Dankmaster’s Old School Pine Genetics workshop/log

Nice, going to grab these next paycheck. I’m an Amazon whore


It’s possible, unusual traits are something to watch closely for that potential special plant.


Heading to the recliner night and TTY later Happy Growing All!


Well I’m officially ready to go and looking forward to joining the party :tada:

and I plan on getting some popped and just figuring out what to pop first any recommendations @OriginalDankmaster96 ! Also I just wanted to make sure you & others really understand how much it means to have a Great :sunglasses: Dude like yourself and it’s rare for second chances so I HAPPY GROWING THE DOC!!!4Mdc


I can understand where your coming from man, but where purple caper is in the United States and it’s not federally legal I don’t think they could do anything about a company located in Amsterdam.

I hope all go well for you and I’m sorry to hear you purchased an extra pack an still had none germinate. Also on there website they don’t really list any websites to get there beans but I have a pic they posted on there Instagram a wile back of the websites they use, I’ll post a pic of it here.


Welcome to the testing group @HumblePie420!!.. I hope you are ready to try out some Great genetics and for an even better person(sometimes he can be really mean… LoL JK) behind the project @OriginalDankmaster96!


Oh hell yeah man @DrGonzo13 ! I’m chomping at the bit to do this especially after watching his video. I want my bell rung like that! I’ve been having trouble sleeping lately and looks very much like this will do both. PLUS if it contains strong Pine terps…done deal. I’m in.


It’s true, I have acid for a tongue that can saw whip :smiling_imp: Anyway, I have B pack ready to go out next week
, so drop me your address and I’ll get it out.


Love how this is expanding! Can’t wait to see all the grows!


So…808 genetics is in Hawaii…perhaps PC should have a 3rd party to handle CS for them that will inevitably happen. Based on that list, looks like MGS isn’t an authorized retailer/distributor. I guess MGS fraudulently sold seed under PC label and pics, even so, why 5 seeds ? I don’t understand why it’s not 10 and 18 dollars a seed is steep. I like PC said these were the best males, and I wanted to ID its authenticity before I could use it, but NL2 took the place and maybe for the better. IF there was a way left to resolve the situation, I could recommend PC but since they decide to shut the customer out, I don’t see that as backing their gear and standing behind it. If they take the attitude “your risk, your problem and not ours” I can’t accept that and I wouldn’t tell anyone else to either w their money. Maybe if I have a drop location and it’s a 50% off sale, I’d give it one more try, until then it’s hardly needed.


Yup, it’s like combining multi environments and set up’s into a large population to observe at the same time :wink::+1:


Early this evening I’ll be posting the tester’s I’m gonna try out first but which one will it be Hmmm :thinking::face_with_monocle:… find out soon enough thanks again @OriginalDankmaster96 and there’s definitely gonna be some epic phenos found in them there magic beans! Happy Growing The Doc


Even the TRIM LEAF has the HIT and potency. It’s so distinct from everything else. I’m just stunned after thinking I should try it knowing it’s at the bottom of the trim container.I’m blasted again just on mixed trim :dizzy_face:


Now THATS what I’m talking about!


YES I know, and it’s not normal for trimmings to be STRONGER than actual bud, but it CUT through TC A like a laser beam, all the same affects just on that…I’m pouring sweat


Wall of Cripxmas w/a sprinkling of Northern lights. Little babies.


CripXmas trim laughing fit


Okay so I’m going to try out 3 of the CripXmas B I will be using a 12-24 hour soak in water then into paper towels and will show them after home from errands and then I’ll get a picture update!


Do a few B’s, it’s the yielder and has the Crippy side. I know you’ll love the Crippy


That’s what I was debating on so it’ll be 3 B’s and I just thought it would be better for me to start with just one of them so NL 2 and a are going to be run 2 and officially CripXmas B is the choice thanks for that I had the 2 confused aka couldn’t read my handwriting on the different traits they all showed u … I have been trying to journal more and more during growing and notes about upcoming strains!.. leaving a little room for a photo fem Irene OG x White Runtz and I will be starting it in my phototron and it’s in the memory and honor of Matt RIP from G&M !