Dankmaster’s Old School Pine Genetics workshop/log

BC Pinewarp :grin:

Thanks for your encouragement @Indicana_Jones Im very passionate when I start something, and I’ve read the clamor so I decided it’s time for the veil to be lifted and find out what’s real and what’s not, and recreate from similar pheno as best possible that shows the strongest pine/Vick’s vapor menthol odor and flavor.


Bruh. Your name is Indicana Jones? That is the most legit user tag I’ve ever seen.

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This is me right after getting my beans in the mail after sending in a money order.



I’m fucking DED.


makes me think about other menthol like strains. pine tar kush and the menthol intrigue me…any others besides some kind of NL hybrid?

either way, just the fact that such great lengths have been given to obtain this flavor profile makes me proud to be apart of OG

so excited to be following along


@Phil_Bombs Glad to have ya along for the ride. I suspect the thread posts will be part of the updated strainbase in the future.

Mostly Indicas have the flavor profile, however I found these and got a pack. I think I may use this near the end to infuse sativa, especially if they show strong pine at 2 weeks depending on other factors OR take original Xmas pollen in its own cross. This is more than just Krippy in the end


have you tried the pine tree haze?? im very interested in this one, as i am in search of that pine that i had in my youth.
time will tell though abd like i said above really cool to see this.

I remember back in about 1976-ish (sorry, much of the 70’s is a blur.)
Back then they didn’t have names for the different strains. You just bought pot. It was Mexican, Jamaican or Columbian. I was preparing to go see the rock band BOSTON. My friend came up with some really super piney flavored stuff. It tasted like you stuck a whole pine tree in your mouth. I had never tasted anything like that, and have not since. And the high was incredible. That taste would bring back memories to me. I believe that was the highest I have ever been, other than psychedelics.


yes i had something back in the mid 80s that was like that, super pine taste, really nice super high.
been chasing it for a while with no luck, one day maybe will f`ind again but could be lost to time. yes, even back then there were few with names, mexican brick, colombian gold and pan. red and thai stick where the names i remember
now we have so many different strains with names. ect. guess we name our babies, why not our strains too.


Vernal might be on to something with the G13 , also piney . Triangle Kush has been hyped as Gainsville Green aka Krptonite aka KB aka Crippy . Seems the pine is to be found in Afghan / Hindu Kush family .
Recall a sweet piney mellow bright green & a real skunky sativa that would make you think everyone knew yer bidness . Between reeking & twitchy paranoia , blindfolded by dental floss ahh the good old days . IMHO TK , G13 , Xmas are better crossed than alone .
I;m looking to recreate some cartoon giggle weed of my younger days & some soar with the condors sativa shit .


Not yet. I’m as interested to know as you are, but you know the deal w available space. I may move them ahead in line of strains to start. Being a feminized line I know it would have to come last to cross into the triple backcrossing or it’s own stand alone is possible. Trust me, I intend to recreate it as close as possible and YOU will have that reminisces, as much as I want :+1::sunglasses:


yeah, i know the chase. it will happen, just got to get the right ingredients going so to say
have you had any experience with pine tar kush? somewhere saying it is more pine terps but also heard it is not. time will tell my friend

I have those too :+1: As far as growing I don’t, but I’ve heard that name go around through the years. For me mild to moderate couch lock I can stand, now heavy couch lock makes me unrelaxed and anxious, so I tend to shy from heavy indy’s, however I read its helps relive gastrointestinal discomfort, so along w the pine terpene it can offer I’m interested to see if not too heavy OR maybe blended w haze to balance out :thinking:


2 weeks later, it’s still going strong. I wanted to show that the top has really developed well. Density is starting to show. Overall it’s got great health, great structure and pollen production. The absolute best part of this is, Potency and flavor. I keep going back to these flowers coated in dust… It’s a medley of pine, musty and spice. I feel I need to say this too, since I’ve been smoking Hawaiian Snow most of the day. It is a serious old school stone. It feels like that stone of the teenage years, potent, super mellow, slower speech effect. Either this is a special male OR some growers aren’t giving Xmas Bud enough credit. I will say the A isn’t giving me quite the impression C is. I believe going forward, I will test a number of the offspring males and use the one that mimics C consistently when smoked. We’ve all wanted the blast from the past and we are going to get it. I can’t wait to make the first pollination :grin:


very nice to see, your doing a really goor job for sure on the project.

Thanks @blendmedmedman I grin and bear it to get enough impressions. The first few hits is like smoking leaves on the ground, but through the pollen and resinous back half, the right male can smoke like a female. Only C has me returning for more if it’s flowers. If the offspring male has me doing the same, I’ll know it’s close to dad, and again for sequential generations. I think going this route will ensure the terpenes are expressed consistently to final generation of plants. And yes I should note, I’ve read “Old Spice” mixture, I agree w this description of flavor nuance

Now I have treasure to share…when I put the plant I ID as the smell back to veg, I saw a blown up calyx. I decided I wasn’t going to take a picture of that. Could’ve been false seed, immature. I left it alone and would see if it split, yes it did, now I wasn’t sure if it was ready, drum roll please…

Yup it just popped out all clean and shinny. I’ve got it soaking, and when it cracks I’ll plant it. We’ll get an early preview of the resulting crossover instead of months more waiting. IF it happens to be a female, I’ll probably just flower it and we can see what those buds do there.


very nice, yeah i would do the same. a female to test right away would be good. everything looks really sticky too.
a job well done @OriginalDankmaster96

Everything looking amazing man. Top notch grow.

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Actually you wouldn’t know the seed matured under the vegetation photoperiod, but it did. The plant is still stuck trying to veg, so it could’ve been programmed to finish maturing it instead. I also looked over the whole plant to see if any others were there, it’s the lone pollination which is odd, when it was exposed to a room of pollen for a week. At the very least we get to see how the cross will look and grow unsexed, and at best if it happens to be a female we can preview those buds. We can hope for luck of the draw here :crossed_fingers: