Indoor / Outdoor 2024

Here is the CRIPPY B4 @OriginalDankmaster96

And then there is Pressure Skunk

Both plants are healthy and enjoying the view !

A buddy checked-in with a BlueBerry Pie FAST from #sponsored:seedsman
“where’ve you been” lol

She looks Great; I’ll dig up the age in Veg weeks. Looks healthy, I sent Soil Amendments and some top-dressing for the rest: BOG LSD & Mysterion V1
LSD below @smokenhike

Mysterion V1 (#2) @Great_lakes_Genetics

And the damn Pole Dancer went Male on us. Bent as he was…

The BlueBerry from #sponsored:seedsman is looking Healthy and content, ~ 6 feet tall

@SativaKid will enjoy how the Red Rona has exploded over the lst few weeks. X 2 below

Blue God, x 2 below

Topped Dragon Blood Hash Plant,

And the “upskirt”

Blue Gods knickers