Dankmaster’s Old School Pine Genetics workshop/log

That’s what I was thinking about trying thanks for the link @shag


Nice! Looking :+1: And yes, I do the same by planting 1/4-1/2 way down and filling over stem. Other seedlings had to be dug up and planted deeper, but these don’t have that problem. It does seem to be cruise control for both versions… I’m adding Kelp meal and Neem seed meal to HF and Black Gold. Just waiting on the BG to arrive to begin :seedling:


Everything is in the towels


I’ve been told by my Dad that he would always leave a third of the space when sprouting seedlings and basically exactly what you’re doing with yours now @Rabeats2093 and it’s looking like a good healthy start for them very well done :+1:t2:! And it’s cool to know that my Dad did know what he was doing somewhat LoL (a lot wish I still had him to bounce questions with but he’s helping out from above Happy Growing The Doc


CripXmas B warning :warning:


I know I’m ready! Haha. I would have offered to run some but I am a beginner grower who also doesn’t like posting pics online lol.


Damn, now that’s what I’ve been looking for! Man, I may have to step up to the plate @OriginalDankmaster96 Outta likes or I’d give 'em all to you


Yeah it’s a RIDE to beyond what can be imagined. I dumped the last of the shake from B onto the tray after waking up from falling asleep early. Rolled a bit of the NL2 to get a full roll, and OMG it had cured to intimidating feeling strength, I was nearly in fear, that gripping intense and incapacitating. Half my mind is like let’s roll what’s left and the other half is like NO it’s ENOUGH. I shortly went back to sleep after I made that video. I shit you not, it’s certified Zombie weed. As for stepping up, ready when you are, but I have over 400 B just by looking at the jar 4 layers deep so it’s not the limited availability that A is.


There’s plenty of time and perhaps after everyone gets to experience what I have, I’ll send you some B. No pictures necessary then :wink:


Nice growing, and I thought I had healthy plants lol. Your plants look absolutely perfect, love the glossy foliage.


I knew I liked you :wink:. But I’m also just enjoying seeing the plant updates and pics for now.


Where did you order the krippy kush by purple caper from. The packaging is different than what I usually get.

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Alright, everything is finally cycling now that I can up pot. The 2 ‘inbred’ sativa hybrids are now added along w the the 2 TC A x NL2 to the tent. The 4 cuts are almost rooted of those 2 sativa hybrids, so moving forward w flip on all 4. It’s a full tent now. That’s good though since I have my veg space empty for the new A and B seedlings now in cups, and now I can finally start @Carty Pine 06 and CripXmas A x Xmas bud A 2 each since my numbers are closer to 50 w those so at my full capacity

@nick131740 @Forest_Organic Welcome!

Nick, I swear by a tea brew bucket. I think if you aren’t using one, you should try it out. It’s like fermenting the nutrient before it’s used. I think having it aerated makes quite more active that just mixing as needed.

Forest, I used MGS seeds in Barcelona Spain. 3 attempts. 5 seeds for 90 bucks a pop ZERO rate. Breeder packs removed for international shipping. I don’t know if it’s genuine PC BUT their web page says DO NOT contact about germination problems or to buy them, so I don’t have confidence in PC quality control and therefore won’t recommend. Something is very wrong IF I can have better quality control on germination than a big commercial breeder like PC. They should be ready to back problems, which to 808’s credit he did do that for me after emailing.


I’ve never had a problem with PC man everything I’ve ever got from them has been pretty good too. Idk if North Atlantic seed bank will ship to Spain but that’s were I get mine from.

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Well I don’t know what to tell ya. I don’t appreciate how PC runs a seed business that leaves no option for the customer to contact and resolve unviable seed or misrepresented from unauthorized banks. I asked the woman the runs customer service to ask the breeder for a lot of fresh KK seeds to send as replacement. She said they did and I reordered and I stupidly bought an extra pack thinking they got sent fresh seeds. Went to germinate replacement and nothing, did the next vial, and last one. Sorry, but if it’s not real PC at MGS seeds THEY should be protecting their rep, but I didn’t see anything on PC site MGS isn’t an authorized retailer of theirs. So they’re responsible!


Everything looks healthy. I bet the smells are starting to hit pretty good now. Is that sidewall lighting I see? I’ve been thinking of doing something like that. Any lights you’d recommend?


Welcome @HumblePie420 to the testing group :sunglasses:

Up close yes, but I have air filter for cat hair floating around so it also neutralizes odors. It is side lighting. I will share the brand I have, which has been pretty reliable, except some of daisy chain cording can be loose fitting in the plugs. I’m running 736 watts total. 336 on the side (42 x 8) and the big light is the Maxisun PB 4000, in 9 sqft, so I’m 81.7 watts a sqft.

(Pack of 8) Kihung LED Grow… https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0811WGKBC?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share


OMG it’s a GIRL!! My first BOG plant Lifesavers x Sour Strawberry and I am so happy and stoked and it’s for GROWING! I removed the smallest of the 3 plants it’s got something going on with the growth structure and I wanna give that new girl more room to stretch out and up! And it’s actually been a week since I flipped so I also just got my dome blown up with some MotorBreath 15 live resin (87%qthc2.3%cbd):woozy_face::partying_face::crazy_face:… already have some new happy frog and always have Neem, calmag and fish emulsion on hand and I have a bag of perlite and lava rocks so it’s kinda crazy but I guess great minds think alike.:face_with_monocle: LoL I listened


It’s nice to get lucky when you want it to happen. Congrats :clap: You’ll do great. Looking forward to watching her :eyes:


Also noticed or @Mithridate noticed that the leaves have double serrations ever other node KIMG2186.JPG don’t know if it means anything but it’s pretty cool