Dankmaster’s Old School Pine Genetics workshop/log

@Cormoran certainly brings up an important point, but something leads me to think in terms of fruiting plants for breeding purposes to be safe and edible as well. I may just write them ask how safe are treated flowers for harvest, so we know treated flowers are safe to use after.

I think this insert applies to treatment and the actual liquid, but I’m not assuming the flowers aren’t affected from smoking.


As a rule of thumb for me I never smoke anything that I have used a reversal treatment on. Not worth getting sick over.


@darkillusion Yep, you’re right. Has to be tossed out after pollen collection

@Cormoran Well we have the answer, however I’m thinking since this is the case to treat a lower branch instead of whole plant, harvest pollen when ready and then remove treated branch. I would think the rest of buds are fine opposed to entire plant.


Well that clears up Exe. Throw away clones only.


Finally we have arrived… it took long enough to get here. Pollinations are done. 2 smaller stunted plants completely dusted of A. Since B is taller, I dusted a branch only. I found a few broken buddlets that had dried, so I loaded up…other than uncured, it was so smooth and it HIT HARD. Too early for flavor, but I feel it’s offering a baseline to build off. Right now odor is sweeter and a reminiscent of bubblegum like. We shall see how the terpenes develop further…

We also have a CH B cross to the A


Looking very good there. :+1: :+1: :+1:

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I hope this doesn’t start any debates or arguments, I’m just curious because I literally just heard some info about this strain a few days ago and then see your post. But is this Crippy the same strain Bubba talked about finding a bag seed in ?

And your plants look awesome so far ! I will definitely be watching your journey !

Hi @HappyTrees23s No worries. Bruce clearly states it’s way BEFORE OG Kush phenomenon. He also states no lemon Thai is part of that make up. I think (not certain) it is of the earlier make up of the Northern Lights family, most notably #2.


Given the person that introduced “Tampa Cippy” to the community having a reputation for selling fake cuts and seeds, I wouldn’t claim it to be legit nor pre OG. At best Tampon ippy is an OG cross that is being portrayed as an original.


LOL look who rears their head after several months of silence :thinking: I still don’t understand your beef w this strain…

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The problem lies with it being portrayed as an orginal old school Florida strain when it’s not, it’s more modern than old.

I have no direct issues with you OD96, heck I’m hoping to see you run that Columbian Christmas on next round, the cross sounds interesting.

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I don’t know, but I started smoking as a surfer at 16 and that was 1992, so that’s the time period I know and left FL in 95. Clearly something can’t be out, distributed and established if it was discovered around that time…I never heard the word OG Kush from 92 to 95.


From Bruce

This cut predates the Triangle Kush and predates the west coast OG’s. The Adam Dunn show “History of OG Kush” in its early days of 2014 had a few callers who’ve smoked and grown the real Florida Crippie (Crippy) hailing about how our cuts are the real deal.


There is absolutely no lemon thai in the Florida “OG’s”, so there is no lemon present in the smell or flavor.

It clearly says predating Kush and I know for a fact Kush wasn’t a thing in the early 90’s FL surfing circles. Skunk and Northern Lights were, then later came Bubblegum and G13.

My next grow is growing the progeny at 15-20 plants and a few PTK to find Xmas C traits expressed and possible open pollination to get very diverse for F3, so I’ll be filled. The Colombian Xmas is for testers at this point, plus I still have cough 808 Ippy and Purple Caper to get through. I am interested too, but you’ll be watching the testers, unless you want to part of that group. @Hunter Is welcome to be part of it


It sounds like you’re setting yourself up with some stocky squatters on the next round with those PTK x XM. I’ll keep an eye out for that thread.

Thanks for the offer but I’m booked for the next couple of rounds.

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I’m new to Pollen runs and have been trying to follow as much as possible and I really enjoy the updates and progress you’re plants look great and I’m interested in popping up testers harvesting my grow this weekend but I’m not sure what to pop next hope all continues to grow well

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Well last time I had a leafy runt bud, which in all honesty gave me small hints of what’s to come…so I found a small under of A and air dried it for 2 days…it was dry enough to roll. I spark it just now…and BANG that full bodied pine menthol and it’s super expansive smoke takes me back to bong circles. I take another, that distinct flavor as it expands again. This is what Crippy does, it’s a ruthless lung buster with the full bodied flavor of pine-menthol. The live buds smell sweeter, but it’s clear drying gives the signature terpenes.

At any rate, what really jogs my memory is how hard it HITS, that the flavor comes on strong as it expands and coughing. This may be why we think it’s strong pine, when it’s the effect of lung busting. It is there, make no mistake, I just think this factors as a psychological aspect to how the mind deciphers the sense of taste. So yes, it’s more a recollection of how the hit effects, this is absolutely positively the way to ID authenticity. Wait you’re thinking, it could be many. Well it’s NOT. I should emphasize MEGA buster that’s STRONG. I had to stop half way though, the potency is getting there, but full maturity is going to be on the floor gasping as it hurts to stop. Back then not many varieties were nearly crippling after a rip or two, but this one never failed to put anyone’s ass out taking too big of a hit.

I said through all this I would tell you what’s real, I can definitely and unequivocally say Tampa Crippy XI IS IT. As for any others claims, I don’t know. This will be the benchmark to go by going forward, but really the HIT tells the tale and NO, I can emphatically tell you there are many expansive strains, but this even after 30 years is like no other. Perhaps AK47 or G13 is close, but still distinct. Now the mixing of Xmas gives me confidence of a medley of pine-menthol-funky spice and defining my own version and refine it further, in terms of structure, reduced stretch and compact nodal growth. I’m really excited and very hopeful to grow these seeds out next round. Stay tuned, things will be getting interesting traveling on this path.


Somehow I found a broken bud site of B that nearly dried. I was tempted to test this one too, but I slapped my hands “stop it, stop it” Anyway, I just rolled it w some filler shake…WOW, now this pheno is even more distinct in its flavor, so much I remember a cellophane bag off a cigarette pack that had these smaller cones nuggets of deep odor. The flavor note mixed pine-menthol-funkiness. If you know that note mixed inTHAT is the K or Crippy of the 90’s.

Pheno A is like Crippy I had living in Ft.Lauderdale and pheno B is central FL in Vero Beach. It is very clear how it varied in regions of FL. I didn’t expect this, but that specific note is what I wanted to pick up to authenticate…Pheno A unfortunately is missing it. Even though B is taller, it contains this note of flavor. It’s really hard to describe too, cause NO other strain has this except Crippy. I just haven’t picked it up in 100’s of strains tried, until NOW that is. So the pheno having more sativa is the one I got in central FL most times and the lesser was SFL version. I’m thrilled to have both variants, but pheno B is that one I first had as a teenager DEAD ON 100% :scream:

I still have to see how the other suspect seeds go, but the controversy is over if it’s real or just any strain named that. Crippy is a verified strain there is no question about it. I still stand by OG does not fit the early 90s timeline, and the only time that does fit is The Seedbank of Holland offerings, and Northern Lights ascent to popularity. Whatever it’s make up is isn’t the point, it’s the fact it’s distinct and stands out from many modern strains today. Anyway, rejoice as much has been uncovered and finally revealed of this mystery :wink:


Yooo! I’m so glad to hear you found what you were searching for!
That’s such a cool outcome, and rare to boot.
Kudos my dude


Snoop Dogg approves!



Congrats on your success, I wasn’t on OG for a bit but remember you popping the first seeds. Awesome seeing things come along!