Dankmaster’s Old School Pine Genetics workshop/log

So far so good "auto pilot "


Wow! Yours too. I’m seeing it across the board now. Hell yeah, this is gonna be great!! :clap::smiley::tada::+1:

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Hell yea I bet it feels good to see your work in action !
We should just Have update Mondays lol

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Yes, that’s part of it, but from mine, to yours and Greenfingers I can see similar plants. Even one in the corner w the twisty first blade. I got that too, and I was thinking it was environmental. From the 2 base plants came 2 entirely new ones. It’s now a new plant!

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YOU leave her alone haha
What do you mean it’s now a new plant

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The NL2 crossing has combined each into a “new plant” and it’s showing that uniformity across the board. The base plants aren’t exhibited in the offspring. It’s a new combination…understand what I mean. It’s excellent news and everyone is going to get relatively the same plants.


I’ll be in dirt and awaiting the official germination rate is 3 for 3 CripXmas B beans and I’m having a problem with the Xfinity doing work on our area all F’ing day and I am at work for a few hours yet but by morning I better get my internet back especially y I hate technology sometimes wireless everything LoL I am just trying to figure out y they aren’t doing it in the middle of the night because they have light’s up and just stopped working and it’s so laggy I’m still waiting for 2 pictures to upload from earlier today lol so until then I will be getting my BB gun ready for (Men at Work love this movie)“ass shots” to them in the morning every 30 minutes til it’s back up LoL TTY soon I’m so excited to be ready to join the party and Happy Valentines day to anyone who cares LoL but seriously have a great evening and HAPPY GROWING!.. just read the thread and I don’t know @Shamus but I just dropped a CG x 79 Xmas Bud seed in honor of him for a Phototron run for a little bit of a memorial grow! RIP soar high !


You’re a riot bro :joy: Can’t live WITH tech and can’t live WITHOUT I always say :face_with_monocle:

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You just wait till the computer :desktop_computer::computer: is walking around beating the shit outta ya DUDE :sunglasses: LoL I’m a outdoors dude but this is one of my favorites FB_IMG_1475102928693

back to work for a bit night


For @Smooth and @Cyr_grow

TC A x NL 2 1 week into flip… now partially defoliated stay tuned :eyes:

Thanks @CrunchBerries for your suggested amendments. I can clearly see the neem and kelp meal working in the foliage and growth :+1::sunglasses: You da man on organics !


Looking good Bruh.

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Aww yeah man. Those leaves look righteous


Thanks. Pack going out today…I’ll send ya a tacking number later on. Count the days until you can join in :wink:


Makes two of us my man! Very groovy :man_dancing:


Plants look beautiful! Glad it helped brother!


I love it when they reach out with the bright green new growth, beautiful plants.:green_heart:


Absolutely man, you nailed this. I think these are the two missing elements that makes HF more complete and boosts it. I’ve noticed it’s deficient in N very quickly, so it will be great at extending availability of nutrients. The seedlings don’t show it’s hot either. Definitely all HF users should be adding these 2 to the mix if they’re not already. It’s KISS for a pre soil mix amendment :face_with_monocle:


Well I got a weird sprout out the base CripXmas A x BX Xmas….think I’ll have try a few more


I tried one more Pine06 but I believe it’s cracked in the center :open_mouth: I guess I’ll try the last one and hope there’s 2 to work w.

Also have the 1 Pine06 w helmet head that I can’t help remove. I’m just trying to put a droplet of water to soften, but I see no way to help break it off.


The old helmet head always gives me a little worry…but not much.

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Yes, one of the A testers got choked off, so if it’s weak it has no chance of breaking the shell. Generally I don’t fret, just help the splitting along and peel off head if necessary, but here my hands are tied and if it’s weak it isn’t busting off.