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Pooping seeds?? Seems you’re getting way too into seeds. Haha


I’m just gonna keep the typo, :rofl: yeah anyone wanna trade seeds? You gotta clean em yourself!


Today’s my 3 year anniversary on overgrow! Got to smoke some more nfsheeesh and wow. I love this bud.


This popscotti is amazing the #2 is everything I wanted out of it! I cannot wait for these!

Ok, so smoked a few of the nf and yeah 2 is the keeper.
But I’m going to leave a review for solfire as a whole.
All in all, I don’t like solfires stock. Not enough variety strain to strain. They all seem so similar and smell pretty similar.
I’ve ran four of his strains and 3 have hermed. No other gear from anyone else has hermed besides the Chem d s1 from csi which he warned about.
I will never run any gear from solfire again but I’m blessed to have found 1 amazing cut!

Now for exotic, solfires friend I’ve run 6 to 7 different packs and always find amazing variety and yes I’ve had a few seeds herm but not whole packs.
The popscotti I have my eyes on are the most dense cookie buds I’ve grown, with a smell of strawberry bon bons that would attract grandmas from light-years away.
The vanilla berries is the most unique strain I’ve run right above the useful Christmas tree bud. The vanilla berries structure screams wash me. It’s smells like if you drank a glass of lemonade… let the ice melt and drank the barley lemony water. Which is exciting because that may mean I can add other scents to it and make those stronger better smells more washable and available in hash form!

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Going to let the nfsheeesh go 9 weeks this time 2 more than last! Plus they are in 5 gals… 5x the room they had than last time and their size reflects that.
In 2-3 weeks I will be harvesting the popscotti, game time and vanilla berries. Which smells nothing like vanilla or a berry.
Next steps for the breeding project is growing these girls out a couple times and truly deciding what to mix of anything. That’s something I’ll have to be ok with… nothing working out!
But I like the idea of selecting for ALL my own genetics instead if having one fire cut I found and crossing it to every other available thing!

Vanilla berries look amazing. I was hoping for a wasing pheno and so far she checks all the boxes. Her terps are developing so late. Watered down lemon is my best description. And I mean it literally like lemon water.

The popscotti has all the terps from the red pop but the structure from the biscotti.

In order game time 1,2, and 3 my selected cut… which is perfectly in the middle of 1 and 2. Taking cuts of the strawberry bubble tonight before it gets to late in flower!
The Golden Graham seems to be starting the reveg process as well!
And purchased a air purifier I put in the room today! Has a uvc light as well!!!


So both nfs are curing and honestly they smell like pastries. Or a yeast doughnut. Like you’re in a bakery.
I think that the Golden Graham off gassed most of the funk in cure… it smells more like the cantaloupe side of itself now. I’m guessing it has the same compound as skunk does that disappears in cure.
Never had skunk but that’s what I’ve heard about it!

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Here’s the bubble I’ve made from my buddies super silver haze


Nfsheeesh clogs joints from resin content! Crazy! Leaves a resin ring on the outside!
Where as the Golden Graham doesn’t at all. But the flavor and high from the Golden Graham… Devine

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Nf is a great daily driver. Cannot wait to try the game time and popscottis!

Vanilla berries is the color of red wine and definitely will wash.

Game time!


So close to breeding time, will throw nf 1 at a whole room with vanilla berries, popscotti and game time!
I will be adding the double dipped to this project as well!


About half of the strawberry bubbles phenos look like this and the other half like this more squat one with closer nodes like the picture below!

Then we have the vanilla berries and she’s everything I wanted, color and surface area for washing. Crossing her to something with a lot of trichomes may result in a high yielding washing machine! What I got out of her is what I wanted from the solfire creature panic that hermed. And I don’t mean herm as in one ball sack on the bottom. I mean all the seeds EVERY single one produced female flowers with balls in them everywhere!

Then we have the game time phenos and I picked the one right in the middle of the two! It’s smell is si.ilar to the Golden Graham in the way that it kinda smells like food!!!
I can’t show you the 3rd because I took it in 50mp but it’s amazing!

A further away picture of the game time I selected!

And the multiple sisters of popscotti! The purple is my favorite in looks but my heart has already chosen number 2 which is the first picture in that line up!


I’ve been growing a while now and I’m realizing just now in veg I have my light to far away from the plants. Nothing major but I never have lower grow until recently when I dropped the veg light for the double dipped they look nice and I can see their structure. I thought what was happening before was just a thing cannabis did. Lol. You live, you learn.

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It was harvest time! Only thing left up that I’d for the grow project is the strawberry bubbles. Rest is up drying.
Want to do a full big run of the popscotti next. I can easily pull 1 pound per light

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Will produce enough flower for a couple extra months in the next few runs so I can have flower for when my breeding project comes around. Maybe I can use the flower that was seeded for hash or dry sift?! :thinking:

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Will be giving the grow and dry room a face lift tonight. The whole wipe down and stuff. Work after work I love it. It’s kind be keeping me young.

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Didn’t clean grow room, played baldurs gate 3 instead, will clean the grow room tomorrow though I promise.

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Grow room cleaned, and onto the next things. Will be taking pictures of the nfsheeesh tonight. This is my first time growing them out with full potential feeding and pot size. I think I’d be hard to over feed them with the amount of trichome production they have.
This plant is going to make the perfect base for things to come.

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Nfsheeesh doing its thang