’t have to move there exclusively!

That being said, congratulations on becoming a supporter!!


It’s definitely NOT the decision I would’ve wanted to resort to making being that X is an advertising/selling platform, but it’s all in the rearview mirror now. Everything has been explained, what’s permissible and what’s not. It’s all very fair and reasonable to adhere to, which you’ll only see my page link here or in the sponsored category. IF anyone sees postings made for pine flavor just linking my thread is all that needs to be done. IF anyone does know where this could bring interested people from outside OG, do share my page link and network it out for me. Any help to bring the pine ‘searchers’ in, is greatly appreciated :pray::ok_hand::relaxed:


Congratulations :confetti_ball::balloon::tada::champagne: @OriginalDankmaster96 on the sponsorship, we were all pulling for you on this one and wish you the best of luck :crossed_fingers:! :clap::clap::clap::facepunch::+1::ok_hand::wink::sunglasses::peace_symbol:


It says you are a supporter not a sponsor. Anybody who donates monthly is a supporter…

Umm that will be changed shortly to “OG Sponsor” badge. It’s not something I can set myself


And there it is, my official badge :face_with_monocle: Word of advice: Kindly refrain from responding when you don’t know what you’re talking about.


Lol. Dude no need to get offended. I thought you were confused or mistaken about the suppprter/sponsor thing. Tell ya what though. I will refrain from interacting with your goofy ass or this goofy thread of yours.

Your first post didn’t strike me as someone who’s interested in my work otherwise it wouldn’t have sounded like I’m being challenged, but my advice goes for anything in life, otherwise you look like a tool when you open your mouth. I never respond to what I don’t know what I’m talking about regarding anything in life, it’s just stupid to be impulsive :face_with_raised_eyebrow: