Danny’s pops his soil cherry in an 8x8

Just started a combo of this and top watering to make sure all the soil is saturated for the roots

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Resin ring on the runtz buttonz. Very nice smoke.


Tomorrow’s a big day, moving all 12 plants into the 8x8 and pulling out the two girls in there to wash.
The plan is to sanitize and get it ready, put the plants in their final spots, train and defol. I will not be topping, but will bend over the top so the side branches are exposed. Will be taking off some fan leaves as well.

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Late post but I made my bubble into rosin!

Flavors to die for! It was a willie wonder and chem 91 cross!


another shot today with natural light!


Been debating on not doing perpetual grows for a few times in this new set up. I feel like I need to focus on one batch, give them the love and care they need. Even though I have so much love to give if I don’t give my focus to one cycle some plants will be neglected.
When I’ve done them in the past I start to get hasty on kicking the plants in flower out of the tent to put something else in. I want it to be like my first grow, where all I did was focus truly on the plants that I had and not plan next steps that don’t need to be.

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Girls looking good, one sherb forbidden fruit just doesn’t like anything ever lol. She’s never happy.
But I finally have a watering plan I think will work for me! Also got the plants in the tent, all the fans up, the carbon filter up. Cleaned the room outside it. Now to set up a wash and press station >:D


Started breaking their top dominance yesterday. They perked right back up today!


Had to bend the tips down again the lower branches are now taking off and catching up!

Really enjoying this girl. It’s bodhis pinball wizard. Her leaves aren’t to big, the node space is nice and she seems firm.
Where as the gods green crack (shown below) has absolutely no node spacing.


Bought the 90 degree training clips! Super easy and nice to install. Doesn’t break the outside of the stem. Keeping the plant safe from bacteria and disease!


Keep an eye on them as the stems get fatter. They don’t exactly stretch with the plant and you won’t want to let them dig into the stem. Breaking/scraping up the stem getting the training clip off feels worse than intentionally folding over the branch.


Purchased a few things getting ready to make a better climate for my plants. For the rest of veg I’ll keep my RH at 60 and drop it to 40 over a course of a week or two in flower.
With the hlg 600 I need 24-36 inches of space for the weed, I have about 6-8 inches left so I will need to flip soon and hard train in the stretch. When I flip to flower I will also turn on my Cali light 500!

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Set up my humidifier which is Bluetooth ready. So if I need to know my humidity I can easily access it!

I’m going to be really locking in my grow this time and making sure through flower I stay focused on keeping these girls alive and well. I always start the next thing and get impatient. I want to REALLY enjoy the process this time because I know it will show in the finally product.
Watered today. 2 gallons for all 17 plants.


I got the temp and humidity controlled in-line fan up and I’m feeling more confident than ever in my environment. My plants are dialed in and I will be flipping to flower officially Nov.15th.
There’s no topping or nutes that will be needed this soil is made for a start to finished product!

Got the inline going, keeping up well!
Excuse the boxes I picked them up right after I was to excited to clean up before the photos!


Nice setup. Coming together. :beers:

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Ty! Didn’t see the importance in temp and humidity until I started using more powerful leds.
How much the leaves transpire and their surface temp really affect nutrient uptake!

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VPD is an important factor. I was considering a Pulse monitor for more accurate VPD readings.

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Really been doing some thinking.
I don’t know anything about the strains I’m running, this is only year two of me growing. So I decided to flip to give myself and the plants the room they need, for root growth and plant growth in flower.
This grow was really never about yield anyways it’s finding a strain I really like and will be able to easy work with in my environment,
As of now, with now bud and solely of veg, bodhis 4/20/21 pinball wizard plant is blowing me away. When I didn’t know what I was doing those first few weeks in veg where I under watered than over watered the pinball wizard never looked sad or deficient. The node spacing and is very nice and the plants structure seems like it’s going to be easy to maintain.


Lowered my target humidity from 65 to 60, spread the plants out and turned my Cali 500 on!

I have the measuring tape hanging to remind myself how much room I have for the plants. Any tall plants will be moved to the other side by the Cali as it hangs a whole 12-16 inches higher than the HLG. The Cali light has fans and dissipates heat that way, where as the HLG uses passive cooling, so space is needed above the light to allow the heat to rise.