Dankmaster’s Old School Pine Genetics workshop/log

PC always sells 5 packs idk why but at least you found a replacement for it in the long run.

Seedlings appear the same as what I saw…good signs continue. Do you like what you see so far ?

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For sure, they’re all happy and healthy so far. Should have some nice plants come spring. By then I should have cuts in the cloner.


Alllrighty then folks here I go! Officially dropped 3 of these CripXmas B F4

so for the next 12-24 hours in the shot glass with RO water and then after that into my paper towel and I keep it around 78-80° so it’s very exciting to be able to get some great beans in water and being able to grow up some plants with even better people so @OriginalDankmaster96 ace-ventura-pet-detective-ace-ventura and I officially dropped them at 7am Feb 11th. 2023 Pine Hunt begins


Good to see @DrGonzo13 :grin::+1:

I just planted 1 tailed sprout of @Carty Pine06 and the other may have stalled, but I planted to see if it goes anyway


TC A x Xmas @ 35 days is ALREADY showing amber heads. I don’t think this one is going to yield like the last, however I think this may be a record flowering time. I think it’s finished faster than I realized. There is resistance to pollination, however they’re scattered bracts that have a solid feel. The seeds are there, however it may be enough for 1 committed grower to do. I have tried again few days ago on another lower w white clusters sticking out. I have no idea if there’s enough time nor do I know what takes. It’s a dice roll on which hair is receptive. This is why we got a lot more seed out of CripXmas A and B. I think this expression is Xmas though. There is a lack of purple and orange as the leaves drain their reserve and cooler temps. Xmas is a tight cluster nugget plant. There won’t be colas like you’re thinking unless it’s CripXmas B PTK expression or NL2, but Xmas phenos will be just like this one. So smaller yield BUT an even faster finish more than likely. As for potency and flavors, remains to be seen, but if it’s like A might be worth crossing out the hermie in it. Oh yeah, it does have a stronger odor than TC, so maybe it will be a strong Xmas version but not stronger than CripXmas since that’s PTK and TC combined


Corn B

Full house

The seedlings are doing what I thought, the NL is giving some distance in the nodes, but it’s not lanky and all seedlings relatively the same height. So that upward growth height will happen faster than the base plants that don’t or won’t stretch out


I also have some changes to the way CripXmas A will be approved. 10 beans goes to a committed grower who has a ready space to go exclusively. Regular emeritus will be given priority over non when reviewing prior grows. 5 beans will go to a grower who I think will do it justice but not the space to commit to a full grow. This will allow me to include more testers to get a few to try out, starting w @HumblePie420 will be getting 5 A’s along w the pack of B’s :wink:


Curiosity got the better of me, so I plucked off a few tiny clusters under the larger, quick dry enough to roll 1…I was right, it’s not TC, it’s mint/peppermint pine of Xmas. This doesn’t have the gas of TC, but I think it’s got some punch of TC. It’s a good initial test to confirm what we are seeing is Xmas :wink::thinking:


Update, not a lot but getting bigger by the day.:evergreen_tree:

The last two on the left are crip A and crip B, So five of each total


Thank you for the chance my man. How do they do with fertilizers? Do they need more or less than a normal every 3 weeks dry amendment feeding and maybe a compost tea or two? What kind of fertilizers do you use?

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YW! There’s a post further above detailing my nutrient program. As far as ppm strength, I don’t know yet. TC is up to a 1000, that I do know. It’s uncharted waters for CripXmas feeding and strength, but we will all know soon enough :wink:

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Looking GREAT :+1:


So I’m officially into my paper towels after 18 hrs in water and

3 for 3 with the taps peeking out already! CripXmas B beans looking good so far in germination!


Ok we’re at 24 days now

(left to right corresponds plant)

A2 showing more promise than A1

B2 and B3 over B1 and B4. Of course it’s any guess who’s the better female out of them that goes on to flowering

They also certainly appear uniform, other than leaf size on one, it’s hard to tell variances here

Momma B in her new 6” giant bonsai pot. Momma A joined as well. Those 2 out grew all the normal 4” pots that have 2ft mothers in them…simply amazing


Very nice @OriginalDankmaster96, they are very uniform. I can’t wait for spring.


So I have 3 seeds and all 3 have started growing taproots so excited! Tomorrow morning I will be putting them in soil and will get into all the things that I’ll be using for this CripXmas B run! Update on the morning and I definitely have 3 nice beans and it’ll be a Valentine’s Day planting!


Oh I almost forgot, cloning both seems to be easier and faster than TC. I’ve almost got a few B’s rooted now

I’m excited to see the spring show @Greenfingers and I think this one will be memorable for you. I know, I was trying to see which is Xmas, TC, PTK or NL, and I’m like they’re not dominant by expression. It’s all going really well, like everything is coming together in a synergistic harmony more than I could’ve imagined. Normally I critique plants by this point, but there’s nothing to be critical about. The first 2 nodes helped give a sturdier base before a bit of stretch, which I think is better for cuttings in the long run.

Great to hear @DrGonzo13 :+1: I know you’re gonna love how this all turns out. Can’t wait to see ‘‘em break surface


We have broken ground

Nl2 is being really stubborn. A couple more days and I’ll have a full count of everything


Yes the NL2 was a tuff one, but they came around. The others jumped out of the ground.

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RIP @Shamus I wish you could have seen the CripXmas and the testing happening. Xmas will live on… :pensive: It was a honor to have you here in this thread even for the brief time. CripXmas plants growing this year will be dedicated to you!