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Vanilla berries looks like a bowl of fruity pebbles. Very nice effects from it. Light, uplifting, happy high. Not replace the nf as a daily driver.
Nf if I smoke 2 joint back to back I’m wondering if I’m ok. This is definitely more of a smoke before work kinda bud.

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Tried the game time keeper and it has that runtz flavor to it. Very strong high!
Also tried some of the popscotti keeper, took a lower bud and wow. Exactly what I said. Strawberry bon bons.
The smell on the strawberry bubbles is coming in and it smells more of a natural strawberry.
Bellow is a picture of the popscotti bud I smoked!


The only chart I use while harvesting. No need for anything else

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Some of the hash I pressed for my buddy!
The nfsheeesh in 5 gals with full feed. Officially decided the #1 is the one I’m keeping.

The golden graham’s reveging pretty quickly after I switched the lights to 24hrs!


The nf gets better and better with the cure. Definitely daily driver material.

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Very nice my friend!

End product of hash rosin I made for my buddy! Insane flavor, bit darker but amazing terp profile.

Nfsheeesh is amazing. Interesting smell and frosty as hell.


The Game time has that runtz flavor, sweet. The high is super heavy. Definitely the hardest hitting strain with the longest lasting effect. The bud structure on thus is to die for.
The vanilla berries being the lightest high with the lightest flavor. Smooth smoke with a super head high. This would be a good strain for any daily activities, uplifting. Buds are washing type. Hoping to mix with nfsheeesh to create a monster washer with fruit baked good terps like the nf has.
Nfsheeesh my daily driver, very impressive. Taste good, smokes good, feels good. If it had stats it’d be level across-the-board. Not the best in any particular category but amazing in all. Well besides frost. It’s the frosties thing I’ve seen myself.
Popscotti gets best structure. Amazing smoke. High is right in the middle with giggles and euphoria. Taste like candy and everyone I’ve let try it is blown away!
Golden Graham is the best in terps. It was between this one or popscotti but the Golden Graham smells like food. In the best possible ways. It has garlic smells, but always mangoes on the back of your nose. This strain is completely done in 6 weeks as well!!!
Strawberry bubbles isn’t complete yet, but it has a REAL strawberry smell compared to the popscottis candy one. This strain isn’t done and we have yet to see what comes.

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Top nf1 bottom nf2 and you can see why I chose #1 clearly. Going the mom out now. Will probably grow out a big batch of Golden graham’s and popscotti. Wash the popscotti!


Another year in review for Danny’s cannabis grow. All in all a great year. I’ve defined myself as a growers and went through more generics then all my previous years combined. I know what I like and what I want out of cannabis and my grow. I’ve learned a lot about leds and how to get the best out of them. I’ve realized that I need my lights closer than I’d expect and that even smaller plants thrive in a lot of light.
This year I will be purchasing 4 4x4 tents and I will get rid of the 10x10. This will give me more versatility in the grow room for other things including a press area and desk area. This year I plan on bumping up the feed just a bit, I feel like all my plants could use more.
I’m going to try to move away from 5 gals to 10 mostly in flower.
Another thing I want to do is keep a mother all year of the nfsheeesh and Golden Graham. Just to see if I can!


Morning @DannylovesCannabis . Just found your thread here. First off nice plants. Good job. Nice job sharing of info and your process here too.
I’m curious about going from 5s to 10s for flowering. Are you transplanting close to flip or something different? Do you plan on longer veg times, so bigger pots? I’ve run lots of sizes and types, at times only because that’s what was clean. Big plants also fall over in small pots.
Right @TopShelfTrees1 ?

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Yes they definitely do, I noticed the bud difference from 3 to 5. So naturally I’m curious about even bigger. I don’t mind a longer veg. I won’t really notice with all the perpetual stuff going! I would up pot to ten then 2-3 weeks after flip! Where as now after I up por from 1 to 5 I flip after only a week or so!

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I also forgot to mention I will be storing my leftover soil and soil I mix in totes so they don’t loose their moisture complete and don’t become hydrophobic. Also makes up potting and keeping the room clean a little easier.


Careful reusing the soil. I got burned using it indoors. Not nursed, but had a rough grow. Now I’ve been using the used soil for outdoors and the yard. I’d add tons of goodies before reusing. But not quite all the right ones. Trying to fix deficiencies when the soil is an unknown variable was hard for me. Some lack of experience. I’d at least do a good slurry test.
I’m thinking I like the 7s for longer veg times.which is really maybe 5.5 gallons of soil? I thought of taking 10s, rolling down sides a little. Running a wider, shallower pot.

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I don’t do it often and nothing happened yet! I always add dry amendments and great white when I do! Make sure it’s OK for the babies!

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The babies don’t like hot soil so much, do they?

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I’ve run organic only in soil and have never had any kinda burn or issues with nutrients! I add 4-4-4 gaia green in the mix, then a 2 weeks before flower us gaia green 2-4-8 bloom 2 weeks before flower as a top dress then after stretch add more bloom!
When I ran salts I saw lots of toxicity and stuff, same fore the aero stuff I did in the industry. Salts will push genetics and help yields but I’ve never had better tasting or burning flower than I have in soil.
I always use my recharge when feeding, the days after I feed I see the mycelium eating at the top of the soil and it makes me happy knowing I’m getting what I paid for and that the soils alive and already getting the nutrients to the plants!
Organics is a synergy, synthetic is commanding what you want.


Soil PH will eventually lower over time due to “acidification”. I run a very similar mix to you and I had problems re-using soil at first.

It’s really easy to manage. When your done with soil, re-amend with dry amendments and include either dolomite lime or oyster shell and allow time to “cook”. Both will raise the PH of your soil over time. My understanding is oyster shell is more natura, better product but that dolomite lime is good for keeping PH neutral at 7.

If you are still having issues after you have the-used the soil then baking soda in your water will provide a quick solution to raise your PH. About half a teaspoon per litre will raise your waters PH about 1 point. Also add microbes in abundance will give your plants a good PH buffer.


The gaia has oyster!!! I think! I usually only reuse once and don’t run into much issue!


No more flower right now for me. I’m collecting a bunch of stuff to make a grow room. I will be splitting the 10 x10 into 4 4x4’s buying pieces each week. All the 4x4s will have two earthboxes with down to earth dry amendments, Earthworm castings, recharge and ill be adding earth worms into the bins! This way I can breed, have a mom room and still make myself smoke!

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