Dankmaster’s Old School Pine Genetics workshop/log

If my fat fingered no nail having ass can do it I know you can. I’m kinda rough on my seedlings that have helmet head (because my lack of knowledge) and I don’t know if I’m lucky or seedling are tougher that we think :joy:…I haven’t lost one from me removing the shell tho


Agree man, I use nail all the time gently, but I don’t see it wide enough without damage here. First time, cause usually I can remove most no problems.

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I got one plant that lost a cotyledon probably from me removing the shell rough and then forcing the cotyledons open but I just flipped that plant to flower today

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Oh I know, just a few leaves and no top, they have an astounding way of regenerating growth from damage. Of course some plants are stronger than others. I look at genetics as imperfect to nature’s selection.

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So I’m officially into soil and I just got done with putting them in there starter pots and now I await the arrival of them

I think it’s pretty even for the taproots nice and thick so it’s now game time and I look forward to seeing what magic is in them there beans LoL thank you so much @OriginalDankmaster96! I’m excited to join the grow TTY soon Josh


Very nice. On your mark, get set…


GO…bubbles-helmets-meme subaru-wrx-im-coming Happy Growing… :male_detective:t2:‍♂ I’ll be so anxious until I see someone break through :hourglass_flowing_sand:! OMG :scream: I just ran outta data and of courseof the 3 photos the one that doesn’t upload is the 3 little pots of joy …so in a little triangle I have 3 solo cups with better organics soil with worm castings and 1 month slow release but it’s all under 0the npk levels and I use reverse osmosis water and then I left a few inches of space for room to put in more soil for leggy babies so just picture it in your head now… and dammit got 9 inches of snow and I will be back after I get my straight talk renewed tomorrow on payday but I am ready to grow n show! I know I said it before but seeds are great but the depth of knowledge and comraderie here on OG is worth more than any one seed!


Well I got the shell off, a bit w the nail and then the point of the toothpick. Unfortunately I think it’s stalled out. Looks like the root stopped growing… I had a feeling the way it popped out and shell firmly on, it’s probably not going to make it. Well last one hopefully grows. Might be time to revisit the Pinetree Haze….


Put back in the ground and see if it catches. It doesn’t look damaged to me


Oh it is, I’ll give it a chance to get going, but the odds don’t look good not unfurling cotyledons…


Happened to me twice already this year. Sending good vibes brother.


Well you were right, it was slow but I just peeled off the protein holding cotyledons together…so I believe we got one @Carty Pine06 :tada:

Hopefully I get the other. Gonna let it split in the towel this time…

Also just planted 3 sprouts of CripXmas A x Xmas A that had split shells in the paper towels.


Life…finds a way.


Exactly, nature’s will to survive to live :+1:


I up potted 10 seedlings 5 of A and 5 of B. They should be looking good in a couple days.


All looking great! Definitely seeing the same. Getting better closer to the month mark. Next update will be remarkable, cause I get excited as the progress continues :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: Oh yeah, I’ve noticed Mg excessive need is finished here. All the improvements are showing up :thinking:


I love when they hit bigger and bigger pots. All the best with your grow!


So I’m sorry I am still awaiting them to show up and I just looked at them and

been struggling with the relative humidity and I covered them and now they are starting to cooperate so after tonight I will take off the plastic and I’m just frustrated been trying to keep them happy but got a stomach bug and it’s been absolutely horrible the last two days and nights but I have life! CripXmas B x3


I like the blue tarp…have you noticed if it limits stretch in flower?



Well I’m on grow 2 with it but it seems like it is just trying to keep notes on it since it’s still a little newer to me but it’s the intention cuz I have mylar for the walls and floors but I’m waiting but now I have the grow lights up and wow it’s awesome :+1:t2: glad to see life in these!